HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 1063 - 1977-05-04 . . . . . RESOLUTION ~O. 1063 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION CO~DITIONALLY APPROVING VARIANCE V-10-77 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHT SI~GLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ON EIGHT LOTS IN THE R-3 ZONE WITH ZERO SIDE YARD SETBACK ON ONE SIDE OF EACH LOT. WHEREAS, an appllcatlon was duly f11ed by the Janes Company, 17932 Sky Park, SU1te D, Irv1ne, Cal1forn1a, for Var1ance V-I0-77; and WHEREAS, the property is descrlbed as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 218, Tract No. 10 and lS presently known as 201 Seal Beach Boulevard, the new addresses w1ll be 1701, 1703, 1705, 1707, 1709, 1711, 1713 and 1715 Electr1c Avenue; and WHEREAS, the proposal 1S to demol1sh an eX1stlng motel and construct elght slngle fam11y res1dences on e1ght lots of record ln the R-3 Zone, lncorporatlng a zero slde yard setback on one slde of each lot wlth the Opposlte setback hold1ng the reoulred setback area for both sldes; and WHEREAS, an ln1t1al study and Negat1ve Declarat10n werp prepared on the proJect ln compllance wlth the requlrements of C.E.Q A., and WHEREAS, the Planmng Comm1ss10n made the flnd1ng that the Ilegative Declar- atlon was sufflclent and the lmplementat10n of the proJect would not have a slgn1flcant effect upon the envlronment, and \'/IiEREAS, the Pl anm ng Comml ss 1 on made the foll OWl ng fl ndl ngs on the Van ance. 1. The subJect property occup1es one complete block and lS under one ownersh1p. 2. Each lot 1S 1rregular 1n shape (parallelogram wlth no 900 angle) 3. The proposed density is less than one-half the density permltted by Zonlng. 4. The proposed front yard setbacks are two t1mes as great as the mlnlmum requlred. 5. The shape of the lots causes hardshlp ln construct1ng houses of a regular rectangular shape. 6. The zero slde yard development provlded more usable side yards and, v1sually, greater setback between bUlldlngs. 7. The zero slde yard lS slm1lar to other developments 1n the C1ty (Br1dgeport and Tract 9814). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commlssion does hereby approve V-I0-88 subJect to the follow1ng condlt1ons 1. Dedlcatlon of a corner cut off on Lot 8 adJacent to Seal Beach Boulevard (curb radlus of 100', property llne radlus of 92'). 2. Installatlon of a Clty standard East Bay "Ranger" Senes Flre Hydrant at the 17th Street alley. 3. Two units adJacent to each other (Lots 1 and 2) to have a 2-hour separation wlth class "CO roofs. 4. Th1rd lot west of Seal Beach Boulevard (Lot 6) to have a class "CO roof. 5. Eaves not to proJect beyond the property llne. . . " 6. Cond1tlons, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) to be . submltted for Staff reVlew and approval pr10r to recordatlon. PASSED AND APPROVED on May 4, 1977 by the followlng vote AYES, NOES: ABSENT' Knapp, Rlpperdan, Madsen None Lanm ng, Cook //) 6~ C alrman of t e P lssion . .