HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 806 - 1974-02-06 Resolution No. 806 Missinq Approved: February 6, 1974 Subject: Variance 1-74 Address: Applicant: Request: 1621 Seal Way Ralph A. Hanson Living room addition to nonconforming duplex w/less than required side yard setbacks and parking. . . . . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1974 The Plannlng Commlsslon of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSSlon on Wednesday, February 6, 1974, 1n the Councl1 Chamber of the Clty Admlnlstrat10n BU11d1ng. In the absence of the Cha1rman and Vlce Chalrman, Secretary Neprud opened the meet1ng by 1ead1ng the Pledge of A11eglance to the Flag. Present. Cook, Hammond, Rlpperdan Absent. Knapp, Lann1ng Mr. Knapp's and Mrs. Lannlng's absences were excused. On the motlon by Mr. Cook and seconded by Mrs. Hammond, Mr. R1pperdan was selected as Act1ng Cha1rman. The m1nutes of the meet1ng of January 16, 1974 were approved as presented. Secretary rev1ewed the procedure for rece1vlng test1mony durlng a pub11C hearlng. He also adv1sed that the B1Xby Ranch Co. requested a contlnuance on thelr app11cat1ons. 1. Pub11C Hearlngs A. Charles R. Davls, V-37-73 App11cant requested rellef from condlt1ons lmposed Wlth approval of Varlance V-37-73 by Resolut1on No. 797 for a v1ny1 pool cover. Hearlng open. Mrs. Marlon Davls, 4416 Dogwood, adv1sed they could move the cover In from the sldeyard to approxlmate1y 6 1nches of the requlred setback. They cannot lower the cover as ant1clpated wlthout great expense because other contractors wlll not work on 1t because of guarantee. Robert Foose and Hr. Long across the street stated they had no obJect1on. John Falr, 4596 Guava concurred wlth no obJect1on. Paul McGlnnls, 11vlng dlrect1y behlnd the Dav1s property, felt the cover very unslght1y and that lS devalued hlS property. lie especlally obJected to the he1ght. Mrs. Davls stated the cover had been ln place for three years and no prev10us obJectlons had been made. Mr. Foose p01nted out that the comp1a1nant could have observed the cover prlor to purchaslng the property. Hear1n9 closed. Mrs. Hammond felt the maln obJect1on was the dlrt and the cover was be1ng cleaned satlsfactorl1y. In addlt1on, the app11cant was trYlng to ab1de by setbacks wherever posslb1e. Mrs. Hammond moved to resclnd the condltlon to lower the cover, and to modlfy the condltlon on sldeyard to 4'6" from the property 11ne. Seconded by Mr. R1pperdan and passed unanlmously. Resolutlon No. 805. Secretar,y advlsed thlS actlon was flna1 unless an appeal was fl1ed. B. Ralph A. Hanson, V-1-74 App11cant proposlng a 12' x 24' llvlng room addltlon to a nonconformlng duplex. Nonconf.ormlng portlons are less than requlred s1de yards, uncovered park1ng and less than requlred parklng. Hearln9 open. Mr. Hanson was present to answer questlons. No comments from audlence. Commlsslon dlscussed varlOUS p01nts of the proposal. Hear1ng closed. Mr. Cook felt a land use agreement should be requlred and moved to approve the varlance subJect to the execut10n of a Land Use Agreement. Seconded by Mrs. lIammond and passed unanlmously. Reso1ut1on 806.