HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 864 - 1974-09-04 Approved: Subject: Address: Applicant: Request: Resolution No. 864 Missinq August 7, 1974 and September 4,1974 Variance 26-74 121 13th Street Ralph L. Hansen Construct 4-unit apartment with tandem parking. Application withdrawn. . . . . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1974 The Plann1ng Commlss10n of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular seSSlon on Wednesday, August 7, 1974, ln the Counc11 Chamber of the C1ty Admlnlstratlon BU11d1ng. The meetlng was called to order by Chalnnan Lannlng and Vlce Cha1nnan Rlpperdan led the Pledge to the Flag. Present. Cook, Knapp, Lannlng, R1pperdan. Schm1tt Absent. None The mlnutes of the meet1ng of July 17, 1974 were approved as corrected In regard to Varlance V-13-74. 1. PubllC Hearlngs A. Jack Augsburger, V-24-74 Appllcant proposes a room addltlon to an eXlstlng s1ngle faml1y resldence Wlth varlance for excess lot coverage at 46B8 Dogwood. Secretary read appllcatlon and revlewed hlstory of nonconfonnlng homes In the College Park East area that exceeded maXlmum lot coverage. Hearlng open. Mr. Augsburger presented letters from adJo1n1ng nelghbors ln favor of the request. He also c1ted another resldence 10 the nelghborhood that had been allowed an extenslon and exceeded the 40% coverage. Mr. Augsburger pOlnted out the number of homes that had been bU11t exceedlng lot coverage. Alternatlve methods of achlev1ng the app11cant's need were d1scussed. A. L. Hunter, 4700 Dogwood, opposed a second story add1t10n and spoke ln favor of the varlance. Hear1ng closed. D1Scusslon followed Wlth Mr. Schm1tt ln favor of the var1ance S1nce no obJect1ons were made by ne1ghbors. Mr. Cook moved to deny the varlance, seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan. Ayes: Cook, Lannlng, Knapp, Rlpperdan Noes: Schmltt Motlon carrled. Resolutlon No. 850. B. Raymond W1nnen, V-25-74 Varlance requested for an addltlon to a bedroom and 11vlng room ln a nonconform1ng s1ngle faml1y resldence ln Surfslde, nonconformlng due to less than requlred parklng and less than requlred s1deyards. Hearlng open. Appl1cant cJarlfled proposal. Approxlmately 118 sq. ft. to be added to second floor, no flrst level addltl0n, relnforcement only. The nelghbor at A-36 spoke ln favor of the proposal. No other comments and the hearlng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the var1ance, seconded by Mr. Schm1tt. Ayes: Cook, Lannlng, Knapp, R1pperdan, Schm1tt Noes None Motlon carr1ed. Resolutlon No. 851. C. Ralph L. Hansen, V-26-74 The proposal for constructlon of a fourplex ln the R-3 zone wlth varlance for tandem park1ng at 121 13th St. Hearlng open. James Clark spoke as representatIve of escrow. Appllcant has no wrltten agreement to purchase. Attorney adv1sed that appllcat10n be contlnued for the matter to be resolved. Ilearlng contlnued to September 4 . . . - ~- - -=- Mr. Knapp moved to approve V-31-74 for a tr1plex wlth tandem parklng subJect to approval by the C1ty Councl1 of the parcel map, executlon of a land use agreement. and landscaplng plans to the satlsfact10n of the staff. Seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan and passed unanlIDously by the members present. Resolutlon No. 862. Mr. KnaR~moved to approve V-32-74 for a trlplex wlth tandem parklng subJect to approval by the C1ty Counc11 of the parcel map, executlon of a land use agreement, and landscaplng plans to the satlsfactlon of the staff. Seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan and passed unanlmously by the members present. Resolutlon No. 863. B. Ralph L. Hansen, V-26-74 (contlnued) A proposal for constructlon of a four-unlt apartment wlth tandan parklng was contlnued from August 7. Appllcant was not the property owner nor the author.lzed agent. Letter recelved from Mr. Hansen \/lthdrawlng the appl1catlon. Hearlng open, no comments recelved, and hearlng closed. Mr. Schmltt moved to deny the varlance due to lnapproprlate appllcatlon wlthout preJud1ce. Seconded by Mr. Knapp and passed unan1mously by the members present. Resolutlon No. 864 3. Oral Communlcatlons There were no oral commun1catlons. 4. Wrltten Communlcatlons Wrltten communlcatlons rece1ved were In conJunctlon wlth speclflc agenda ltems. ... 5. New Buslness A. Appeal, A-2-74 fl1ed by Surfslde Colony, Ltd. An appeal was flIed wlth tl~ Clty Councl1 opposlng the approval of Varlance V-13-74 for Mr. Sosnowskl. C1ty Councl1 held a publlC hearlng on August 26, 1974, and referred the matter back to the COmm1SS10n for a further reVlew and report It was felt tha~ lnsufflclent grounds eXlsted for the approval and more ~peclflc fIndIngs should be provlded. Mrs. Gavln of the Surfslde Board of Dlrectors spoke expresslng concern about two entrles and the poss1ble converSlon to two un1ts. She dld not feel conf1dent that the land use agreement would control. D1Scusslon of proper descrlptlon of flrst 11vlng area. and ~arlflcatlon of elevated walkway regulatlon. Kelth Peterson, plannlng consultant for Surfslde Colony, felt the staff proposed flndlngs were lnsufflclent and pOlnted out a court case that requlred each varlance stand on ltS own merlt~ and hardshlp mu~t be proven. He clted a bUl1dlng code deflnltl0n of a habltable unlt and debate followed on thls pOlnt. The slldlng glass door to the beach was a contested pOlnt, and Mr. SoSnOWSkl adVIsed that he had revlsed the plans to lnclude a wlndow only and no beach access. D1SCUSS10n followed. Mr. Schmltt recommended that an addlt10nal Plannlng Commlsslon flnd1ng would be the determlnatlon that the flrst habltable or 11Vlng area would be the second level and the other Commlssloners concurred. Mr. Knapp moved to reafflnM pdSt flndlngS, new flndlngs and recommend denlal of tiE appeal by the C1ty Counc11. Seconded by Mr. SChmltt and passed unanlmously by the manbers present. Resolutlon No. 865. .