HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 652 - 1972-07-05 . 652 . RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE PLAlHIIlIG COIIHISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH :IAKIl1G A DETERiHliATION OF ZONE CLASSIFICATIOil AS FIRST PE!tHSSIBLE FOR AN "A!~TS & CRAFTS CENTER." WHEREAS, in the matter of the proper zone for the location of "Arts and Crafts Centers," the Plann1ne; CCT.:ll'liSS10n of tne C1ty of Seal Beach dces report as fo1lo...s: 1. A request was rece1ved for a determ1nat1on of zone for "Arts & Crafts Center." 2. The use "Arts & Crafts Cent!!r" 1S not spec1fically desJe;nated in the Sea) Beach Zoning Ordinance (110. 628). 3. Section 1102 of the Zoning Ord1nance prov1des for the Plann1ng C~~iss1on to ascerta1n all facts and determ1ne the zone Cla&Slf1cat1on wnere a use 1S first perm1s~lble subject to .he approval of the Clty Counc1l. WHEREAS, the Plaman!:; Commission flnd1ngs are as follO'os: 1. An "Arts & Crafts Center" 1S defined as a common area wherein 1nd1-.ridual artists, artlsans, and craftsmen sell tne1r products and ~anufacture small items for lrr~edlate sale on tne pre~ises. The sales area 1S d~;lded 1nto.' indiv1dua11y part~tloned booths In ...hlCh the craftsMen use the facll1ty for both manufacture and sale of the1r products. . 2. The firf:t loglcal zone for an "Arts & Crafts Center" is the C-2 General Commerclal Zone. 3. The nature of the types of huslnesses In an "Arts & Crafts Center" is SUC!! that it would be consldered to be compatlble wlth o~her uses in tte C-2 Zone. 4. Due to the nature of the lnidlvidual busines~es in an "Arts to Crafts Center" each indivldual should apply for an 1ndiv1dual buslness license. 5. All applicable develor~ent standards of the City should be met when considcr~ng an operat1cn of thlS type. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plannine Co:m:lisslon of tne C1ty of Seal Beach doe~ hereby det~rM1ne that the proper zone for the f1rst rerm1sslole us~ of an "Arts & Crafts Center" 1S tne C-2 General Co:mllcre1al Zone, subject .0 the approval of the City Counc1l. ADOP'l'ED AND APPROVED thi s 5th day of July, 1972. Chaiman of the Plann1ne; C07~JSS10n I hereby certify that the forep,oine; resolution wa~ duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Plann1ng Com:nisslOn of the C1ty of Seal Beach w:lich was neld on Wednesday, July 5, 1972, and carr1es by the foll~wine vote: . AYES: nOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioners: COJ:l.~i s Sl oners : COnlI'llSSJOners. Cd-:mll!iS10nern: Dunn, Lanning, Ripperdan llone O'Toole Knapp Secretary of tile Plannlng CO"llJ:'i~slon