HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 524 - 1971-03-17 . . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 524 A RESOWTICN OF TH~ PlANNING Cc:MMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DENYING VARIANCE V-4-71 TO PERMIT AN EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING TO INTRUDE INTO A ~IDEYARD SETBACK, AND LES~ THAN TilE PRESCRIBED DISTANCE BETWEEN A MAIN BUILDING AND AN ACCESSORY BUILDING. (MILLEDGE) WHEREAS, 1n the matter of Variance App11cat10n No. V-4-71, the P1ann1ng Comm1Sq1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach does report ss follows 1. !>ubJect caqe was 1n1t1ated by Harrv & Sara ~1i11ed!\e, 4724 Dogwood Ave., Seal Beach. 2. Legal descr1pt1on of subJect property 1S Lot 153, Tract 6173, and is more commonly known as 4724 Dogwood Avenue. J. SubJect request 1S to perm1t an eX1st1ng 7' x 12' wood frame storage bU11d1ng to encroach 4' 1nto a 5' s1deyard setback, 1eavin!\ 2'10" between the ma1n dwe111ng un1t and the accessory bU11d1ng 1n 11eu of the requ1red 6 feet. IDIEREAS, the P1ann1ng Comm1ss10n f1ndin!\s are as follows. 1. The 1ntrusion of the motorcycle storage bui1d1n!\ 1nto the s1deyard could impa1r the movement of emer!\ency equipment to the rear of the property and const1tute a f1re hazard 2. The 10cat10n of the accesqory bui1d1ng and the marginal distance between 1t and the main structure comb1ne to qubstant1al1y restrict light and vent11at1on to at least one bedroom and poss1b1y two. 3. Approval of the proposal could estab11Qh an undesirable precedent w1th1n the commun1ty. 4. The app11cant 1nd1cated that he was not aware that the 10cat1on of the stora!\e bU11d1ng constituted a V10lat1on of mun1c1pa1 regu1at10ns unt11 he was contacted by the C1ty's BU11d1ng Department. 5. A letter s1!\ned by S1X neighbor1ng property m1llers was subm1tted 1nd1cat1ng the1r approval of the request. No proteqts wpre received. NCM, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the P1ann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach doeq hereby deny Var1ance V-4-71 for the reasons 11sted 1n F1ndin!\s 1, 2 and 3. ADOPT~ AND APPROVED this 17th day of March, Chairman of the P . . . . ~ Resolution No. 524 - 2 I hereby certify that the forego1ng resolut1on was duly adopted at a regular meet1ng of the Planning Comm1ssion of the City of Seal Beach wh1ch was held on Wednesday, March 17, 1971, and carr1ed by the following vote AYE'; NOE'; ABSENT COIIIID1ssioners Comm1ssioners' C0IIIIII1ss1ooers. Vorr, ~napp, Lann1ng, O'Toole, Ripperdan None None ~ ~