HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 598 - 1972-01-05 -) . . . .. . . RESOLUTION NO. 598 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH REPORTING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF APPEAL A-9-71 (HIBBING/MENSER) WHEREAS. ~n the matter ot Appeal Applicat~on No. A-9-1l, the Plann~ng COI1IIllJ.ss~on ot the C~t;y ot Seal Beach does report as tollows. 1. SubJect request was in~tiated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibbing. 153 Harvard Lane, w~ th Thomas Menser act~ng as author~zed agent. 2. SubJect property ~s descnbed as Lot 14, Tract 5841; and ~s more cOl!Dnonl;y known as 153 Harvard Lane. 3. SubJect request ~s to erect a new garage adJacent to an ex~st~ng s~de-entr;y garage and convert the side-entr;y garage to l~ving quarters. Both the converted garage and the new :front-entr;y garage would be 15.5 teet trom the tront property l~ne, requ~red tront YdTd ~s 18 teet tor l~v~ng quarters and tront-entr;y garages. 4. Zon~ng ~s R-l, S~ngle Fam1l;y Res~dent~al. 5. On October 20, 1971, the Plannmg Commiss~on conducted a publ~c hearing on Var~ance Appl~cat~on V-27-7l and at the close ot sa~d hearing did deny the var~ance on the basis that the appl~cant ta~led to demonstrate hardsh~p and that the grant~ng ot the var~ance would const~tute a grant ot spec~al pr~v~lege and could establ~sh an undesirable precedent. 6. The applicant subsequently appealed the Planning Commiss~on's dec~s~on to the C~ty Counc~1. 7. On November 22, 1971, the Ci ty Counc~l opened a public hear~ng on Appeal A-9-7l and cont~nued the hearing uilt~l December 13. 1971. 8. On December 13. 1971, the C~ty Counc~l cont~nued a public hear~ng on Appeal A-9-7l and at the close ot the hear~ng reterred the matter back to the Plann~ng Comm~ss~on ~th t~nd~ngs and requested a :further report. 9. On Januar;y 5, 1972, the Plann~ng Commission reviewed the t~nd~ngs in the case and after ~scussion determ1ned they were insutt~c~ent to warrant a publ~c hear~ng betore the Comm~ss~on on the appeal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Comm~ss~on ot the City ot Seal Beach does hereby report and recommend to the C~ty Council denial ot Appeal A-9-7l tor the reasons that the appl~cant ta~led to demonstrate hardsh~p and that it the request were granted an undes~rable precedent ~ght be establ~shed. . . . . . . . Resolut~on No. 598 - 2 ADOPTED AND APPROVED th~s 5th day ot Januar;y, c I hereb;y cert~:fy that the torego~ng resolut~on was dul;y adopted at a regular meet~ng ot the Plann~ng C~ssion ot the C~ty ot Seal Beach wh~ch was held on Wednesday, Januar;y 5, 1972, and carned by the toll~ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Comm~ssioners: Comm~ss~oners' C~ss~oners: Knapp, Lann~ng. 0' Toole. R~pperdan None Dunn