HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 857 - 1974-08-07
Resolution No. 857
Approved: August 7, 1974
Subject: Plan Review 7-74
Appl icant:
Seal Beach Blvd
Rossmoor Center
Change signage at
existing restaurant.
G. Oscar Panslnl, UV-3-74
Appllcatlon 1S for the renewal of a Use Varlance for on-sale beer and Wlne In
conJunctlon Wlth a dellcatessan In the Seal Beach Center. Hearlng open. Pollce
Dept. have had no problems and recommend rene~l M ...:th@ permlt. Mr. Panslnl
spoke requestlng renewal. Hearlng closed.~Mr. Knapp moved to. approve the Use
Varlance for Oscar PanSlnl only and subJect to afflrmatlon by the Clty Councl1.
Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 855.
2. Oral Communlcatlons
Mr. Ed Mlschell asked for asslstante for a resldent on Coastllne who felt there
had been posslble vl01atlons of code. He was advlsed that lt was a C1Vl1 matter
between prlvate partles.
Mrs. Dorr, 231 6th St., asked that dlScusslon on the blcycle lanes be moved
forward on the agenda.
- -
The meetlng was recessed for flve mlnutes and reconvened.
3. Wrltten Communlcatlons
There were no wrltten communlcatlons not related to other agenda lterns.
4. New Buslness
A. Rockwell Internatlona1, PR-6,:7~'
Plans were presented for a temporary accessory bul1dlng to be used In cOnJunctlon
wath an eXlstlng manufacturlng actlvlty at 2100 Seal Beach Blvd. ThlS 1S a
permltted use and all zonlng requlrements are met. Mr. Knapp moved to approve
the plans, seconded by Mr. Schmltt and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 856.
B. Rossmoor BUSlness Center, PR-7-74
Proposal lS to change therlcopy of an eXlstlng slgn and add a fascla slgn at an
eXlstlng restaurant. Mr. Cook moved to approve the s1gns subJect to the
condltlon that they do not flash or rotate. Seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan and
passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 857.
C. Speclflc Plan for P.E. Rlght-of-Way - Blcycle Lanes
The Clty Councl1 agreed wlth the recommendatlons of the Plannlng Commlss10n on
the proposed speclflc plan. However, lt was noted that the proposed locatlon
of blcycle lanes was In confllct Wlth the Vehlcle Code The Councl1 asked for
a further report. After conslderable dlScusslon of alternatlves, and a report
by the Clty Englneer regardlng blcycle safety, Mr. Cook moved to remove the
blke lanes from the street and lncorporate thlS 16 feet aspart_pf the o~een
belt and add a 10 ft. blke lane wlthln the rlght-of-way. In addltlon, It 1S
recommended that "the blke lane-be meaiiderlngand conslderatlon be'g1ven to
movement of flre and safety equlpmen~ on the southern leg of Electrlc Avenue.
Seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 858.