HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 853 - 1974-08-07 Resolution No. 853 Missinq Approved: August 7, 1974 Subject: Variance 28-74 Address: Applicant: Request: 1522 Y2 Marine Avenue Willard M. Hanzlik Add to existing nonconforming SFR w/less than required parking and rear/side setbacks. . . . . . D. W111ard M. Hanzl1k. V-27-74 Appl1cant proposes construct10n of a slngle fam11y res1dence In the R-2 zone w1th var1ance for park1ng access off a street at 215 17th St. Property lS 1rregular ln shape and no access ava11ab1e from the alley. Hearlng open. Mr. Hanz11k exp1a1ned tr1angu1ar shape of property. D1x1e Courtney spoke ln favor of the proposal. No other comments, the hear1ng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the var1ance subJect to cond1t10n that automatlc garage dooe openers be lnsta11ed. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng and passed unan1mously. Reso1utlon No. 852. E. Wll1ard M. Hanz11k, V-28-74 Request lS for addlt10n to an eXlstlng slng1e faml1y res1dence that lS nonconformlng by less than requlred park1ng, parklng off a street, less than requ1red rear yard and less than requ1red sldeyard on one slde at 1522~ Marlne. App11cant exp1a1ned that the 1ntent 1S to eventually remove the front dwell1ng and make the property slng1e famlly. two story mone. Ms. Cunmngham spoke In Oppos1tlon to the proposal. Mr. Hanzl1k exp1a1ned that no 1andscap1ng would be changed and property would be upgraded. Hearlng closed. Mr. Cook moved to deny the var1ance. Motlon falled for lack of a'second. Mr. R1pperdan moved to approve the var1ance subJect to executlon of a land use agreement I1m1t1ng number of un1ts. reserv1ng park1ng and prov1dlng for annual 1nspectlon, and the cond1t10n that the doorway In the entry area rema1n open. Seconded by Mr. Schmltt. Ayes: Knapp, Lann1ng, R1pperdan. Schmltt Noes: Cook Mot10n carrled. Resolut10n No. B53. . ... --"" ..... Mr. Schmltt-lntroduced h1S wlfe. Dlane, who"ln turn 1ntroduced two Japanese exchange students who are spendlng the summer w1th~thelr fam"\"y. - - F. LeI Stuka10ff, V-29-74 .._~ Proposed varlance to permlt three park1ng spaces of less than requlred length and less than requ1red rear yard setback at 112 2nd St. Hearlng open. Mr. Goldman. representlng the app11cant, explalned the bu1ld1ng was complete except for cert1f1cate of occupancy. Plans had been approved by the BU11d1ng Dept. He further expla1ned that there was no lntent to v10late the ord1nance and there was no beneflt to the app11cant. Flfteen letters were presented by the appl1cant 1n favor of the proposal. Mr. Stukaloff expla1ned the error occurred dur1ng draftlng of f1na1 plans. Mr. Goldman exh1blted that sufflclent turnlng rad1us was ava11ab1e. A pet1t10n was recelved ln Oppos1tlon to the var1ance from ne1ghbors 1n the area. Ken Coombs. 2Dl Ocean, spoke 1n Oppos1tlon. Mr. Peters, 211 Ocean, spoke ln Oppos1tlon and p01nted out that Mr. Stukaloff had acted as h1S own general contractor. He also advlsed that steel posts 1nsta11ed on the property further reduced the turnlng rad1us. He suggested there was a lack of coordlnat1on and lnspectlon to dlscover errors 11ke these. Ruth F1em1ng, 2D9 Ocean. spoke 1n protest and also obJected to the 10catlon of the steel posts. Mr. Goldman re1terated that Mr. Stukaloff d1d not lntend to v101ate any ord1nance. Hearlng closed. Mr. Schm1tt felt that the app11cant as owner bU11der was personally responslble for any errors. D1SCUSS10n of methods of rect1fYlng the m1stake was held. Mr. Kenyon, 14D1 Ocean. asked for c1ar1f1cat10n of procedures. Mr. Knapp moved to deny the var1ance, seconded by Mr. SChm1tt and passed unan1mously. Reso1utlon No. 854. Appllcant advlsed of r1ght of appeal.