HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 96-13 - 1996-04-17
SectIon I. The CIty IS proposmg to revIse the provIsIOns of the current "Main
Street Specific Plan" to update thIS pohcy and ImplementatIOn document to more accurately
reflect the goals, pohcles, and Implementation strategIes whIch the City WIll utlhze 10 ItS efforts
to maIntain the character and Identity of MaIO Street.
SectIon 2 Pursuant to 14 Calif Code of Regs ~ 15025(a) and ~ ILC and III
of the City's Local CEQA GUldehnes, staff prepared an Imtlal Study and Negative Declaration,
whIch were cIrculated for pubhc revIew and comment from January 30 to February 21, 1996,
10 compliance WIth the provISIons of the Califorma EnVIronmental Quality Act and the CIty's
Local CEQA GUldehnes The Planmng CommIssIon has adopted Negative Declaration No 96-1
through the approval of Resolution No 96-10, which IS mcorporated herem by reference. SaId
Negative Declaration represents the mdependent Judgement of the CIty of Seal Beach.
Section 3. A duly noticed pubhc heaTIng was held before the Planmng
CommiSSIOn on February 21, March 6, and March 20, 1996, to consIder the proposed ReVISIon
96-1 to the "MaIn Street SpecIfic Plan", the vaTlous other nnplementmg apphcatlons, the Imtlal
Study and the Negative Declaration. At the pubhc heaTIng, the Planmng CommIssIon receIVed
both oral and written testImony regard 109 the matters under con~lderatlon
SectIon 4
The record of the heaTIng mdlcates the followmg.
(a) City staff has receIved dIrectIOn from the CIty Counctl, pursuant
to Section 28-2602 of the Code of the City of Seal Beach, to prepare thIS matter for the
appropnate pubhc heanngs, 10 accordance WIth the provI~lons of State law and local ordmances.
(b) The CIty of Seal Beach IS requestmg to revIse the proVIsions of the
current "Main Street Specific Plan" to update thIS pohcy and nnplementatlon document to more
accurately reflect the goals, pohcles, and Implementation strategIes whIch the CIty Will utlhze
10 ItS efforts to mamta10 the character and Identity of MaIO Street
(c) The subJect area IS legally descTlbed as
"Bay CIty Tract, Block 7, Lots 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, and 47;
MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 19
Bay CIty Tract, Block 8, Lots 6, 7,8,9, 10, II, 13, 15, 17, 19,21,23,25,27,29,31,
33,35,37,39,41,43,45, and 47; MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 19
Bay CIty Tract, Block 9, Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,20,21,22,24,
26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, and 48, MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page
Rev,.wn 96-1 of the Main Str~~t Speajic Plan
Plannmg Collulur~lon R~J(}luhon No 96-13
Apn117, 1996
Bay CIty Tract, Block 107, Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and the southerly 12.5
feet of Lot 19; MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 19
Bay CIty Tract, Block 108, Lots 1,2,3,4,5,7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,21,23,25,27,
29, 31, 33, and 35, MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 19
Bay CIty Tract, Block 109, Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20, 22,24,26,28,30,
and 32, MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3, Page 19"
"Stanton and Lothlans 1st Addition, Block 208, Lots 1,3,5,7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,
21,23,25,27,29,31,33, and 35,37,39,41, and 43, MIscellaneous Maps, Book 3,
Page 29"
"Bay VIew Tract, Block 209, Lots 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,
34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, and 52, MIscellaneous Maps, Book 8, Page 91"
Tract No.2, Blocks A, B, C, and L; MIscellaneous Maps, Book 9, Page 3"
"Tract 1009, Block 7, Lot 6 except the westerly 5 feet thereof, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, and Lot 15 except the westerly 5 feet thereof; MI~cellaneous Maps, Book 33,
Page 16"
(d) The MaIO Street SpeCIfic Plan area IS located along both sIdes of
Mam Street, between Pacific Coast HIghway and Ocean A venue, mcludlOg Eisenhower Park and
the 8th and 10th Street pubhc beach parktng lots The subJect area IS megular 10 shape, and
compnses approxImately 14 8 net acres, and approxImately 21 gro~s acres, mcludmg pubhc
roadways and alleys.
(e) The subJect area IS the locatIOn of the hlstonc commercIal area of
Seal Beach and compnses pnmanly cOlnmerclalllses along MaIO Street, WIth pubhc recreatIOn
uses provided at EIsenhower Park and the beach Pubhc uses along 8th Street whIch are
mcluded 10 the Main Street Specific Plan area 10clude CIty Hall, FIre StatIOn 44, and vanous
public parlang lots.
(f) The General Plan and the zomng map mdlcate the subJect area to
be designated for and zoned for "ServIce Commercial", "General Commercial", and "Pubhc
Land Use". The proposed provIsIons of the Implementmg actions for the MaIO Street SpecIfic
Plan would change those deSIgnations for the subJect areas to "MaIO Street SpeCIfic Plan Zone"
(g) The surround 109 General Plan Land Use deSIgnatIons, zomng
deSIgnations, and current land uses are as follows'
General Plan Land Use deSIgnation ServIce CommercIal and
General CommercIal
2) Zomng de~lgnatlon' ServIce CommercIal and General CommercIal
3) Current Land Use Commerclalllses along PaCific Coast HIghway
General Plan Land Use de~lgnatlon. Pubhc
2) Zomng deSIgnatIOn: Pubhc Land Use\Recreatlon
3) Current Land Use. Pubhc beach parkmg lot and pubhc beach
ReVMlOn 96-/ afrile Mam Sf/eel Speujic Plan
Planning COllulusuon Re~olutlon No 96-13
Apnl 17, 1996
General Plan Land Use deMgnatlon ReMdentlal HIgh DensIty
2) Zomng designation Residential High Den~lty
3) Current Land Use: Detached smgle-famlly resIdential and attached
multi-family residential
General Plan Land Use designation Residential High DensIty
2) Zomng desIgnation Residential High Density
3) Current Land Use Detached smgle-famlly residential and attached
multi-family reSidential
(h) The CIty Council determmed on December 13, 1993 to retam a
consultant to prepare thIS comprehensive reVISion to the MalO Street SpecIfic Plan
(I) The CIty Council and Planmng CommIssIOn met 10 a Jomt Study
SessIon on February 8, 1995 to revIew the "Background Studies, MalO Street Specific Plan"
prepared by the City consultant
(J) The CIty Councti and Planmng CommIssion met 10 a Jomt Study
SessIOn on August 9, 1995 to review the "Draft MalO Street Specific Plan" prepared by the CIty
concerns to be addressed,
Both bodies provIded mput and suggestIOns for addItIonal Issue and
based on testimony receIved from the pubhc and the Jomt study
(I) The City Council mstructed staff to proceed With the preparatIOn
of the appropnate envIronmental documentation and staff reports to present the recommended
amendments to the Planmng Commission and City Council for consideratIOn at pubhc heanngs
(m) The staff and consultant team conducted numerous surveys and
mtervlews, m-person and by mati, WIth residents and busmess owners 10 and around the area
affected by the proposed MalO Street Specific Plan The consultant team further conducted
studIes of eXIsting land uses 10 the MalO Street area, aesthetic evaluations, and an mtenslve
parlang utilIzation study. The results of those studies were compiled 10 the document entitled
"Background StudIes - MalO Street SpecIfic Plan," which has been reviewed by the Planmng
CommIssIon, aVaIlable for revIew and comment by the pubhc, and made a part of the record of
these hearings
(n) Numerous resIdents, busmess owners, and other lOterested partIes have
provIded written and oral testimony With regard to all or parts of the proposed revIsIons
SectIOn 5. Based upon the eVidence 10 the record, mcludmg the facts stated
in ~ 4 of thIS resolution, and 10 the envIronmental documentatIOn prepared 10 conJunction WIth
this proJect, and pursuant to ~~ 28-2950 through 28-2953 of the City's ~, The Planmng
CommIssIon hereby finds as follows.
(a) Proposed ReVISion 96-1 of the MalO Street SpecIfic Plan, as
attached hereto as "ExhIbIt A", and the Planmng COITIlTIlsslOn's further recommendations for
amendments reflected 10 the document attached hereto a~ "Exhibit B" Will not be detnmental to
the short term or long term goals of the City of Seal Beach and are 10 the Interest of the pubhc
health, safety and welfare.
R,v"lOn 96-1 of III, Main SI,eel Sp,cific Plan
Planmng COI,u,ul.SlOn R,.olutlon No 96-13
Apnl17, 1996
(b) Proposed ReVISion 96-1 of the MalO Street Specific Plan wIll not
dIrectly cause any incremental development However, mdlvldual properties and theIr related
uses may change at the discretion of the property owners or busmesses, and these changes wIll
have to conform to the adopted plans and ordmances. The provIsions of the proposed RevlSJon
96-1 to the Main Street SpecIfic Plan wIll allow for commercial development potential to a level
of intenSIty more 10 keepmg WIth the deSlTes of the cItizens of the City of Seal Beach, whIle still
allowing for reasonable use of the property, and still 10 keepmg With the mtent of the General
Plan and the MaIO Street SpecIfic Plan
(c) Proposed RevlSJon 96-1 of the Mam Street SpecIfic Plan, as
attached hereto as "Exhibit A", and the Planmng CommIssIOn's additional recommendatIOns for
amendments reflected 10 the document attached hereto as "Exhibit B". IS consIstent WIth the
General Plan of the CIty of Seal Beach, as amended
SectIon 6 Based on the foregomg, the Planmng CommIssIon hereby
recommends that the CIty Counctl adopt ReVISion 96-1 of the MaIO Street Specific Plan as
attached hereto as "Exhibit A", along WIth the further reVISiOns recommended noted on the
document attached hereto as "Exhibit B", both of which Exhibits are mcorporated herem by thIS
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planmng CommIssion of the CIty of
Seal Beach at a meetmg thereof held on the 17th day of Apnl , 1996,
by the followmg vote:
A YES: CommissIOners Brown. Camnbell. Dahlman. and Sham
NOES' CommissIOners None
ABSENT: CommIssIoners Law
~a1JW~~ t ~ ~
Patncla E Campbell~ Chalrper on
Planmng Commission
WhIttenberg, Secretary
Planmng CommIssion
ReVl.,on 96-1 of tile MaIn Stteet Speujic Plan
Planmng CollululIlCln Re.olutlOn No 96-13
"EXHffiIT A"
Mam Street Specific Plan ReVISIOn 96-1
R~v",on 96-1 cif tile Mocn Str..t Sp~ajic Plan
Planning COItUIUfUOn Reio/u/IOR No 96-13
Main Street Specific Plan RevIsIOn 96-1 as Further
Recommended for Amendment In Accordance With
DeterminatIOns of the Planmng Commission upon
ConclusIOn of the Public Hearing
R''''lOn 96-1 of t/" Main Strut Speajic Plan
Planmng CtmJ>>u.llon R-.olutlon No 96-13
Main Street Specific Plan ReVISIon 96-1 as Further
Recommended for Amendment In Accordance with
Determinations of the Planning Commission upon
Conclusion of the Public Hearing
1. PolIcy 1, Create a New MalO Street SpecIfic Plan Zone (Artlcle 12 5, Section 28-1250
and 28-1251, C-SP Zone)
a. ReVIse proposed Section 28-1250.A, Permitted Uses, subsectiOn A 2., Coffee
houses, desert shops and SImilar estabhshments to read as follows (Page 8)
"Desert shops, coffee houses and slmtlar estabhshments provIded
there IS seatlOg for no more than 10 customers and the gross
square footage of the estabhshment does not exceed 1,000 square
b. ReVise proposed Section 28-1250 B, Uses SubJect to I~suance of a CondItional
Use PermIt, subsection B 2, Coffee houses, desert shops and slmtlar
estabhshments to read as follows (Page 9).
"Desert shops, coffee hou~es and slmtlar estabhshments WIth
seating for more than 10 customers and the gross square footage
of the estabhshment exceeds 1,000 square feet,"
c. ReVIse proposed SectIOn 28-1250 B, Uses SubJect to Issuance of a CondItional
Use PermIt, subsection B 6 , Gas StatIons to read as follows (Page 9)
"Gas StatIons located on a maJor arterIal, subJect to comphance
WIth the performance and development standards nnposed by
SectIon 28-2318,"
d. ReVIse proposed Section 28-1250.B, Uses Subject to Issuance of a CondItional
Use PermIt, subsection B.8., LIquor establishments, If part of a grocery store, to
read as follows (Page 9):
"LIquor establishments, If part of a grocery store, WIth permitted operatlOg hours
of 700 a.m. to 1000 pm, Sunday through Thursday, and 7 00 a m to 11.00
p.m., Fnday, Saturday, and hohdays, proVided that the number of such
estabhshments permitted 10 the MaIO Street SpeCific Plan Zone shall not exceed
two (2) at anyone time. Any such estabhshments whIch quahfy for temporary
on-sale or off-sale hcenses under the provIsions of Cahforma BUS10ess and
Professions Code Sections 24045.1, 240452, 240453, 240454, 240456,
24045.7,24045.8, and 24045.9, as may be amended, shall be exempt from thIS
requirement for a ConditIOnal Use PermIt,"
e ReVIse proposed SectIon 28-1250 B, Uses SubJect to Issuance of a CondItional
Use PermIt, subsectiOn B 16 , Restaurants, to read as follows (Page 10)'
"Restaurants, With or Without alcohol sales (not lOcludmg drIve-m
restaurants), WIth permitted operatmg hour~ of 7 00 a m to 10 00
p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 700 a m to II 00 pm,
Fnday, Saturday, and holIdays;"
R~V"lOn 96-1 of tire Main Str~~t Speajic Plan
Planmng Conu,u."on R~.olunon No. 96-13
Aplll 17, 1996
2. Policy 5, Parlang Standards
a. ReVIse proposed Section 28-1256, Number of Parlang Spaces ReqUIred,
subsection 3, Coffee houses and Desert Shops, to read as follows (Page 21)'
"Desert shops and coffee houses - 1 space for each 250 sq ft
gross floor area. "
3. Pohcy 6, Parlang Management Program
a. ReVIse proposed ThIrd Phase - Management Improvements, second '/, to read as
follows (page 24)
",/ Look for opportumtles to purchase land between 8th and
10th Streets between Ocean Avenue and ElectrIC Avenue
for future surface parkmg. The target cost should be less
than $15,000/space "
4. Pohcy 7, Tree Types
a ReVIse proposed Pohcy to read as follows (Page 25)
"The CIty should hire a landscape archItect to recommend a tree
type and plantmg methods for MaIO Street. The trees selected
should grow to have substantial canopIes, equal to or greater than
the eXlstmg mature trees on MaIO Street "
5 Section 7, Downtown Management
a. ReVIse language of thiS section to read as follows (Page 31 and 32)
The goal of the MaIO Street Specific Plan IS to set clear standards for
MalO Street. Under these standards, merchants and property owners can
proceed WIth improvements 10 a timely fashiOn and reSIdents can feel
comfortable about Ma10 Street development. Nevertheless, It IS unrealIstic
to assume that standards, once set, can remam the same for all time.
Smce cIrcumstances can change, It IS Important to momtor MaIO Street's
evolution over time.
The adoptIOn and Implementation of the MaIO Street Specific Plan
can proVIde a maJor Impetus for downtown revltahzatlon
However, most com mum ties mvolved With downtown revltahzatlOn
have found that focusmg on land use, cIrculation and deSIgn can
be most effective when coupled With an additional emphaSIS on
orgamzation, promotion and economic restructunng Such
activIties are strongly encouraged by the CIty to be undertaken by
the local busmess commumty on a voluntary baSIS
POLICY 16. Business ImpI'ovemenf Programs
D \WPSI\RESOIMAIN~1'961'('R\LW\04-I7-96
Rev,..,,,n 96-1 oft/I' Main Street Specific Plan
Planning Comlt. \ lion Resoluhon No 96-13
AJm117, 1996
The local buslOess commumty may WIsh to develop on a voluntary baSIS
additional orgamzatlonal, promotional, economIc restructunng, and
improvement programs Such voluntary activIties of the local buslOess
commumty could lOclude.
BUlldlOg consensus for action Seek10g
cooperatiOn from all parties. ProVld1Og
long-term management and planmng
AdvertlslOg downtown as a place to shop,
lOvest and hve
RecrUltlOg buslOe~ses or developers to fulfill
specific downtown needs and asslstlOg eXlst-
109 buslOesses through buslOess semlOars and the hke.
Trees, hghtlng, sidewalks, lIndergroundlOg
utlhtles, and sIgns
POLICY 17. Bi-Annual Main Street Review
Every two years the City should prepare a MalO Street revIew
SaId revIew should lOc1ude an analYSIS of.
a Sales tax trends
b. Store vacancIes
c. Store turnovers
d. Parlang as per Pohcy 6
e. Report from MalO Street buslOess commumty
Based on an analysIs of thIS report, the CIty should determlOe
what, If any, additIOnal actions are appropnate to carry out the
intent of the SpecIfic Plan. ThiS revIew should be presented
before the City Council at a noticed heanng."
.jo'II * *