HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 899 - 1975-04-02 Resolution No. 899 Missina. Approved: April 2, 1975 Subject: CUP 3-75 Address: Applicant: Request: 1401 Seal Way Mark Attie Additions to nonconforming triplex w/less than required parking. . . t . . MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1975 The Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach met 1n regular seSS10n on Wedneeday, Apr11 2, 1975, 1n the Counc11 Chambers of the C1ty AdlD1ll1strat10n Bu11d1ng. The meet1ng was called to order by V1ce Cha1rman R1pperdan at 7 30 p m and the Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr. Cook Present E%cused Absence R1pperdan, Knapp, Cook, Schm1tt Lanll1ng The m1nutes of March 19, 1975 were approved as presented. Secretary rev1ewed the method far rece1v1ng pub11c test1mony at meet1ngs 1 Pub11c Hear1ngs A. Joyce P Rauechenbach, V-3-75 The appl1cant 1S requeshng a lot spl1t so that two new lots of 375ft % 117 5 ft can be created and ths estate can be settlsd Pub11c hear1ng opened Me Joyce Rauschenbach, from 24362 V1a Santa Clara, 1n M1ss10n V1eJo answered the questLons d1rected to her by the C0mm1eS10n Mr. Nsprud clar1f1ed the Comm1se1on on a p01nt wh1ch had to do w1th enchroachment. Publ1c heanng BIased Mr Knapp moved approval of V- 3-75 W1 th requ1red 3,'9" setbacks Mr RJ.pperdan seconded the mot1on and 1t was approved unan- 1mously by members present Resolut1on No. 898 B. Mark Att1e (J. Perttula), CP-3-75 Request for Use Perm1t for structural add1t10ns to nonconforlD1ng tr1ple% Publ1c hear1ng opened. Mr. J Perttula, from l401-B Seal Way was speak11lg on behalf of Mr and Mrs Athe. Mr Knapp asked why add1honal park1ng was not planned 1nstead of storage rooms Mr. Perttula e%pla1ned ths rsconstruct10n necessary for garagss was not feaS1ble The Comm1ss10n d1scussed demo11sh1ng the e%1st1ng wail for garage room and uncovered park1ng but also found these 1deas not plaus1ble. A reB~dent,frgm 1405.Seal Way felt any 1mprovement would be benef1c181 to the ne1ghborhood. Pub11c hear1ng closed The Comm1ss1on d1scussed app11cat10n of these add1t10ns to the Use Perm1t, and whether 1t was appropr1at~ Mr SChm1tt moved approval of the add1t1ons form CP-3-75 after rev1sal of storage and laundry rOQm for park1ng and relocatLon of storage and laundry room and staff conaltlons Seconded by Mr Rlpperdan Ayes Noes Absta1n Abdnt Schm1tt, R1pperdan, KnaRP Cook None Lann1ng Resolut10n No 899 2 Oral Cammun1catLon Jean Dorr from 231 6th St asked who she should d1rsct her problems to about b1cycle safety lanes and covered bus stops Mr Neprud referred her to Hall Halld1n, D1rector of Pub11c Works