HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 96-09 - 1996-04-17 RESOLUTION NO. 96-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AMENDMENTS TO RESOLUTION NO. 4234, SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS FOR ADJUSTMENTS IN THE AMOUNTS OF THE TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS DEVELOPMENT FEE FOR PRE-EXISTING DEVELOPMENT, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 22B OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY RECOMMEND AS FOLLOWS: Section I. PlII:pose The purpo~e of thIs Resolution I~ to proVIde recommendatIons to the CIty Council relatmg to provIsions for adJustments 10 the amounts of the Transportation Faclhtles and Programs Development Fee for pre-exlstmg development, as such adJustments are provIded for 10 Chapter 228 of the Code of the CIty of Seal Beach, and CIty Counctl Resolution 4234, as amended Section 2. Pubhc HeaTIng The PlanDlng CommIssIon conducted a pubhc heanng on March 20, 1996, and receIved pubhc comments, both wntten and oral, regard 109 the proposed amendments. Section 3. Fmdmgs. Pursuant to Resolution 4234, as amended, the CIty Counctl may determme the appropnate amounts for the TransportatIOn Factlltles and Programs Development Fee. A. Section 3.E of Resolution No. 4234 IndIcates "The only faIr and eqUItable way of secunng adequate revenues necessary to fund such IInprovements IS through a fee based on the extent to whIch new development generates addItIOnal traffic volumes that Impact the artenal street system." B. Resolution No 4234 or Chapter 228 of the Code of the CIty of Seal Beach does not address how to calculate "addItIOnal traffic volumes that Impact the artenal street system. " C The CIty CounCIl WIshes to prOVIde dIrection to cIty staff and developers of pnvately-owned property as to how the calculation of the TransportatIon FaCIlities and Programs Development Fee win be calculated 10 a faIr and eqUItable way so as to secure adequate revenues necessary to fund such Improvements through a fee based on the extent to whIch new development generates addItional traffic volumes that Impact the artenal street system. The CIty Counctl has referred thl~ matter to the Plannmg CommIssIon for revIew and recommendations. D. The length of time between a vacancy and the subsequent development or use of eIther a parcel of land or a structure can result 10 slgmficantly dIfferent traffic patterns than existing patterns, which could adversely Impact the eXlstmg roadway system Improvements contemplated wlthm the "Fmal Report - City of Seal Beach Traffic Impact Fee Study" Those D IWPSI\RES0111FIU!AJ PCRILW\04-IO-96 Planmng COll....llon Re.olutlOn 96-9 Fet' AdjustnU'nt - 7iampollatlon FaCfIIIlt!J and pl(}gromJ Development Fe'~ Al'nl 17, 1996 adverse Impacts have been shown to mcrease slgmficantly over time Therefore, the CIty will develop a methodology to reflect thIS adverse traffic Impact by requITIng a greater fee payment to be Imposed based on the mcreasmg length of a vacancy of a parcel of land or a structure. E. The Planmng CommissIon recommends to the CIty Counctl that an amendment to CIty CouncIl Resolution 4234 IS necessary, whIch will specIfy the procedure for cIty staff to follow m calculatmg the appropnate TransportatIon Facilities and Programs Development Fee adJustment when an apphcation for a bUlldmg permIt IS receIved on a property proposed for expansIOn or new development whIch had a pre-exlstmg traffic-generatmg land use eXlstmg. Section 4. AdlUstment of the Amount of the Transportation Faclhtles and Programs Development Fee The Planmng CommissIon recommends that a new Section 5 of Seal Beach CIty Counctl ResolutIOn No 4234 be added to read as follows: "SectIOn 5. AdJUstment of the Amount of the TransportatIOn Faclhtles and Prol!rams Develooment Fee on PrevIOusly Develooed Prooerty AdJustment of the amount of the TransportatIOn Facihtles and Programs Development Fee for prevIOusly developed, but currently vacant property whIch generates less vehIcle tnps than the prevIous land use, at the time of new development plan submittal, shall be determmed by the DIrector of Development ServIces m accordance with the fee/umt set forth in Section 4, above, and adJusted m accordance with the followmg table: Time of Vacancy of Structure/Parcel Amount of Fee to be Paid 0.0 to 0.5 years 0.51 to 1.0 years 1 01 to 2 0 years 2 01 to 3 0 years 3.01 to 4.0 years No Fee 25% of Fee 50% of Fee 75% of Fee 100% of Fee Note: TIme from submISSion of a complete Coastal Development Permit apphcatlon to tIme of approval of a Coastal Development PermIt by the Callforma Coastal CommIssion shall not be counted m the above time penods " Section 5 Renumbenng of Appropriate SectIOns of ResolutIon No 4234 In addItion, the Planning CommIssion hereby recommends to the City CounCil that eXlstmg Section 5 through SectIOn 10 of CIty CounCil Resolution No 4234 are hereby renumbered as Section 6 through Section 11, respectively. Section 6 EnVironmental ReView The Planmng CommIssion hereby recommends to the CIty Counctl that the adoption of thl~ Resolution adJustmg the methodology for determinmg the amounts of the City's Transportation Faclhtles And Programs Fee on prevIously developed property IS categoncally exempt from review under the Cahfornla EnVIronmental Quabty Act ("CEQA ") pursuant to CEQA GUldehnes SectIOns 15300 I, 15305 and 15306. D IWPSI\RESOIT1FF1!BAl PCRILWI04-IO-96 2 . Planning ConUtu>>lOn Re>olunon 96-9 Fet' AdJu~tII~nt - TrumjJOItatron Faa/lhe') and Plogranu Development Fees Aiml17,1996 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planmng CommIssIon of the CIty of Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the 17th day of Apnl _, 1996, by the followmg vote. A YES: CommIssIoners Brown. Campbell. and Dahlman NOES: CommiSSIOners None ABSENT: CommIssIoners Law ABSTAIN: CommIssIoners Shaq> YJ crJj;;e/tJ)}, f Il~ Patncla E Campbell, 'ChalrPer n Planmng CommIssIon ~t{~ Whittenberg, Secretary Planmng CommIssIon D IWPSIIRESOIT\FFI!EAJ PCRILW\lM-IO-96 3