HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 871- 1974-10-02 . . ~ , . RESOLUTION NO. 871 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE PLAN/WIG COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF APPEAL A-4-74 (AUGSBURGER) , . 1. An appl1cat1on was duly f1led by Jack and f1Yrna Augsburger, 4688 Dogwood Avenue, Seal Beach, request1ng a var1ance to perm1t lot coverage 1n excess of maX1mum perm1tted 1n the R-l, one fam1ly res1dent1al. zone of D1str1ct II. 2. A publ1C hear1ng to cons1der sa1d appl1cat1on was set and held before sa1d Comm1ss1on on August 7, 1974 and not1ce of the hear1ng was duly glven. 3. By Resolut1on No. 850, Var1ance V-24-74 was den1ed by the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on. 4. An appl1cat1on was duly f1led by Jack and Myrna Augsburger, 4688 Dogwood Avenue, Seal Beach, appeal1n9 Plann1ng Comm1ssion's den1al of V-24-74. The property lS descr1bed as Lot 157, Tract 6173, and more conmonly known as 4688 Dogwood Avenue. 5. A publ1C hear1ng was advert1sed as requ1red by law and held before the C1ty Counc1l on September 9, 1974. Wr1tten 1nformat1on was rev1ewed and oral comments were rece1ved by C1ty Counc1l. 6. The matter of A-4-74 was referred back to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on and on October 2, 1974, the Plann1n9 Comm1ss1on cons1dered the appl1cant's appeal and the C1ty Counc1l's f1nd1ngs. 7. The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on, by Resolut1on No. 871, does reaff1rm 1tS prev10us act10n and recommend that C1ty Counc1l deny A-4-74 for the follow1ng reasons: A. Hardsh1p has not been demonstrated due to the Slze, shape, topography, 10cat1on or surround1ngs of the property. B. A ground level add1t1on of approx1mately 200 sq. ft. could be constructed w1thout exceed1ng the lot coverage prov1s1ons of the Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Seal Beach Plannlng Comonss1on does hereby reaff1rm 1tS prev10us act10n conta1ned 1n Resolut1on No. 850 and recommends that the C1ty Counc1l deny A-4-74. ADOPTED AND APPROVED th1S 2nd day of October, 1974. - ~.pr~, ~, ~Q~flW a1rman 0 the Plann ng 0IlUIl SS o~ I hereby cert1fy that the forego1ng resolut1on was duly adopted at a regular () meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach Wh1Ch was held on October 2, 1974, and carr1ed by the followlng vote: . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COrl111SS1oners: Comm1ss1oners: C0Ii1ll11SS1oners: Cook, Knapp, Schmltt None Lannlng, R1pperdan ~S--