HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 1098 - 1977-10-05 . . . RCSOLUTION NO 1098 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AND RECOMMENDING TO CITY COUI~CIL APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACl r4AP NO. 10083. WHEREAS, an appllcatlon was duly flled by Monteclto Elght, a llmlted partncrsh1p, 9461 Grandlay Street, Cypress for Tentative Tract r1ap No.10083, dnd ~JHEREAS, the property lS descnbed as Lot 7 , Tract No. 9458 and lS more commonly known as 12570 Monteclto Road, Seal Beach, and WHEReAS, the proposal 15 to convert a nlne un1t apartment bUllding 1nto a nlne un1t condomlnlum ln the R-3 zone, and . WHEREAS, the Plann1ng Commlsslon makes the following flnd1ngs re- gardlng the Tract Map. 1. The slte is physlcally sUltable for development; the land lS flat and it lS located ln a developed area wlth exist- lng streets, ut1l1t1es, resldenccs, and commerclal actlvltleS located adJacent to the proJect slte. 2. The slte lS suitable for the proposed density of dpvelopment; other projects 0 f slim lar densl ty have been constructed and are compatlble wlth the area. 3 The deslgn of the subdlvlslon will not cause substanclal environmental damage. . 4. The deslgn of the subd1vislon lS not likely to cause serlOUS publ1C health problems because all the necessary utilltles and serV1ces are ava11able for the proJect. 5. The deslgn of the subd1vislon 11111 not confllct 11ith ease- ments, acqulred by the publlC at large for access through, or use of, property wlthin the proposed subdlvlslon because no easements acqu1red by the publlC at large are located on the proJect slte 6. The dlscharge of waste from the proposed subdlvlslon lnto the eX1st1ng community sewer system w111 not vlolate eX1stlng requlrements prescrlbed by the local regional water QUallty conLrol board pursuant to DlviS10n 7 of the Water Code. 7. No resldents wlll be dlsplaced by the project because no unlts are occupled. 8. The proJect 1S exempt from the provislons of C.F.Q.A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning COffimlSSIOn does hereby approve Tentatl ve Tract Map No. 10083 and recolfdTIends to C1 ty Councll approval of the Tract Map subJect to the followlng condltlons 1. C C & Rs to bE' subml tted to staff for reV1e\1 and approval prlor to recordu tl on 2. Payment of In lleu subdlv1SIon fees bp pa1d to the Clty for recreatlonal purposes. The,c fees arc to bE' pald for lhe converS10n of the apartment U11tS lnto cOndOmlnlUms. . . . . . 3. Installatlon of three new flre hydrants and upgradlng of two eXlstlng flre hydrants to c1ty standards to the satlsfact10n of the Flre Chlef. 4. Installatlon of emergency access pass through gates ln 10cat1ons specifled by the Flre Ch1ef in the rear wall. 5. Installat10n of automatlc garage Ooor openers on all ga rages. 6. Landscap1ng plans to be submltted to the sat1sfaction of the staff. PASSED AND APPROVED on October 5, 1977 by the following vote: AYES. NOES: Lann1ng, Knapp, Ripperdan, Cook Covlngton fLLd~ Chalrman of the Planning Commlssl~ {[~