HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 96-01 - 1996-01-03
Section 1. The CIty IS propoSIng to revIse the provlSlons of the current
"Department of Water and Power Specific Plan" In the follOWIng manner'
. deletion of "theater" from the eXIsting "Open-Space Uses Defined"
. a reduction In the maxImum number of permItted hotel rooms from 300
to 150
. deletion of the clause whIch allows a greater number of rooms "upon CIty
CouncIl authonzatlon", under subsection "b ", Hotel
. the combInatIon of the "Banquet Room (ReqUIred)" and
"Meetlnl!/Conference Rooms" under subsection "b. ", Hotel, specIfyIng the
total capacIty of these facIlIties at 175 persons
. the amendment to "BUILDING HEIGHT, Open Space", to read as
follows "The maxImum 11l1lldtRg heIght of a structure shall be P.','8 (2)
staReS not te exceed w.'eR~ five (23') fifteen (15') feet"
. to Include the follOWIng clause at the end of Section 7 b , to read In Its
entirety "Subterranean parlang IS specIfically authonzed, subject to
approval of secunty measures by the Seal Beach Police Depanment"
. the amendment of the compact car parkmg proVISIons to read as follows,
"Up to 30% compact parlang IS specIfically authonzed, or the standard
City requirement as set fonh In the Zoning Code, if greater than 30%.
. the requIrement that valet parlang be restncted to "On-Site"
. deletion of the provlSlon whIch allows for the CredIt of parlang spaces In
the 1st Street parlang lot, under subsectiOn "7 b. ", Hotel
Section 2 Pursuant to 14 CalIf. Code of Regs. ~ 15025(a) and ~ II.C and III
of the CIty's Local CEQA GUldehnes, staff prepared an Imtlal Study and NegatIve Declaration,
whIch were crrculated for pubhc revIew and comment from October 10 to October 30, 1995,
In complIance WIth the prOVISIons of the Callforma EnVIronmental QualIty Act and the CIty's
Local CEQA GUIdelInes.
SectIon 3. A duly noticed pubhc heanng was held before the Planmng
CommIssIon on December 6, 1995 to consider the proposed reVlSlons to the Department of
Water and Power SpecIfic Plan, the Imtlal Study and the Negative Declaration. At the pubhc
heanng the Planmng CommIssIon receIVed testimony from representatives of the property owner
and the publIc regardIng the proposed reVlSlons, the Imtlal Study and Negative Declaration, both
In favor and In oppoSItion.
Section 4.
The record of the heanng IndIcates as follows
DWP Speajic Plan ReVIsIOn 95-1
Pla1llUng Conrnusslon Resolunon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
(a) City staff has receIVed dIrection from the CIty CouncIl to
prepare thIS matter, proposed revIsIons to the Department of Water and Power SpecIfic Plan as
recommended by the DWP Specific Plan Advisory CommIttee, for the appropnate pubhc
heanngs, 10 accordance WIth the provlSlons of State law and local ordmances.
(b) The CIty of Seal Beach IS requesting to amend provlSlons
of the Department of Water and Power SpecIfic Plan as set forth 10 SectIon 1, above.
(c) The subject property IS legally descnbed as:
Parcel No.1
All that portion of Naples ExtenSiOn SItuated 10 the CIty of Seal Beach, County of Orange, State
of Callforma, recorded 10 Book 10, Pages 58 and 59 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County,
shown as a portIon of Parcel "A" 10 LIcense Surveyors Map of the TIdelands East of Naples,
recorded in Book 2, Pages 47 and 48 of the Record Surveys of satd Orange County and
descnbed as Part 2 10 ExhIbIt A-I of deed recorded 10 Book 869, Page 1 of OffiCIal Records of
satd Orange County
Excepting therefrom that portIon IY10g northeasterly of the land conveyed to the State of
CalIfornIa for hIghway purposes recorded 10 Book 426, Page 378 of Deeds, Records of
satd Orange County
Also, all that portIon ofa fraction of the southwest 'A of Section 11, T. 5 S., R. 12 W , S B.M.
10 said County of Orange, a portIon of the Rancho Los Alamltos as per map thereof recorded
10 Book 1, Page 460 et. seq., of Patents, Records of Los Angeles County, descnbed as Part 3
10 ExhIbIt A-I of deed recorded 10 Book 869, Page 1 of OffiCIal Records of satd Orange County.
Also, all of lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 100 10 Tract No. 698 as per map thereof recorded 10 Book
31, Page 27 of MIscellaneous Maps, Records of satd Orange County and descnbed as Part 4 10
ExhIbIt A-I of deed recorded 10 Book 869, Page 1 of OffiCIal Records of satd Orange County.
Also, all that portIon of Block "CO of Bay CIty as per map thereof recorded 10 Book 3, Page
19 of MIscellaneous Maps, Records of satd Orange County and descnbed as Part 5 10 ExhIbIt
A-I of deed recorded 10 Book 869, Page 1 of OffiCIal Records of satd Orange County.
EXCEPTING therefrom any portion thereof descnbed as follows:
BegInning at the most easterly comer of the land descnbed 10 satd Part 3 of ExhIbIt A-I
10 a Deed to the CIty of Los Angeles, CalIfOrnIa recorded 10 Book 869, Page I of
OffiCIal Records, thence South 310 17' 22" West 34706 feet along the southeast
boundary of satd land of the CIty of Los Angeles, the southeast boundary of satd Lots
1,2, and 3 and the southeast boundary of satd Block "C"; then North 24022' 42" East
332.42 feet; thence North 050 38' 24" West 33.18 feet to a po1Ot on the northeast
boundary of satd land of the City of Los Angeles satd po1Ot be10g on a curve concave
north-easterly hav10g a radIUS of 940.00 feet a radial from satd po1Ot bears North 420 07'
31" East; thence along satd curve and the boundary of satd land of the CIty of Los
Angeles southeasterly 60 68 feet to the point of beg1Omng.
Parcel No 2
All that portIon of Block "B" of Bay City as per map thereof recorded 10 Book 3, Page 19 of
MIscellaneous Maps, Records of satd Orange County and descnbed as Parts 7 and 8 10 ExhIbIt
A-I of deed recorded 10 Book 869, Page 1 of OffiCIal Records of satd Orange County.
DWP Speajic Plan ReVISIon 95-1
Planmng Comnas.,on lUsolutlon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
EXCEPTING therefrom, that portIon of satd land for pubhc road and hIghway purposes
descnbed 10 deed recorded in Book 536, Page 49 of satd OffiCIal Records
Also, all that portion of the southwesterly half of Ocean Avenue, 80 feet 10 WIdth, as shown on
Bay CIty, as per map thereof recorded in Book 3, Page 19 of MIscellaneous Maps, 10 the Office
of the County Recorder of satd County, and that portIon of Block "B" of saId Bay CIty, bounded
southeasterly by the southerly prolongation of the easterly hne of Block "C" as shoWll on satd
map of Bay CIty; bounded northwesterly by the westerly line of the land descnbed 10 deed
recorded 10 Book 85, Page 144 of Deeds, Records of satd Orange County; bounded
southwesterly by the land descnbed 10 said deed recorded 10 Book 85, Page 144 of Deeds, and
the land descnbed 10 deed recorded 10 Book 536, Page 49 of satd OffiCIal Records; and bounded
northeasterly by the northeasterly hne of satd southwesterly half of Ocean Avenue.
(d) The SIte IS located along the west SIde of FIrst Street, east
of the San Gabnel RIver, ImmedIately south of Manna Dnve, and north of the Fust Street
pubhc beach parlang lot The SIte IS Irregular In shape, hav10g approxImately
800 feet of frontage on FIrst Street and 296 feet of frontage on Manna Dnve. The SIte vanes
10 depth, be10g approXImately 480 feet 10 depth at the deepest po1Ot, 296 feet along north
property lIne, and approXImately 317 feet deep adJacent to Ocean Avenue. The SIte compnses
approXImately 9.0 acres
(e) The subject property was formerly the location of a large
power plant of the Los Angeles Gas and Electnc Company (now Department of Water and
Power). The property has been surplus DWP land S10ce the plant was demohshed In the mld-
1970's The property IS currently vacant
(f) The General Plan and the zomng map 10dlcate the subject
area to be deSIgnated for and zoned for "SPR-C", SpecIfic Plan Regulation - CommercIal
(g) The surroundmg General Plan Land Use deSIgnations,
zoning designations, and current land uses are as follows:
General Plan Land Use desIgnation. ResIdential HIgh DenSIty
2) ZonIng desIgnation: Residential HIgh DenSIty
3) Current Land Use: Attached smgle-famIly ResIdential
General Plan Land Use deSIgnation' Pubhc
2) Zomng desIgnation: Pubhc Land Use\RecreatIon
3) Current Land Use: Pubhc beach parlang lot and pubhc beach
General Plan Land Use deSIgnation' ResIdential HIgh DenSIty
2) Zomng deSIgnation: ReSIdential HIgh DenSIty
3) Current Land Use: Detached smgle-famIly resIdential and attached
multi-famIly resIdential
General Plan Land Use deSIgnation No deSIgnation
2) Zomng desIgnation: None
3) Current Land Use: San Gabnel RIver
DWP Speajic Plan ReVISIon 95-1
Planning Conrnusslon Resolunon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
(h) In 1982 the CIty adopted the Department of Water and
Power SpecIfic Plan, whIch set forth allowed land uses and development standards for the
subJect property. The SpecIfic Plan allows Vlsltor-servmg uses on the northerly 30% of the
DWP parcel, more specIfically, to the area adjacent to Marma Dnve and FIrst Street In all
cases, VISItor-serVIng shall be lImIted to the area north of an Imag10ary westerly prolongation
of Central Way.
(I) Smce adoption of the SpecIfic Plan, there has been no formal
development apphcatlon received by the City regardmg the subJect property.
(J) Between 1989 and the present time staff has been mvolved
WIth dISCUSSIons WIth representatIves of the Los Angeles CIty Department of Water and Power
(DWP) regardmg the development of an Implementation mechamsm whIch would be acceptable
to both DWP and the CIty to effectuate the provlSlons of the DWP SpecIfic Plan Dunng thIS
time period, several vartatlons of a "Requestfor QualificatIOns/Proposals", have been dISCUSSed,
WIth the DWP SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry CommIttee proVld1Og mput 1Oto the development of the
Proposal package.
(k) Between 1991 and mid-I994, there was veryhttlemovement
regardmg the development of the RFP, pnmanly due to the economIc sItuation In mld-1994,
the DWP contacted the CIty regardmg the reactivation of the process to finalIze the" Request for
Qualifications/Proposals" document. At thIS tIme the document IS 10 final revIew by legal
counsel of both DWP and the CIty, and It appears that DWP staff IS agreeable to seelang
authonzatlon of theIr Board to proceed, and ultimately receIve approval of the Los Angeles CIty
(1) Staff prepared a report regard10g the "Request for
Qualifications/Proposals" process for CIty Councti consIderation on January 9, 1995,
recommendmg that the CIty CouncIl mstruct staff to 10ltlate meetings WIth the DWP AdVISOry
CommIttee regardmg the status of the RFP process The CIty Councti concurred WIth that
(m) The DWP SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry CommIttee met on
February 27, March 27, and Apnl24, 1995, to revIew and conSIder amendments to the current
provIsIons of the DWP SpecIfic Plan.
(n) The DWP SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry CommIttee prepared a
"Memorandum", dated Apnl 25, 1995, whIch set forth the recommendations of the CommIttee
relatIve to proposed amendments to the SpecIfic Plan
(0) The recommendations of the DWP AdVISOry CommIttee
were presented to the Redevelopment Agency on May 22, 1995 to prOVIde dIrection to staff as
to whether to schedule publIc heanngs for amendments to DWP Specific Plan as recommended
by DWP SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry Committee or to proceed WIth the RFQ/P process
(P) The Redevelopment Agency mstructed staff to proceed WIth
the preparatIon of the appropnate envIronmental documentation and staff reports to present the
recommended amendments to the Planning CommIssiOn for conSIderation at pubhc heanngs
(q) The CIty has adopted Negative Declaration No. 95-5 through
the approval of Resolution No. 95-26, whIch IS Incorporated herem by reference SaId Negative
Declaration represents the mdependent Judgement of the CIty of Seal Beach.
Section 5. Based upon the eVIdence 10 the record, mcludmg the facts stated
10 ~ 4 of thIS resolution, and 10 the enVIronmental documentation prepared 10 conJunction WIth
DWP Speajic Plan ReVISIon 95-1
Planmng Comnu...on Resolutlon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
thIs proJect, and pursuant to ~~ 28-2950 through 28-2953 of the CIty's ~, The Planmng
ComnussiOn hereby finds as follows:
(a) Proposed ReVISIon 95-1 of the DWP SpecIfic Plan WIll not
be detnmental to the short term or long term goals of the CIty of Seal Beach and are m the
mterest of the publIc health, safety and welfare.
(b) Proposed ReVISIon 95-1 of the DWP SpecIfic Plan WIll
reduce future commercIal development potent1al to a level of mtenslty more m keepmg WIth the
desires of the CItIzenS of the CIty of Seal Beach, whIle still allOWIng for reasonable use of the
property, still in keeping WIth the mtent of the DWP SpecIfic Plan.
(c) There IS no substantial eVIdence m the record whIch would
support a fair argument that approval of proposed ReVISIon 95-1 of the DWP SpecIfic Plan
nught have a slgmficant envIronmental impact.
Section 6 Based on the foregomg, the Planmng CommIssIOn hereby
recommends approval of ReVISIon 95-1 of the DWP SpecIfic Plan as recommended by the DWP
SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry CommIttee Memorandum of Apnl 25, 1995, and as modIfied by
determ1Oatlons of the Planmng CommIssion at the close of the pubhc heanng on December 6,
1995, attached hereto and made a part hereof as "ExhIbit A".
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planmng CommIssIon of the CIty of
Seal Beach at a meetmg thereof held on the 3rd day of January, 1996 by the followmg vote
CommIssIOners Dab.\ rw.ut\) ~aKfl La'U)
CommIssIoners eu-ow n I r ..amf-heJ I
YJcdh7citUl 0;~MI
Patncla E. Camphell, Ch rperson
Planmng CommIssIon
etA- (A)f~
WhIttenberg, Secretary
Planmng CommIssIon
DWP Speajic Plan ReVISIon 95-1
Pla1llUlfg CommISSJOlf Resolunon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
1) MOTION by Dal1lman, SECOND by Brown to recommend to the CIty Council approval
of the follow1Og amendments to the DWP SpecIfic Plan as recommended by the DWP
SpecIfic Plan AdvIsory CommIttee:
1 Deletion of "theater" from the eXIstIng "Open-Space Uses Defined"
3. Deletion of the clause whIch allows a greater number of rooms "upon CIty
Counctl authonzatlon", under subsection "b ", Hotel.
5. The amendment to "BUILDING HEIGHT, Open Space", to read as
follows "The maxImum BtltldlRg height of a structure shall Be tV/a (2)
staRe~ not te exceed tv.'eR~ w,e (23') fifteen (15') feet"
6. to 10clude the follow1Og clause at the end of Section 7 b , to read 10 Its
entirety "Subterranean parlang IS specIfically authonzed, subJect to
approval of secunty measures by the Seal Beach Police Depanment" .
7. the amendment of the compact car parlang provISIons to read as follows,
"Up to 30% compact parlang IS specIfically authonzed, or the standard
CIty requirement as set fonh In the Zomng Code, if greater than 30%.
8. the reqUIrement that valet parlang be restncted to "On-Site".
9. deletion of the provIsIon whIch allows for the CredIt of parlang spaces 10
the 1st Street parkIng lot, under subsection "7 b ", Hotel
MOTION PASSED: 5 - 0 - 0
CommIssIoners Brown, Dahlman, Law, Sharp, and ChaIrperson Campbell
2) MOTION by Dal1lman, SECOND by Law to adopt the recommendation of the DWP
SpecIfic Plan AdVISOry Committee WIth a request to the CIty Counctl that the CIty
Counctl meet WIth DWP to determ10e If there IS a more appropnate number of umts that
would be acceptable to DWP, somewhere between 150 and 300 rooms
2. Reduce the maxImum number of permItted hotel rooms from 300 to 150,
proVIded that, If the CIty CounCIl, after recelv10g 10put from the property
OWller deems thIs provIsIon IS too restnctlve, It IS the recommendation of
the Planmng CommIssIon that the CIty Counctl dIrect the CIty Manager
to negotiate a vIable number of permItted rooms not to exceed 300.
MOTION PASSED: 5 - 0 - 0
CommIssIoners BroWll, Dal1lman, Law, Sharp, and ChaIrperson Campbell
DWP Speajic Plan ReVISIon 95-1
Planmng ComnusSlon Resolutlon No 96-1
January 3, 1996
NOES: None
3) MOTION by Brown, SECOND by Law to recommend to the CIty CouncIl approval of
the following amendment to the DWP SpecIfic Plan as recommended by the DWP
Specific Plan Advisory CommIttee, and as modIfied by the Planmng CommIssIon'
4. the comb1Oatlon of the "Banquet Room (RllQ:lIIFed Qptional)" and
"Meeting/Conference Rooms" under subsection "b.", Hotel, speclfymg the
total capacIty of these facIlttles at 175 persons
CommIssIoners Brown, Dahlman, Law, Sharp, and ChaIrperson Campbell
* * * *