HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 1062 - 1977-04-20
the appllcation was duly flled by the City of Seal Beach, 211
Elghth Street, Seal Beach, for the subdlvision of the present
City Corporation Yard site located at 300 1st Street; and
WHEREAS, the site lS 3.5 acres ln area, lS zoned R-1-3000, and lS
proposed to be subdivlded into 35 lots; and
WHEREAS, 35 slngle family residences are proposed to be constructed ln
a manner that lS archltecturally compatlble with the surroundlng
development of Brldgeport; and
~HEREAS, after the preparatlon of an Initial Study the Clty staff
determined that a Negatlve Declaration would fulflll the
requirements of C.E.Q.A. because development has already
occurred on the site and the topography has been altered,
the streets have sufflclent capacity to handle the addltlonal
traffic, utillties are readily available, the project wlll be
archltecturally compatlble with Bridgeport, and the proJect
wlll not have a substantlal negatlve effect upon the environment;
WHEREAS, the Envlronmental Quality Control Board of the Clty reviewed
the proposed proJect on March 17, 1977, and concurred with the
determlnation that a Negatlve Declaratlon was approprlate for
thlS development; and
WHEREAS, on March 1,1977, the Clty'S Park and Recreatlon Commisslon
revlewed the proposed development and considered the lssue of
park land and voted to recommend to the City Council that ln
lieu fees be paid, and used ln conJunction wlth fees from
future subdivlsions to expand Marlna Park, and
WHEREAS, the Plannlng Commlss10n recommended approval of a Negatlve
Declaratlon and condltlonal approval of Planned Unlt Development
PUD-1-77 for the proJect on Aprll 20, 1977; and
WHEREAS, the Plannlng Commission makes the following flndlngs regarding
the project and the tentative tract map.
1. The proposed project is conslstent wlth the General Plan and complies
with the type of use and density prescrlbed for this slte, and wl11
provlde addltlonal resldences wlthin the area.
2. The slte 1S physically suitable for development; the land 1S flat
and 1t 1S located in a developed area with eX1st1ng streets, utilit1es,
and residences located adJacent to the proJect slte.
3. The slte is suitable for the proposed dens1ty of development, other
proJects of simllar dens1ty have been constructed adJacent to the
proJect site and are compat1ble with the area.
4. The des1gn of the subd1vis10n w111 not cause substant1al env1ronmental
damage because the proJect slte 1S presently developed.
5. The design of the subdiv1s10n 1S not likely to cause ser10US publ1C
health problems because all the necessary ut111tles and serV1ces
are available for the proJect.
6. The design of the subd1v1sion w111 not conflict wlth easements,
acquired by the publ1C at large for access through, or use of,
property within the proposed subd1v1s1on because all easements
acqu1red by the public at large 1n the project slte are shown on
the tract map and will be protected.
7. Sec. 66477(g) of the State of Cal1fornla Subd1v1sion Map Act states
that "only the payment of fees may be required ln subdivislons
contain1ng flfty (50) parcels or less." Th1S prov1s10n concerns
land ded1cation or in lieu fee payment for park land purposes.
Tentative Tract Map 9814 cons1sts of 35 lots.
. 8. The d1scharge of waste from the proposed subdiv1sion 1nto the
exist1ng commun1ty sewer system w1ll not v1o1ate eXlsting requ1rements
prescribed by the local reg1ona1 water qua11ty control board pursuant
to Div1sion 7 of the Water Code.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann1ng Comm1sslon of the C1ty
of Seal Beach does hereby approve and recommends approval of Tentative
Tract Map No. 9814 to the City Counc11 subJect to the following cond1tions:
1. That the Negative Declaration prepared for the project be determ1ned
to be suffic1ent and that a f1ndlng be made that the proJect w111
not have a slgnlf1cant effect upon the envlronment.
2. That the 1n lieu park land fees be pa1d, and that these fees, 1n
conJunction w1th fees from future subdlv1slons be used to expand
Marina Park.
3. That 1t be determ1ned that the d1scharge of waste from the proposed
subd1v1s1on 1nto the eX1sting commun1ty sewer system wll1 not v10late
existing requ1rements prescr1bed by the local reglona1 water
qua11ty control board pursuant to D1v1s1on 7 of the Water Code.
4. That 1t be aff1rmed that the proposed project 1S cons1stent w1th
the City's General Plan.
PASSED AND APPROVED on Apr1l 20, 1977, by the following vote:
AYES Lann1ng, Knapp, Ripperdan, Madsen
NOES: Cook
Secretary to the Panni Commission