HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 539 - 1971-05-19 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 539 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE V-8-71 TO ALLOW A PORTION OF THE REQUIRED LOADING ZONE TO BE USED FOR PARKING IN A C-2 ZONE. (BROWN) WHEREAS, 1n the matter of Varunce Appl1catJ.on V-8-7l, the PlannJ.ng CommJ.ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach does report as follows 1. Subject case 1nJ.tJ.ated by Mr. &. Mrs. Andrew Brown w1th W1ll1Sm SJ.verson act1ng as authorJ.zed agent. 2. Subject property descrJ.bed as Lot 7, Block 108, Bay CJ.ty Tract, more commonly known as 207 MaJ.n St., Seal Beach. . 3. SubJect proposal 1S to construct a 1200 sq. ft. reta1l commerc1al bU1ld1ng 1n the C-2 Zone on a 25' x 117.5' lot and requests a var1ance to prov1de less than code area for a 10ad1ng zone. WHEREAS, the PlannJ.ng Comm1SSJ.on f1ndJ.ngs are as follows. 1. Under eX1stJ.ng park1ng regulat10ns four on-s1te park1ng spaces are requ1red. Plans submJ.tted for cons1derat10n show that th1s requ1rement would be met. . 2. The park1ng pattern appears to be satJ.Sfactory 1n V1ew of current standards. 3. ParkJ.ng space No.1 J.S located at the rear of the property 1n an area deS1gnated by Code to be a lOadJ.ng zone. 4. The 16' wJ.de area 1nd1cated on the plans as "maneuverJ.ng-loadJ.ng" would serve a dual funct1on, parkJ.ng and load1ng. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the PlannJ.ng Comm1SSJ.on of the CJ.ty of Seal Beach does hereby approve VarJ.ance V-8-71. ADOPrED AND APPROVED thJ.s 19th day of M~, I hereby certJ.~ that the foreg01ng resolutJ.on was duly adopted at a regular meetJ.ng of the PlannJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on of the CJ.ty of Seal Beach whJ.ch was held on Wednesd~, ~ 19, 1971, and carrJ.ed by the followJ.ng vote AYES. NOES. ABSENT. CommJ.ssJ.oners: CommJ.ssJ.oners Comm1ssJ.oners Dorr, Knapp, LannJ.ng, O'TOOle, R1pperdan NOne None . ~s CommJ.ssJ.on