HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 92-13 - 1992-07-15 . . ,.. RESOLUTION NUMBER 92-13 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TIIE CTIY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 92-3, A REQUEST FOR A CONVENIENCE STORE WIlHIN A RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX WIlli MORE TIlAN 150 UNITS LOCATED AT 333 FIRST SlREET. SEAL BEACH (OAKWOOD APAR1MENTS) TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE WHEREAS, On May 5, 1992, John Abboud submrtted apphcattons fOl CUP 92-3 and CUP 92-4 lequestmg approval of a convemence store WIth an off-sale beer and wme license within a reSidential wmplex with mOle than 150 Illlits 10Lated at 333 FJ1'St Street, Seal Beach (Oakwood Aparlment&), and WHEREAS, The subject property IS legally descnbed as Orange County Assessor's Parcel Number 043-160-50, and WHEREAS, lne subject property contams approxunately 11 3 acres and IS located at tbe southwesterly comer of Pacific Coast Htghway and FJ1'St Street, and WHEREAS, The sU~lect plOperty bas appro:wnately 1065 feet of Ii ontage on Frr<;t Street; and WHEREAS, The subject property contams a 549 urnt security gated apartment complex, and WHEREAS, The subject pi operty b.1S recetved the followmg approvals from the PIanmng ComnusslOn Plan Revtew 25-70 appt ovmg the final development plans, and WHEREAS, The apphcants are proposmg the followmg hows of operatton" DatIy 9 00 d m to 9 00 P m; and WHEREAS, 1 he sunounding Lmd use and zoning are as follows NORm Pacific Coast Htgbway and the State Lands parcel located m the SPR lone SOUTH Seal Beach Trailer Patk located lD the ReSldenttal Htgb DetlS1ty zone EAST San Gabnel Rtver and a nuxtw e of commercIal uses and parkmg lots m the CIty of Long Beach WEST BndgepOlt. a SlDgle-famlly resJ(lentia1 netghborhood lD the ReSldenttal Low DensIty zone. and WHEREAS, Fust Street IS a pnmary street developed to Its uJtnnatc nght-of-way of 120 feet; and WHEREAS, ChIef ofPohce Bill Steams has leviewed tins request and halo concerns regardmg the gt anling of tJus request (memo dated May 26 enclosed) Specifically, Chief Steatm IS conLemed WIth I That all requirements of the law be adhered to mcludmg ptoper identdical10n of all plU"Chasers of beer and WIDe to assure that they at e over 21 years of age C \AMIPRO\I)OCS\CUP\R!J2 3 Bee be . . . . . . " Planmng COIlll1l1SSIOn Resolutton 92-13 2 The proposed hours of operation 3 That steps be taken to assure that tins does not become a "hang out" for young people such as not permitting VIdeo games to be located Wltlun the convenience store WHEREAS, a duly noticed public heanng was held on July 15, 1992 to consider CUP 92-3, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission makes the followmg findmgs 1 Staff inspected the subject property on June 11, 1992, and found that the proposed store locatIOn Will meet all reqUirements of SectIOn 28-800(3)(e) of the Code prOVIded that the door proposed to open to the outside IS either removed or converted to an emergency fire eXit only 2 The buildmg and property at 333 FITst Street are adequate m SIze, shape, topography and location to meet the needs of the proposed use of the property 3 ReqUITed adherence to applicable buddmg and fire codes ensure there Will be adequate water supply and utilities for the proposed use 4 The Seal Beach Police Department has reVIewed the proposal and has concerns over the enforcement of the proposed off-sale seTVIce of beer and wine NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning ComnusSlon of the City of Seal Beach does hereby approve of Conditional Use Pernut 92-5 subject to the following conditions 1 CUP 92-3 IS approved for the establishment of a convemence store m conjunction With a reSidential complex of more than 150 umts at 333 First Street, Seal Beach (Oakwood Garden Apartments) 2 The door labelled [07] on page FF-l of the plans (the door to the outSide) shall be converted to an emergency fire eXit, With an alarm, and shall remain closed at all times to ensure that the store is used for the speCific convenIence of the reSidents and theIr guests only 3 All uses shall be conducted wholly Within the enclosed buIldmg 4 All access to the accessory use shall be from a lobby, patio, courtyard or Intenor walkway. 5 No slgnage for convenience store may be VISIble from any public or pnvate street or waterway 6 The apphcant shall apply for and receive a City bUSiness license for all operations 7 There shall be no Video games or smular amusements permitted Within the stoTe 8 This conditional use permit shall not become effectIVe for any purpose unless an "acceptance of conditions" form has been Signed by the apphcant and property owner, notanzed or Signed before a City staff member subject to proper Identification, and returned to the Department of Development Services, and untIl the ten (10) day appeal penod has elapsed 9 The Planning CommiSSIon reserves the nght to revoke thiS condItIOnal use penmt if any VIOlation of these conditions or the Code of the City of Seal Beach occurs. C\AMIP1lO\DCJCS\ClJN9 BCCba Page 2 .' P1anmng COmmISSion Resolullon 92-13 . . , . . . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planmng CormmsslOn of the City of Seal Beach at a meetmg thereofhe1d on the 15th day ofJuly, 1992, by the followmg vote AYES ComrmsslOners Fife. ShlUJl. Law. OrsIni. Dahlman NOES ComrmsslOners ABSENT ComrmsslOners --- E Whittenberg, Secretary JPlannmg Comrmsslon C \AM]p1lO'lDOCS\C\JP' 3 DCC be Page 3