HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 1045 - 1977-01-19 . . .. . RESOLUTION NO. 1045 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLAN~ING COMMISSION FINDI~G THAT aRA~GE COUNTY'S PROPOSAL FOR ACQlJISITIOI~ AND RESTOR^TIOi~ OF THE SUNSET BEACH "!I\TER TO!JER /i,'1D CO~I- VERSI011 OF AN EXISTPIG ADJACEU FIRE STATION IS CONSISTE~T WITH TH[ GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the acqu1s1t10n and restorat1on of the Sunset Beac~ ~Jater To..er as an h1stor1cal slte, and the acqu1s1t1on and converS10n of the f1re stat10n 1nto a florth County Beach ~~a1ntenance facll1ty, w1th1n the 11m1ts shown located on the attached eX~l~lt map 1S be1ng proposed as a proJect of the Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks D1str1ct, ana . WHEREAS, the Government Code of t~e State of Cal1forn1a, Sect10n 65~02, prov1des 1n part that a local agency such as t~e Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks D1str1ct shall not acqu1re real property nor d1spose of real property, nor construct a pUJ11C b~11d1ng or structure 1n any county or C1ty, unt1l the 10cat10n, purpose and extent of such act1v1ty has been reported upon as co t~e conform1ty w1th the adopted general plan appl1cable t1ereto, and ~'HEREAS, the proposed acqu1 s 1 t10n and restorat1on of the Sunset Beach "later Tower as an 11stor1cal slte dnd the acqu1s1t1on and converS1on of the f1re stat10n to a Nort1 County Beach Ma1ntenance fac1l1ty proposed by the D1str1ct 1as been rev1ewed by the C1ty of Seal Beac1 Pl annl ng Comm1 ss 1 on 1 n accoraance 1~1 th Sect10n 65402 of the Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the C1ty of Seal Beach Planmng Comm1ss1on does hereby f1nd that the acqu1s1t10n and restorat1on of the Sunset Beach Water TOI~er as an h1stor1cal slte and t~e acqu1s1t10n and converS10n of the flre stat10n to a I~orth County Beach t1a1ntenance fac111ty by the Orange County Harbors, Beac~es and Parks D1str1ct 1n the 10cat1on proposed 1S 1n conformance w1th the C1ty'S adoptee general plan PASSED AND APPROVED on January 19, 1977 ry the folloh'lng vote. AYES Lann1ng, Knapp, Cook, Madsen NOES. R1pperdan ABSENT: None . ~(2J} S. Secretary to the ~~e~~J~: ~ C alrman of the pi a"l ng Comm~s on