HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 01-16 - 2001-04-18 RESOLUTION NUMBER 01-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING CUP NO. 99-12 (INDEFINITE EXTENSION), APPROVING AN INDEfINITE EXTENSION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ALCOHOL RELATED LAND USE FOR THE ON PREMISES SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT, LAYLA'S CAFE, AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13956 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD. THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY fIND AND RESOLVE: Section 1. On March 15, 2001, frank Tahvildari (thc "Applicant") filcd an application with the Departmcnt of Development Services for Conditional Use Permit 99-12 (Indefinite Extension), applying for an indefinite extension of a previously approved alcohol related land use at the property located at 13956 Seal Beach Boulcvard. Specifically, the applicant is rcquesting the ability to scll beer and wine for on-premises consumption only, and within an enclosed outdoor dining area. Section 2. Pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations ~ 15305 and ~ll(B) of the City's Local CEQA Guidelines, staff has determined as follows: the application for CUP 99-12 (Indefinite Extension) for the proposed interior remodcling is catcgorically exempt from rcview pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations ~15301 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations), because the proposal involvcs a negligible expansion of an existing usc; pursuant to ~15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations), because the proposal involves a minor alteration in land use limitation and does not involve either a property in excess of20% slope or a change in land use or density. Section 3. A duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on April 18, 2001, to consider the application for CUP 99-12 (Indcfinitc Extcnsion). At the public hearing no one spoke in favor ofthc rcqucst and no one spoke in opposition. Section 4. The record of the hearing of April 18, 2001 indicates the following: (a) On March 15, 2001 Frank Tahvildari submitted an applieation for CUP 99-12 (Indefinite Extension) with the Department of Devclopment Scrviees. (b) Specifically, the applicant is proposing to be able to sell beer and wine for on premises eonsumption only. (c) The subject restaurant contains approximately 1950 squarc feet. (d) The subject property is legally described as Orange County assessor's parcel number 095-641-45. (e) The subject property contains an existing shopping center, which includes a supermarket, bank, law oftices, and other commercial businesses. (f) The proposed restaurant is a full service restaurant that sells an ass0l1ment of non-alcohol ic beverages as well as the proposcd bcer and wine. (g) The subject property meets all of its parking requirements through on-site parking within the center. (h) The surrounding land uses and zoning are as follows: NORTH & WEST Rcsidential Housing in Leisure World, ill a Residential High Density (RHD) zone. Plannmg Conmll.5sioll ResolutIOn No 01-16 CUP 99-12 (Indefillite ExtellslOlI) 13956 SBB Ltlyla's Cafe Apl'llI8,2001 EAST Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach in a Public Land Usc/Recrcation (PLU/R) zone. SOUTH Boeing Facility in a Light Manufacturing (M-1) zone and commercial businesses in a General Commercial (C-2) zonc. Section 5. Based upon the facts contained in the record, including those stated in ~4 of this resolution and pursuant to ~~28-1400, 28-2503 and 28-2504 of the City's Code, the Planning Commission makes the following findings: . Conditional Use Pennit 99-12 (Indefinite Extension) is consistcnt with the provisions of the Land Use Elemcnt of the City's General Plan, which provides a "Servicc Commercial (C-1)" zoning designation for the subject property and permits restaurants to serve alcoholic beverages subject to the issuance of a conditional usc pennit. The use is also consistent with the remaining elements of the City's General Plan, as the policies of those elements are consistent with, and reflected in, the Land Use Element. Accordingly, the proposcd use is eonsistent with the General Plan. . The building and property at 13956 Seal Beach Blvd. are adequate in size, shape, topography and location to meet the needs of the proposed use of the property and the proposed outdoor dining area. . Required adherence to applicable building and firc codcs cnsures there will be adequate water supply and utilities for the pro~osed use. Section 6. approves Conditional Usc conditions: Based upon the foregoing, thc Planning Commission hereby Pennit 99-12 (Indefinite Extension), subject to the following 1. CUP #99-12 (Indefinite Extension) is approved for the sale of Beer & Wine for on-premises consumption at 13956 Seal Beach Blvd. 2. The applicant shall comply with all restrietions placed upon the license issued by the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 3. The applicant shall furnish the City a copy of his or her ABC license and a copy of any conditions placed on the license is received by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. This shall be done as soon as the license is received by the applicant from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Bcverage Control. 4. The hours of operation shall be 7:00 AM to 10 P.M. daily. 5. No video games or similar amusements shall be permitted on the premises. 6. There shall be no exterior advertising of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promotJ.ng or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. 7. The applicant will prominently display these conditions of approval in a location within thc business's customer area that is acceptable to the Director of Dcvc10pment Services. 8. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effectIve for any purpose unless an "Acceptance of Conditions" form has been signed by the applicant in the presence ofthe Director of Development Serviccs, or llotmized and returned to the Planning Department; and until the ten (10) day appeal period has elapsed. 9. A modification of this Conditional Use Pcrmit shall be obtained when: a) The establishment proposes to change its type ofhquor license. Plal/Illng CommISSIOn ResolutIOn No 01-16 CUP 99-12 (Indejilllte Extensiun) 13956 SBB 1.a.../a 's Cafe AprillB,2001 b) The establishment proposes to modify any of its currcnt conditions of approval. c) There is a substantial changc in the mode or character of opemtions of the establishment. 10. Exterior lighting in the parking area shall be kept at a level so as to provide adequate lighting for patrons while not unreasonably disturbing surrounding residential or commercial areas. A lighting plan shall be provided, subject to review and approval by the Director of Development Services, which promotes minimal disturbance to nearby residences. 11. In the event staff detennines sccurity problems exist on the site, the conditions of this pcnnit may be amended, under the procedures of the Seal Beach Municipal Code, to require the provision of additional security measures. 12. The establishment shall have a public tclcphone listing. 13. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant/licensee to provide all employees that sell or serve alcoholic beverages with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to comply with their responsibilities under State law. The knowledge and skills dcemed necessary for responsible alcoholic bcvcragc scrvice shall include, but not be limited to the following topics and skills dcvelopment: a) State laws relating to alcoholic beverages, particularly ABC and penal provisions concerning sales to minors and intoxicated persons, driving under the influence, hours oflegal operations and penalties for violations ofthcse laws. b) The potential legal liabilities of owners and employees of businesses dispensing alcoholic beveragcs to patrons who may subsequently injure, kill, or harm themselves or innocent victims. as a result ofthe exccssive consumption of alcoholic beverages. c) Alcohol as a drug and its effects on the body and behavior, including the operation of motor vehicles. d) Methods for dealing with intoxicated customers and rceognizing underage customers. The following organizations have been identified by the State Department of Alcoholic Bcvcragc Control as providing training programs which comply with the abovc criteria: 1) Department of Alcoholic Bcvcrage Control L.E.A.D. Program Tclcphone: (714) 558-6482 2) Orange County A.D.E.P .1'. Program, for referral to either thc B.A.D.D. or T.I.P .S. Program. Tclephonc: (714) 568-4187 14. Littcr and trash receptacles shall be located at convenient locations inside and outside the establishment, and operators of such establishments shall remove trash and debris on an appropnate basis so as not to cause a health problem. There shall be no dumping oftrash and/or glass bottles outside the establishment betwecn thc hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M 15. The Planning Commission reserves the right to revoke or modify this Conditional Use Pennit pursuant to Articles 25 and 28 of the Code of the Citv of Seal Beach ifhann or retail related problems are demonstrated to occur as a result of criminal or anti-social behavior, including but not limited to the eongregation of minors, violenee, public drunkenness, vandalism, solicitation and/or litter. 16. This Conditional Use Pennit shall become null and void unless exercised within one (1) year ofthe date of final approval, or such extcnsion of time as may be granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to a written request for extension submitted to thc Department of Development Services a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to such expiration date. P/tIIlnlllg Cummission ResolllllOll No. 01-16 CUP 99-12 (Indefinite Extension) 13956 SBB Lay/a's Cafe Apn/ 18. 2001 17. All alcoholic beverages sold in conjunction with thc on-premise licensed establishment must bc consumed cntircly on the premiscs prior to closing time, and none shall be sold as take- out. 18. Consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be prohibited in the establishment's parking area. There shall be appropriate posting of signs both inside and outside the licensed premises indicating that drinking outside the licensed premises is prohibited by law. 19. Conditional Use Permit #99-12 (Indefinite Extension) shall be automatically terminated if the operation is no longer maintained as a "bona fide public eating place" as defined by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 20. The establishment must scrve a complete menu of food until thirty (30) minutes prior to closing time. 21. There shall be no live entertaimnent, amplified music, or dancing permitted on the premises at any time, unlcss specifically authorizcd by a conditional use pernlit issued by the City and unlcss such uses are consistent with the license conditions imposed by the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 22. Whenever the outdoor dining arca is bcing utilized for the sale, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages, a premise employee shall be in attendance. He/she must maintain continuous supervision at all times to ensure the outdoor dining area does not create a public nuisance contrary to public welfare and morals. 23. Any aleoholic beverages sold to customers utilizing the outdoor dining space shall be served in bottles or glass containers only. 24. The proposed facility shall comply with Chapter 130, "Noisc Control", of the Code ofthe Citv of Scal Beach as thc regulations of that Chapter now exist or may hereafter be amended. Should complaints be received regarding noises generated by the faeility, the Planning Commission reserves the right to schedule the subject pcnnit for reconsideration and may require the applicant/operator to mitigate the noise level to comply with the provisions of Chapter 13D. 25. The knowledge and skills deemed necessary for responsible alcoholic beverage scrvice as set forth in Condition No. 13, shall include for on-premise licensed loeations, but not be limited to thc following additional topics and skills development: a) Methods to appropriately pace customer drinking to reduce the risk that the customer will not leave the premises in an intoxicated manner. b) Knowledge ofmixology, including marketable alternatives to alcoholic bevcragcs. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission ofthc City of Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on thc 18th day of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Hood, Cutuli, Brown, Sharp, Ladner NOES: Commissioners ABSENT: Commissioners e Whittenberg Secretary of the Plann10g Comm'ssion Planning Commisi>'ion ResolutIOn No 01-16 CUP 99-12 (indefinite ExtenSIOn) 13956 SBB Layla's Cufe April 18. 2001 <<Z ./l/L / David Hood,PhD,' / Chairman of the Planning Commission