HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 855 - 1974-08-07 . . , RESOLUTION NO. 355 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLAWlI;~t, CO~lMISSro.~ OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING USE VARIANCE [jV-J-74 FOR RENEWAL OF ON-SALE BEER AND WINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN ITALIAN DELICATESSAfl IN THE C-1 ZONE. (PANSINI) WHEREAS, ln the mattl'r of Use Varlance UV-3-74, the PlannIng Commlssion of the Clty of Seal Beach does report as follows: 1. SubJect case lnltlated by Jerry Mo!>s, WIth Oscar A. Panslni as authorlzed representatlve, 1013 Pacific Coast Hlghway, Seal Beach. 2. SubJect prope~ty described as 1013 Paclfic Co~~t Highway ln Seal Beach Center (legal description on flle). 3. ';ubJl'ct proposal is for a renewal of a Use Variance to permit on-sale beer and wine ln the C-l zone. . WHEREAS, the Planning Comnjission findings are as fo1lol~r,: 1. On-~ale beer and Wlne lS flr~t permltted in the C-2 zone. 2. Applicant has had 2 preViOUS Use Varlances approved for on-sale beer and tllne at the subJect 10catlon. 3. The Seal Beacl' Police Department has experlenced no violation of llquor laws at the subJect locatlon and is of the oplnioll thdt the llcense should rema1n ln force. 4. Applitant requests t~at the llcense be lssu~d to hlm indeflnltely. NOW, THEREFO~E. BE IT RESOLVED that the Pldnning Commi~sion of the City of Seal Beach does hereby approve Use Variance UV-3-74 subJect to the followlng condltlons: (1) Use V~rlance for beer and l~ine only, (2) Use Variance lssued to Oscar A. Pansinl only, and (3) Use Varlance subJect to afflrmatloll by City Councll. ADOPTED 111m IIPPROVED thl~ 7th day of August, 1974. ~) ~, ~--<1M~1)~~/O --' C alrman of the anning OInmlssi~ I hereby cel'tHy tl'dt the foregOlng resolutlon was duly aJuoted at a regular rreetlng :If the Planrnng Commssior. Of ';;~e City of Seal Beach WhlCh was held on Wednesday, August 7, 1974, and carried by the follol~ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CommiSSIoners: Comrrll ~ s I onen . Comml ss i oner~: Cook, Knapp, Lanmng, Ripperdan, Sct.mltt None Nc,ne . i~~~ Secl'etary 01 the Commlsslon /{)13-(P~~r/lcu;-