HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 816 - 1974-03-20 Resolution No. 816 Missinq Approved: March 20, 1974 Subject: Plan Review 2-74 Address: Applicant: Request: 12121 Seal Beach Blvd Golden Rain Foundation Replace existing structure at entrance to Leisure World. . . . . . Mrs. Lannlng moved to approve the tentatlve map for Tract 8534 and recommend to the Clty Councl1 the requlrement for dedlcatlon of land for park use rather than payment of fees. Seconded by Mr. Cook and passed unanlmous1y. Res. No. 815. C. Addltlon of R/C/P Zone, O-E Zone, Creatlon of Dlstrlct VI, and Revlslons to Sec. 1801 and 1803 Mr. Neprud revlewed the proposed ordlnance and also exp1alned the annexatlon agreement wlth Rossmoor Buslness Center. Slnce the representatlve of Rossmoor Center was on vacatlon, he requested that the matter be contlnued. Hr. Cook obJected. Secretary advlsed of posslble actlons. Hearlng open. Steve Spence, 209 7th St., spoke ln Opposltlon. He felt the Proposltlon 20 requlred a speclflc plan be adopted and the R/C/P would not meet thls requlrement. Mr. Dorsey was unsure, but felt the requlrement for parkland and unrestrlcted access would meet requlrements. Spence requested that actlon on R/C/P be deferred for attorney's oplnlon. He also felt that resldentla1/park was best use for/Water and Power property, but the R deslgnatlon dld not lndlcate R-1, R-2 or R-3. He asked thlS be deferred untl1 further lnformatlon aval1ab1e. Mr. Cook explalned he mlsunderstood staff request to contlnuance, and dld not obJect. Chalr ordered hearlng contlnued to Aprl1 3. D. Change of Zones to Comply wlth Land Use Element Secretary exp1alned re1atlonshlp of thlS ordlnance to prevlous ordlnance and requested contlnuance. Hearlng opened. Chalr ordered contlnuance to Aprll 3. Mr. Cook felt other ltems should be consldered wlth zone change and clted the helght 11mlt ln the M-1 zone. He suggested that helght llmlt be reduced ln all zones to a maXlmum of 27 feet. In reply to questlons. Mr. Neprud exp1alned that Gum Grove Park and Edlson Park were not lnc1uded for zonlng to prevent lnverse condemnatlon of prlvate properjy. 2. Oral Communlcatlons There were no oral communlcatlons. 3. Wrltten Communlcatlons Letter recelved from Blxby wlthdrawlng app11catlon for bl11board and wl11 resubmlt appllcatlon later. Slgn lS ln process of belng removed. 4. New Buslness A. Golden Raln Foundatlon, PR-2-74 Plans presented to replace eXlstlng entrance structure at maln gate of Lelsure World to provlde better trafflC control and comfort of bus passengers. Mr. Knapp moved to approve the plans. Mr. Rlpperdan seconded and the motlon passed unanlmous1y. Reso1utlon No. 816. B. Rossmoor Buslness Center, PR-4-74 Plans presented for constructlon of a storage bUl1dlng for malntenance equlpment. Mr. Rlpperdan abstalned due to former assoclatlon wlth an archltectura1 flrm retalned by Rossmoor Center. Mr. Cook moved to approve the plans. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng.