HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 893 - 1975-03-05
Resolution No. 893
Approved: March 5, 1975
Subject: Variance 2-75
A-31 Surfside
Miron F. Conrad
Construct SFR w/less than
required side yard setback
on one side.
. The Plallll1Dg Comm1ssJ.on of the CJ. ty of Seal :Beach met 1n regular eeSS10n on
Wednesday, March 5, 1975, J.n the CouncJ.l Chambers of the C1ty AdmJ.nJ.strat1on
BUJ.ldJ.ng The meetJ.ng was called to order by ChaJ.rman Lallll1ng at 7 30 p m
and the Pledge to the Flag was lsd by V1ce-Chauman R1ppsrdan. MetltJ.ng adJourned
to CJ.ty Manager's Conference Boom J.n the CJ.ty AdmJ.nJ.stratJ.on BU1ld1ng.
Prsssnt Cook, SchDu. tt, R1pperdan, Knapp, Lann1ng
Absent None
The m1nutes of February 19, were approvsd as prssented
1 Pub11c Hear1ngs
A. MJ.ron F. Conrad (Wm. SJ.vereon), V-2-75
Request to permJ.t constructLon of s1ngle fam11y reeJ.dsnce J.n the R-l zone of
SurfsJ.de W1th var1ance far less than reqU1red e1de yard setback an one sJ.de.
Pub11c hearJ.ng opened Mr S1verson expla1ned he was present to repreeent
the Conrads NT R1pperdan asked about the encroachmsnt and poss1ble rotatLon
of buJ.ld1ng Mr Antos expla1ned the applJ.cant J.S propos1ng to buJ.ld a rectangular
house wJ.th an sncroachment 1nto the s1de yard setback on the easement s1de of
the property. DJ.scussJ.on followed an future zon1ng Mr Knapp moved for
approval of V-2-75, ths motLon was seconded by Mr SChm1tt and passed unan1-
mously by the members pressnt Res. No 893
B. Change of zone an two parcels of land 1n comp11ance wJ.tb Land
Use Element to the General Plan
On February 19, the PlaDn1ng COmmJ.ss1on held a pub11c hear1Dg to consJ.der
changJ.ng the zone an var10US parcels of land 1n complJ.ance wJ.th ths Land Use
Element to ths General Plan Tlus hearJ.ng J.S related to two parcels of land,
Lots 20 and 21, Black 104, and Lot 2, Tract 8534 PublJ.c hearJ.ng opened.
Mrs PelochJ.no, from 117 Ocean Ave expla1ned that hsr eX1st1ng property 1S
zoned C-2, and even though the use of the propery 1S not far a motel, the
appearance of the bU1ldJ.ng J.S that of a motel D1Scuss1on followed on
looat1on and requ1rements of other motels 1n the C1ty It was the w111 of
the COmm1ss1on to vote an the parcels separately
Mr Knapp :Ililt1lla uee>lf the land J.n quesbon, Lots 20 and 21, Block 104 Just-
1f1es commerc1S1 ZOn1Dg Mr SChm1tt felt 1t 1dent1f1es w1th commercJ.al
ZOD1Dg, but favors C-O Mr Cook moved to zone Lots 20 and 21, Block 104
from C-2 to C-l The mot1on was seconded by Mr R1pperdan and passed
unan1mously by the members present. Res No 894
Mr Knapp moved that Lot 2, Tract 8534 wh1ch J.S currently zonedR-2 be changed
to P L U , Pubhc Land Use The mobon was ssconded bJ Mrs LannJ.ng., "
, ,
Cook, Lanmng, Knapp, RJ.pperdan
SChm1 tt
Res. Nb 895
. 2. Oral Commumcabons