HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 875 - 1974-10-16
Resolution No. 875
Approved: October 16,1974
Subject: Plan Review 10-74
Appl icant:
321 Main Street
Joseph Collins
3 Written Commun1cat10ns
~r1tten commun1cat10ns rece1ved were 1U ConJunCt1on with spec1f1c agenda 1tems
4. New Bus1ness
A. Joseph Coll1ns, PR-10-74
Approval of a 4ft by 8ft B1gn 1n the C-l zone. Mr. Schm1tt was opposed to
the word1ng of the B1gn. Mr. Cook moved to approve the 4ft by 8ft S1gn. Mr.
R1pperdan seconded the mot10n and 1t was passed unan1mouslv by the members
present. Resolut1on No 875
Report from Secretary
The C1ty Counc1l October 7, 1974 voted 2-2 on B1Xby's f1Ual tract map The
C1ty Clerk and the C1ty Eng1Ueer w1ll not be s1gn1ng the map on adv1ce of
the C1ty Attorney
The C1ty has employed a part t1me employee for help 1n work1Ug 1U Plann1Ug on the
C1rculat1on Element and the Housing Element
The State, the County and soon the C1ty w1ll have class1f1ed Pac1f1c Coast
H1ghway as a Scen1c Route. Beaut1f1cat1on of the route have already begun.
By next year the storm dra1U on Balboa will be closed, the Mar1na Palace has
been torn down, the Navy 1S landscap1ng tbe1r property, and a Fotomat 1S be1ng
constucted at the corner of Mar1na Dr. and Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway.
Mr Cook felt the C1ty was be1ng used to c1rcumvent the Coastal Plann1ng
COIlll\l1SS10n. Spec1f1cally when there 1S change 1n ownersh1p of property,
and the f1rst owner must comply W1th certa1n regulat10ns and the C1ty does
not requ1re the second owner to COD\1lly. SU8Rest10ns to solve the problem
were standards be set down for cond1t1onal turnover, a land use agreement,
or use of a calendar system.
The meet1ng wss adJourned at 9 15 by Chauman R1poerdan.
Sherry 1nn
Record1ng Secretary