HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 538 - 1971-05-19 . . . RESOLUTION NO 538 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 628 (ZONING) BY AMENDING ARTICLE 18 TO INCLUDE SECTION 1816.1 ENTITLED "VISION CLEARANGE, ALLEY OR ALLEY AND STREET INTERSECTIONS" WHEREAS, 1n the matter ot: 1mprov1ng V1S1on clearance at alley or alley and street 1ntersect10ns, the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n ot: the C1ty of Seal Beach does report as follows 1. The zon1ng ord1nance presently allows fences, walls and shrubs to be constructed or ma1nta1ned adjacent to rear and s1de property l1nes adj01n1ng alleys or streets. These obstruct10ns often restr1ct motor1sts V1S10n at these 1ntersections. 2. Th1s proposal would proh1b1t further construct10n of fences or walls or ma1nta1nance of shrubs, over three (3) feet 1n he1ght, w1th1n four feet of the p01nt ot: 1ntersect10n ot: alleys or a street and alley. WHEREAS, the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on f1nd1ngs are as t:ollows 1. Several other c1t1es Wh1Ch conta1n narrow streets and alleys have adopted s1m1lar prov1s10ns. . 2. Wh1le Seal Beach Po11ce Department records do not 1nd1cate a h1gh acc1dent rate at these 1ntersechons, the potent1al dange 1S great. 3. Under zon1ng ord1nance prov1s10ns adopted 1n 1969, 1n almost every case where propert1es are served by alleys, on-s1te park1ng must be s1tuated adjacent to the alley As new construct10n occurs alleys nll be subject to h1gher traft:1c t:lows. 4. The prov1s10ns ot: th1s proposal would not apply to eX1St1ng structures w1th1n the affected area. 5. Numerous members of the aud1ence objected to the app11cat10n of these prov1s10ns to eX1st1ng fences, walls or shrubs. 6. It was determ1ned that these prov1s10ns would only effect future construct10n and would not apply to ex1St1ng s1tuat10ns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach does hereby recommend to the C1ty Counc1l approval of an smendment to Ord1nance No. 628 (Zon1ng) by smend1ng Arhcle 1800 1 ude hon 1816 1. ADOPTED AND APPROVED th1s 19th day of May, 1971. , /- . I hereby cert1fy that the foreg01ng resolut10n was duly adopted at a regular meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach wh1ch was held on Wednesday, May 19, 1971, and carned by the follow1ng vote AYES Comm1ss10ners. Dorr, Knapp, Lann1ng, O'TOOle, R1pperdan NOES Comm1ss10ners None 1ss10n