HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 846 - 1974-07-03 Resolution No. 846 Missinq Approved: July 3, 1974 Subject: Variance 22-74 Address: Appl icant: Request: 139 7th Street Walter D. Emmert Construct duplex with variance for tandem parking. . . . . . Mr. Knapp moved to approve Ve2D-74 for tandem parktng subJect to 1andscaptng plans to satlsfactlon of staff. and land use agreement 1tmtttng the number of untts to 4. ho1dlng parktng for vehicles. and annual inspectton. Seconded by Mr. Schmitt and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 844. C. Bixby Ranch Co.. Western Federal Savtngs " Loan Assn., V-2l-74 Request was for an extenslon of ttme fOr a temporary modular unit used as a ftnanctal tnstttution. Hearing open. Mr. Hay of Western Federal Savlngs 1ndicated agreement to proposed cond1t10n of tnstallatton,of a sldewalk along Seal Beach Blvd. fronttng the property. Dave Recupero, representtng the BlXby Co., stated the company tntended to proceed with development of a commerctal center at which t1me the savings and loan company would have permanent factl1ttes. No other comments and the heartng was closed. Mrs. Lann1ng moved to approve the t1me extens10n for a per10d of one year subJect to condttton that sldewalk be tnstalled to the satisfact10n of the C1ty Englneer. Seconded by Mr. Ripperdan and passed unantmously. Resolutton No. 845. D. Walter D. E/IInert. V-22-74 Proposal ts for constructton of a duplex with var1ance for tandem parktng. Parktng to be 1n a detached metal carport. Heartng open. Harlan Block represented the owner. Concern was expressed over the proposed carport and dtscusS10n followed. Mr. Emmert agreed to rev1se the plans to a garage. Proposed slgn dtscussed and Mr. Emmert agreed thts was not nece,sary. No other comments and the heartng was closed. Mr. Rtpperdan moved to approve the vartance for tandem parktng subJect to the cond1t10ns that a wood frame garage be Subst1tuted wtth ftntsh to match the units. exclude the slgn. landscap1ng to sattsfact10n of staff. eaves to not exceed 24 tnches tnto front yard setback. land use agreement limit1ng number of untts to 2. hold1ng parktng open, and annual tnspectton. Seconded by Mr. Cook and passed unan1mously. Resolutton No. 846. E. Charles Dick1nson. V-23-74 Proposal is to add a second untt and tandem park1ng to an exist1ng single fam11y restdence. Heartng open. Mr. Dick1nson present to answer quest1ons. Mr. Ripperdan requested that better plans be prepared. especially for addtttons to extst1ng structures.. After add1tional dtscuss10n. the hear1ng was closed. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the vartance subJect to execution of a land use agreement limittng the number of un1ts to 2. hold1ng parking open for vehtc1es, and annual tnspection. Seconded by Mr. Schmttt and passed unanimously. Resolut10n No. 847. 2. Oral Communlcatlons There were no oral communications. 3. Written Communtcatlons There were no wrltten communicatlons.