HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 1096 - 1977-10-05
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MAP. NO. 10081.
WHEREAS, an appl1cation was duly f11ed by Monteclto E1ght, a llmlted
partnershlp, 9461 Grandlay Street, Cypress for TentatlVe
Tract r~ap No 10081; and
the property is descrlbed as
more commonly known as 12550
Lot 5 , Tract No. 9458 and 1 s
Montecito Road, Seal Beach,
WHEREAS, the proposal lS to convert a nine unit apartment build1ng
lnto a nlne un1t condom1nlum ln the R-3 zone; and
WHEREAS, the Plannlng Comm1ssion makes the follow1ng flndlngs re-
gard1ng the Tract Map:
1. The site is phys1cally suitable for develop~ent, the land
is flat and lt 1S located ln a developed area wlth ex~st-
lng streets, ut111t1es, resldences, and commerc1al activitles
located adJacent to the proJect slte.
2. The slte lS sUltable for the proposed denslty of development;
other proJects of slmllar dens1ty have been constructed and
are compatlble wlth the area.
3. The deslgn of the subd1vlslon wlll not cause substan:lal
env1ronmental damage.
4. The design of the subdivlslon 1S not 11kely to cause serious
publlC health problems because all the necessary utli1tles
and serVlces a~ available for the project.
5. The deslgn of the subdlvls10n w111 not confllct with ease-
ments, acqu1red by the publlC at large for access through,
or use of, property wlthln the proposed subd1vlslon :ecause
no easements acqulred by the publlC at large are located on
the proJect slte.
6. The d1schdrge of waste from the proposed subd1vlsion lnto the
eXlstlng communlty sewer system wlll not vlolate eX1stlng
requlrements prescYlbed by the local reglonal water quallty
control board pursudnt to Dlvision 7 of the Water Code.
7. No res1dents wlll be d1splaced by the project because no
unlts are occupled.
8. The proJect 1S exempt from the provlslons of C.E Q A.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Pldnn1ng Commlsslon does hereby
approve Tentatl ve Trac t r~ap No. 10081 and recommends to City Councll approval
of the Tract Map subJect to the followlng cond1tions
1. C C & Rs to be submltted to staff for rCVlffil and approval prlor
to recordatlOn.
2 Payment of 111 11eu subd1 VISlon fees be palO to the Clty for
recreatlonal purposes. These fees are to be paid for the
converSlon of ~he apartmenL Unlts lnto conJom1nlUms.
3. Installat10n of three new flre hydrants and upgrad1ng of
two eXlstlng flre hydrants to city standards to the
satisfaction of the F1re Chlef.
4. Installatlon of emergency access pass thr0~gh gates ln
locat10ns specl fled by the Fne Ch1ef In the rear wall.
5. Installatlon of automatlc garage door openers on all
ga rages.
6. Landscap1ng plans to be subm1tted to the satlsfactlon of
the staff.
PASSED AND APPROVED on October 5, 1q77 by the follow1ng vote
AYES: Lannlng, Knapp, R1pperdan, Cook
NOES: Covington
Chai rman of the
Secretary to the