HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 812 - 1974-03-06
Resolution No. 812
Approved: March 6, 1974
Subject: Variance 5-74
Appl icant:
4597 Birchwood Avenue
Thomas Schlauch
Construct addition to SFR
w/screened in porch to
encroach into required
rear yard setback.
The P1annlng Commlsslon of the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular seSSlon on
Wednesday, March 6, 1974, ln the Councl1 Chamber of the Clty Admlnlstratlon
BU11dlng. The meetlng was called to order by Chalrman Knapp and Vlce Chalnnan
Lannlng led the Pledge of A11eglance to the Flag.
Present. Cook, Hammond, Knapp, Lannlng, Rlpperdan
Absent: None
The mlnutes of the meetlng of February 20, 1974 were approved as corrected.
1. Pub11C Hearlngs
A. B1Xby Ranch Co., UV-1-74 (contlnued)
Mr. Knapp and Mr. Rlpperdan abstalned from actlon ln thls app11catlon due to
comp11mentary membershlps In the Old Ranch County Club. Vlce Chalrman Lannlnq
preslded. Secretary Antos revlewed the rules of procedure for a pub11C hearlng.
Mr. Antos summarlzed the app11catlon for a bll1board slgn ln the C-2 zone at
3900 Lampson Ave. Hearlng open. Mr. Emerson, representlng the B1Xby Co.,
suggested the term blllboard slgn mlght not be correct and the proposal was
more properly deflned as a monument slgn. He exp1alned that the slgn lS never
leased for advertlslng by others, but only carrled advertlslng or lnformatlon
regardlng B1Xby propertles. Dlscusslon of what B1Xby propertles could properly
be advertlsed at thlS 10catlon. Mr. Cook felt that a monument slgn could not
be changed and should be permanent ln nature. After addltlona1 dlScusslon,
Mr. Emerson wanted an opportunlty to study deflnltlons and what constltutes
on-slte use. Slgn structure eXlstlng wlth all copy removed. Chalrman ordered
the hearlng contlnued to March 20.
B. Thomas Schlauch, V-5-74
App11cant proposed the constructlon of an addltlon to a slngle faml1y home wlth
12' x 20' screened In. Addltlon would encroach lnto the requlred rear yard
setback. lerrl Canales represented the owner and exp1alned that the property
lS lrregu1ar1y shaped and abuts the nelghborlng sldeyard. No other comments
recelved. Hearlng closed. Mrs. Hammond moved to approve the varlance as
submltted. Seconded by Mrs. Lannlng and passed unanlmous1y. Resolutlon No. 812.
2. Oral Communlcatlons
There were no oral communlcatlons.
3. Wrltten Communlcatlons
There were no wrltten communlcatlons.
4. New Buslness
A. Clty Councl1 referral of UV-2-74 (Douglas 011 Co.)
Secretary revlewed the app11catlon and past actlon by the Plannlng Commlsslon.
He advlsed of Councll's dlScusslon and dlrectlon to the Commlsslon. Barbara
Prochnow, 3150 Alrw~ Ave., Costa Mesa. represented the app11cant and revlewed
thelr request, clted other 10catlons wlth s1ml1ar operatlon and exp1alned the
need for the sale of addltlona1 products. She pOlnted out the operatlon at