HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 807 - 1974-02-06
Resolution No. 807
Approved: February 6,1974
Subject: Variance 2-74
213-213 Y2 Eleventh St
Adrienne P. Barth
Addition to noncon-
forming duplex w/less
than required parking.
C. Adrlenne P. Barth, V-2-74
Proposal 1S for 11' x 11' study addlt10n to nonconformlng duplex, nonconformlng
by reason of less than requlred park1ng. Hearlng open. O. H. Carson, representlng
the app11cant, felt the plans were self explanatory, and there would be no
encroachments or overhang by proposed addltlon. Mr. Cook was concerned about
posslble converSlon to a thlrd unlt. No comments from audlence. Hearlng closed.
Mr. R1pperdan moved to approve the varlance subJect to executlon of Land Use
Agreement st1pulatlng 11mltatlon of unlts to 2, preservlng eXlstlng park1ng for
vehlc1es only and provld1ng for annual lnspect1on. Seconded by Mrs. Hammond
and passed unanlmous1y. Reso1utlon No. 807.
D. Blxby Ranch Co., UV-1-74
Secretary advlsed of lnformatlon from C1ty Attorney regard1ng the new d1sc10sure
law that members of the Comm1sslon and staff who have courtesey membersh1ps to
Old Ranch Country Club should so dlsc10se and refraln from any actlon In thlS
proposal. tlr. Neprud advlSed he had such a membershlp and refralned from the
d1Scuss1on by turnlng the meet1ng over to Mr. Antos, Admlnlstrdt1ve Ass1stant.
Mr. R1pperdan advlsed that he held a membershlp card and would refra1n from
the dlScuss10n or act1on. Mrs. Hammond and Mr.. Cook dld not have membershlp
cards. Mr. Cook asked when membershlps had been rece1ved. Mr. R1pperdan
stated approx1mate1y 3 years ago, seldom used, never made any charges and felt
lt had never affected hlS v tte. Hrs. Hammond stated she had recelved a card
In the mall and returned 1t wlth1n the week. Mr. Cook had not been offered a
membershlp. Mr. Neprud sald he had recelved hlS membersh1p 2 to 3 years ago.
Mr. Antos, actlng secretary, rev1ewed the appllcatlon for a bl11board adJacent
to the Tennls Club. A request had been recelved from Mr. Case, Blxby Ranch Co.,
request1ng a contlnuance 1ndefln1te1y. Staff recommends a contlnuance to a tlme
certa1n. Mr. Rlpperdan Y1elded the chalrmanslllp to Mrs. Hammond. Mrs. Hammond
declared the hearlng open. No comments recelved. Mr. Cook moved to contlnue
the hearlng to February 20, 1974. Seconded by Mrs. Hammond.
Cook, Hammond
Knapp, Lanmng
E. Douglas 011 Co., UV-2-74
App11cant proposlng structural a1teratlons to a nonconformlng serVlce statlon
and varlance to sell off-prem1se beer and W1ne as well as dalry products and
mlsce11aneous goods at a serv1ce statlon. Three wr1tten commun1cations recelved
opposlng the dual use of the fac111ty from Act1ng Po11ce Chlef Chafe, Chlef
Hutaln, Seal Beach Flre Department, and Hunt1ngton Beach P1ann1ng CommlSS10Il.
Hearlng open. Barbara Prochnow, marketlng analyst for Douglas, adv1sed the
post pay pumps and offlce area were eXlst1ng and only change would be 1n the
add1tlona1 merchandlse. She explalned the operat1on, types of merchandlse,
and controls. She pOlnted out 10catlons where slml1ar operat1ons eXlst.
D1Scuss1on of prevlous a1teratlons for post pay type of operatlon wlthout
obtalnlng bUl1dlng permlts. General dlScuss10n of the slte followed. Stanle
Benz, 24~ 5th St., referred to the obJect1on by HUntlngton Beach Plannlng
Commlss1on, that there was no need for th1s serV1ce In the area, parklng a
problem, and expressed concern about sett1ng a precedent. Steve Kenyon agreed
wlth Mrs. Benz and pOlnted the effect upon trafflC for the area. Hearlng closed.