HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 851 - 1974-08-07 Resolution No. 851 Missinq Approved: August 7,1974 Subject: Variance 25-74 Address: Appl icant: Request: A38/40 Surfside Raymond Winnen Addition to bedroom and living room in nonconforming SFR w/less than required parking and sideyards. . . . . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1974 The P1ann1ng Comm1SS10n of the Clty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wednesd~, August 7, 1974, 1n the Counc11 Chamber of the Clty Adm1n1stratlon BU11d1ng. The meetlng was called to order by Chalrman Lann1ng and V1ce Cha1rman Rlpperdan led the Pledge to the Flag. Present. Cook, Knapp. Lannlng, Rlpperdan, Schm1tt Absent. Ilone The mlnutes of the meet1ng of July 17, 1974 were approved as corrected In regard to Var1ance V-13-74. 1. Pub11C Hear1ngs A. Jack Augsburger, V-24-74 App11cant proposes a room addlt10n to an eX1st1ng slng1e famlly res1dence wlth varlance for excess lot coverage at 468B Dogwood. Secretary read app11catlon and rev1ewed h1story of nonconformlng homes In the College Park East area that exceeded maX1mum lot coverage. Hear1ng open. Mr. Augsburger presented letters from adJo1nlng ne1ghbors 1n favor of the request. He also clted another resldence 10 the nelghborhood that had been allowed an extens10n and exceeded the 4D% coverage. Mr. Augsburger p01nted out the number of homes that had been bU11t exceedlng lot coverage. Alternat1ve methods of ach1ev1ng the appl1cant's need were d1scussed. A. L. Hunter. 470D Dogwood, opposed a second story add1t1on and spoke In favor of the varlance. Hear1ng closed. D1SCUSSlon followed Wlth Mr. Schm1tt In favor of the var1ance Slnce no obJect10ns were made by ne1ghbors. Mr. Cook moved to deny the varlance. seconded by Mr. Rlpperdan. Ayes: Cook, Lann1ng, Knapp, Rlpperdan Noes: Schm1tt Mot10n carr1ed. Reso1utlon No. 850. B. Raymond Wlnnen, V-25-74 Varlance requested for an add1t10n to a bedroom and 11v1ng room In a nonconformlng slngle famlly resldence ln Surfs1de. nonconformlng due to less than requlred park1ng and less than requlred sldeyards. Hearlng open. Appllcant ciar1f1ed proposal. Approxlmately 118 sq. ft. to be added to second floor. no flrst level add1tlon. relnforcement only. The ne1ghbor at A-36 spoke 1n favor of the proposal. No other comments and the hear1ng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the varlance, seconded by Mr. Schmltt. Ayes: Cook. Lann1ng, Knapp. R1pperdan. Schm1tt Noes None Mot10n carr1ed. Reso1utlon No. 851. C. Ralph L. Hansen. V-26-74 The proposal for construct10n of a fourp1ex ln the R-3 zone wlth var1ance for tandeRl park1ng at 121 13th St. Hearlng open. James Clark spoke as representatlve of escrow. App11cant has no wr1tten agreement to purchase. Attorney advlsed that app11cat10n be contlnued for the matter to be resolved. llear1ng contlnued to September 4