HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1995-03-27 I I I 3-27-95 Seal Beach, California March 27, 1995 The regular adjourned city Council meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. this date was cancelled due to the lack of Closed Session items requiring discussion. {~,]J);v ?!t'Cl~k . Seal Beach, California March 27, 1995 '. The city Council of t~e'City of Seal Beach met in regular session at 7:06 p.m. with Mayor Brown calling the meeting to order with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Brown Councilmembers Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo Absent: Councilmember Doane Forsythe moved, second by Hastings, to excuse the absence of Councilman Doane from this meeting. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brown, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Doane Motion carried APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilmember Hastings requested Item "M" be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration, and a member of the audience requested that Item "G" be removed also. Forsythe moved, second by Hastings, to approve the. agenda as revised. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brown, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Doane Motion carried ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Brown declared Oral Communications open. Lt. Commander Shirmer, United States Navy, Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, stated he was present on behalf of Commander Steadley to share some of the actions taken by the station to protect and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge located on the Station and in response to recent news articles that stated concern with potential contamination of the Refuge and whether any impact on the wildlife exists. He stated the Station shares any community concerns relative to the Refuge and assured that communications are open with regard to natural resources and operations of the Station. The Lt. Commander advised that the Station works closely with the U. S. Fish and wildlife Service and private organizations to protect and enhance the Refuge, the annual Refuge cleanup an example, always taking steps to preserve the wildlife that use the Refuge as a haven. He reported the Station initiated a study of the Refuge in 1991 to assess the impacts of their operation on the salt marsh and its inhabitants, the study also addressed whether the installation 3-27-95 remediation sites could be linked to contamination of the salt marsh, the potential accumulation of chemicals in the species and primary food items done by the U. S. Fish and wildlife Service and the state Department of Fish and Game, assessment of the California least tern and clapper rail specifically, the study found no relationship between the remedial investigation sites and the distribution of contaminants to food species. He 1 noted that this study was distributed to various Federal, State ,. and local public agencies, monitoring of the Refuge continues, further studies are planned, some through the Restoration Installation Program, in compliance with State and Federal requlatory agencies, and there is opportunity for the community to comment on such programs through the Restoration Advisory Board. Lt. Commander Shirmer expressed the pride of the Station in their capacity as steward of the Refuge, invited the community to join in their preservation and protection efforts attendance at the monthly Restoration Advisory Board meetings, and noted that Refuge tour arrangements can be made through contact with the Base. Mr. Frank Clift, Doqwood Avenue, expressed concern with the March 13th action of the Council to allow an adjourned Planning Commission meeting to be held at the North Seal Beach Comm~nity Center relating to the Bixby proposal and at which a decision could be made. He stated that all official meetings should be held in the Council Chambers where there is the capability for members of the community to view the telecast of the meetings live or to attend the meetings, and although the meeting would be in closer proximity to the area where the development would occur, for residents of College Park East that do not attend that meeting there will be no live telecast for the monitoring of discussion and potential decision. Mr. Clift urged the Council to reconslder their prior I' action at the next meeting, again asking that all official meetings be conducted in Council Chambers. Councilman Laszlo said the action of the Council had been to allow the Planning Commission to make the decision to hold an adjourned meeting at the North Seal Beach Community Center, and it was his understanding that no final decision would be made outside the Council Chamber. Mr. Marty Mahrer, College Park East, commended the decision to hold an adjourned meeting at the North Seal Beach Center relating to the Bixby proposal. Mr. Fred Delli Santi, Ocean Avenue, expressed opposition to a proposal to hold a Farmers Market in the vicinity of Eisenhower Park on behalf of the Ocean View Homeowners Association, citing the area as already being congested, an understanding that special parkinq privileqes will be qranted, and a neqative impact on other Main Street businesses. Ms. Donna McGuire, Colleqe Park East, read a prepared statement relating to concerns of a qroup called "PROBE", People's Rebuttal of Bixby Expansion, to the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Bixby development proposal. She cited an omission of the DEIR was hazardous waste on and around the runways where homes are proposed to be built in close proximity, also data from one of the runways was not included in the report. She invited all interested persons to attend the Environmental Quality Control Board meeting on April 18th for a presentation on the EIR, and asked that at that meetinq a presentation be made by Aires C~nsultants relatinq to their 1-" reports pertaining to the Bixby development, also two areas that PROBE would like emphasized is noise, reiterating a prior request of the EQCB t~at a sinqle event noise demonstration be provided, a thorough explanation of DB and CNEL noise levels, and a visual presenta~ion of the aircraft safety zones. The Director of Development Services clarified that at this time there is no consideration of the Bixby EIR scheduled for the EQCB on April 18th, the final EIR has yet to be completed, and the EQCB has requested to receive that document two weeks prior to their consideration. Mr. Bill Erickson, Colleqe Park East resident, presented five concerns of PROBE, of which he is a I I I .1.'" 3-27-95 member: 1) that the EIR be as accurate as possible usinq correct, complete and current information such as the Aires Report; 2) that the EIR be available for public review three weeks prior to the EQCB meetinq; 3) that the document be in comprehendible lanquaqe; 4) that the experts who qathered the information and the staff attend the EQCB meetinq when the final report is presented; and 5) that the meetinq be in a manner in which the pUblic as well as the EQCB may ask questions after each section of the report is presented. He stated it is crucial to insure that the EIR is as complete and accurate as possible to avoid future leqal and financial problems. Mr. Erickson presented PROBE petition paqes relatinq to his prior comments. There beinq no further comments, Mayor Brown declared Oral Communications closed. CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS "A" thru "0" Forsythe moved, second by Hastinqs, to approve the recommended action for items on the Consent Calendar as presented, except Items "G" and "M", removed for separate consideration. A. Approved the waiver of readinq in full of all ordinances and resolutions and that consent to the waiver of readinq shall be deemed to be qiven by all Councilmembers unless specific request is made at that time for the readinq of such ordinance or resolution. B. Approved the minutes of the March 13, 1995 reqular adjourned and reqular meetinqs. C. Approved reqular demands numbered 8364 throuqh 8490 in the amount of $836,546.23, payroll demands numbered 10817 throuqh 11004 in the amount of $233,462.96, and authorized warrants to be drawn on the Treasury for same. D. Received and filed the staff report relatinq to the Transportation Enhancement Activities Proqram, specifically the fundinq for freeway wall art, and authorized the Mayor to siqn a response letter thereto. E. Received and filed the staff report relatinq to proposed Federal preemption of local control of sitinq and relocatinq cellular communication towers, authorized the Mayor"to siqn the letter in response thereto, and referred this item to the Environmental Quality Control Board for further review and report to Council. Received and filed the staff report relatinq to the Final Environmental Assessment/ Initial Study (EA/IS) for the Los Alamitos AFRC JP-8 Fuel Facility, authorized the Mayor to siqn the letter in response thereto, and forwarded this item to the Planninq Commission, Environmental Quality Control Board, and Archaeoloqical Advisory Committee for information purposes. F. H. Approved the introduction and first readinq of Ordinance Number 1394 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 26B TO THE CODE 3-27-95 OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, IMPLEMENTING A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMITS PROGRAM~ and passed Ordinance Number 1394 to second reading. By unanimous consent, full reading of Ordinance Number 1394 was waived. I Approved the Surfs ide Assessment District Categorical Exemptions and instructed staff to file same with the Orange County Clerk. J. Received and filed the staff report relating to the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, Installation Restoration Program, Draft National Wildlife Refuge Study Report, and instructed staff to forward same to the Planning Commission, Environmental Quality Control Board, and Archaeological Advisory Committee for review and information purposes. I. K. Concurred with the recommendation for the delegation of 'determination of public convenience and necessity' to the Planning Commission relative to the licensing of alcoholic beverage establishments, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control procedures. L. Received and filed the staff report relating to attainment of federal nitrogen dioxide standards, and instructed staff to forward this item to the Environmental Quality Control Board and Planning Commission for information. I N. Accepted the resignation of Mr. Richard Davies as the District Five representative to the Parks and Recreation Commission and declared the position to be vacant. o. Accepted the resignation of Ms. Susan Davies as a District Five representative to the Archaeological Advisory Committee and declared the position to be vacant. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brown, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Doane Motion carried ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM "G" - ORDINANCE ii/UMBER 1391 I DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - 322 MAIN STREET - BENNETT Ms. Sue Corbin, Seal Beach, spoke against in-lieu parking and I liquor licenses on Main Street, claimed that homeowners are being put in jeopardy because when a future parking plan is submitted to the Coastal Commission the Commission will require actual parking spaces, not imaginary, non-profit, or beach parking, and should a decision be made to build a parking structure, car alarms should not be allowed. ITEM "M" - NAVAL WEAPONS STATION - INSTALLATION RESTORATION PROGRAM Councilmember Hasting~ inquired of the Lt. Commander of the Naval Weapons Station if the April 13th date for final comments I I I 3-27-95 to the Draft Final Remedial Investigation Report for Sites 1, 7, 19 and 22 could be moved forward by a week to ten days to allow submittal of comments by the city's Environmental Quality Control Board and Archaeological Committee. The Lt. Commander indicated that would be possible. councilmember Hastings noted there was no mention of possible mercury contamination in the Report relating to the four subject sites, and having knowledge of its past use at the Station, requested additional information relating thereto. Action on Items "G" and "M": Forsythe moved, second by Hastings, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance Number 1391 entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AND RON BENNETT FOR THE 322 MAIN STREET PROJECT (VARIANCE 94-7)", received and filed the staff report relating to the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, Installation Restoration Program, Draft Final Remedial investigation Report for sites 1, 7, 19, and 22, and instructed staff to forward same to the Planning Commission, Environmental Quality Control Board, and Archaeological Advisory Committee for information purposes. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brown, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Doane Motion carried Mayor Brown requested that any District Five resident interested in appointment to the vacant position on the Parks and Recreation Commission contact Councilman Doane. AWARD OF BID - PIER REPAIR - PROJECT NUMBER 658 Bids were received for project Number 658, Pier Repairs, until March 22nd, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. and opened on March 23rd, 1995 at 2:00 p.m. as follows: John L. Meek Construction Co., Inc. Connolly-Pacific Co. Manson Construction & Engineering Co. Fletcher General Construction $109,954.00 $136,800.00 $228,000.00 $249,000.00 The City Manager presented the staff report, noted that the apparent low bid of John L. Meek Construction failed to submit the proper bid form and excluded one bid item, therefore it is recommended that the John L. Meek Construction bid be rejected as incomplete. Forsythe moved, second by Hastings, to reject the bid of John L. Meak Construction as being incomplete and that the bid for Project Number 658 be awarded to Connolly- Pacific Company in an amount not to exceed $136.,800.00. In response to inquiries of Council, the Manager explained that the city has a $100,000 deductible, will also bear the cost of replacing the gas line and the repair of two earthquake damaged pier pilings, and noted that the bid amount does not include the cost of materials, which have been ordered in an effort to expedite the repairs, that amount within the allowable expenditure through the purchase order process. He further clarified that the $100,000 deductible is a cost borne by the City in the repair of each of the two fires, the net cost of the second fire being $158,000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brown, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Doane Motion carried RECYCLING PROGRAMS - PHASE II The City Manager remi1lded that Phase I of -the recycling program did not include the Old Town or commercial areas of the City, 3-27-95 where special consideration needed to be given to Old Town to determine if equipment could be maneuvered for an automated system, that system now determined to not be practical. He mentioned that programs in other communities having similar densities, alleyways, etc. were looked at. He said the conceptual program presented for consideration is to continue to utilize the existing homeowner trash containers along with two sixteen gallon baskets for each unit, with an option that for dwelling units able to accommodate a recycling can, it would be provided at no cost, also that once a week residential pickup be implemented. As to c~mmercial the recommendation is that there be a two route system, one being those businesses generating unacceptable recyclable materials, those where there is spoilage and contamination and require to be landfilled, the other being the waste generator whose refuse can be separated for potentially recyclable materials, the frequency of pickups to remain unchanged pursuant to existing agreements and contracts. He offered that a rate adjustment is not presently proposed, however the potential of an increase of County gate fees needs to be kept in mind, also certain cost factors would be requested of the refuse hauler for evaluation and comparison to other areas. Councilmember Forsythe said of greatest concern is increased scavenging with use of the recycling basket, which makes it more convenient, loss of the recycling containers another concern which will result in additional expense to the vendor and aggravation to residents. She questioned if the front loader type of container would be cost prohibitive at this time. Mayor Brown confirmed the expressed opinions of three County Supervisors that it was not their intent to raise the gate fees for the Orange County cities, rather it was intended to be applied to those from outside the County that wished to use the landfills. Councilmember Forsythe cited greenwaste as a continuing problem and it is not foreseen that the County will develop a greenwaste program in the near future, therefore it may be necessary to seek a State grant for a local program or go outside of Orange County. The Manager offered that since the implementation of Phase I of the recycling program the required twenty-five percent reduction by 1995 is being met yet when Old Town is factored in with no program the percentage is closer to eighteen, therefore it is important to phase Old Town into some type of recycling program. Councilmember Forsythe again emphasized her desire for a more sturdy container than the recycling baskets and again predicted that the baskets will disappear quickly from the alleys. Councilmember Hastings agreed that Old Town with its alleyways, mUlti-units, etc. does not lend itself to the mechanically liftable containers as are presently in use in other areas of the community, therefore suggested that two la~'ge containers be provided to each apartment complex for the placement of recyclable items, other refuse then placed in the existing trash containers to go through the MaF process, or, use regular trash containers to divide all types of refuse with a possible Monday pickup of regular trash and a Thursday pickup of recyclables. Councilmember Forsythe inquired if there is a theft-proof, larger, front loading bin with an opening for the deposit of recyclables yet the opening not large enough for their removal, such a bin possibly serving five to six residences. Ms. Jamie Herbon, recycling coordinator, advised that she was only aware of lockable, commercial three cubic yard bins having a smaller, top deposit opening, many of the multi-family units in Los Alamitos using that type of container. Councilmember Hastings stated there would not be room for such containers in downtown Seal Beach where there are apartments interspersed with single family houses, and to place such bins in a garage area would lend the parking area unusable. Ms. Herbon noted that in early discussions of a program for the downtown area a semi-automated container had been me~tioned, the trucks equipped with a type of I I I I I I 3-27-95 front loadinq three cubic yard bin with a tippinq mechanism, the automated container is wheeled to the front of the truck and tipped in throuqh the use of a motorized device. Ms. Herbon acknowledqed that scavenqinq is a problem throuqhout the County, particularly where the basket proqram is used, an inquiry can be made of the refuse contractor if there is another type of container rather than the basket, however said it is unlikely that a residential receptacle will be lockable. She said like any other economy this is a cyclical phase of the value of recyclables, at this time the value is hiqh, and althouqh the city does not realize a benefit from that-value, the importance is that those materials stay out of the landfill, yet aqain the mere presence of scavenqers in a neiqhborhood is a concern, to which a qreater level of code enforcement can also assist. As to commercial, Ms. Herbon advised that the refuse contractor is required to do an audit of each commercial customer to determine whether the bin is a dry or wet bin, in Los Alamitos the dry bins constitute about forty-three percent. The City Manaqer cited the importance of havinq flexibility in the Old Town area, allowinq barrels where they are requested, attempt a semi- automated proqram, and if the area were to qo to recyclinq baskets they could likely be better maintained within ones dwellinq with a later pickup schedule where the baskets would not be placed for the pickup until morninq hours, allowinq more visibility of scavenqinq and less hours durinq which scavenqinq could occur. The Mayor said he did not think that scavenqinq would represent any siqnificant number in the total of the recyclinq proqram. It was clarified that.downtown residential pickup is currently twice a week, the proposal is for once a week, some commercial is on a daily pickup, the commercial proposal is for a MRF proqram, and the intent is to retain the same residential rate throuqhout the city. The Mayor offered that suqqestions from the pUblic may be directed to the office of the City Manaqer. REOUEST - FARMERS' MARKET The City Manaqer reported that the City had been contacted late last year by the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Association requestinq authorization to initiate a Farmers' Market, thereafter staff contacted a number of cities that have such markets seekinq input as to some of the issues, controllinq factors, problems, whether they were successful and worth some inconveniences, the County Health Department was contacted to determine their conditions, etc. He noted that subsequent to discussions with the Police Department, parkinq Control, and the Health Department, staff did have some concerns, therefore should there be interest in initiatinq a Farmers' Market the recommendation at this time is that it only be allowed on a limited basis for three consecutive Wednesdays in May to allow for the monitorinq of what impacts such an activity miqht have on parkinq and traffic. He mentioned that a number of options as to location had been looked at rather than Ocean Avenue, concerns were expressed by the Association and the Chamber with reqard to use of the 10th Street parkinq lot, if the activity is allowed the 100 block of Main Street could be considered, the hours of the market were adjusted to 1:00 .throuqh 5:00 p.m., some reservations remain with this activity however the specific impacts will not be known until the activity takes place. Councilmember Hastinqs cited the proposal submitted by the Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce as beinq ill conceived and questioned why people would be invited from outside the city to compete directly with local merchants, Johns Market, the orqanic produce store, and the nursery as examples. Upon quotinq information obtained relative to farmers' markets in other communities, Councilmember Hastinqs noted that there would be little local control without a cQnditional use permit as most requlations pertaininq to this type of activity emanate 3-27-95 from the Health and Aqriculture Departments, disaqreed that a farmers' market would have a positive spillover on other retail businesses, some Main street businesses feel it would be detrimental to them, revenue to the local government would be minimal, there would be no generation of sales tax, the projection of attendance is five hundred to one thousand persons per day with three to six hundred vehicles during the four hour period to which she questioned where customers are going to park, it unlikely that they will pay six dollars to park in the city lot. Councilmember Hastings reported having conducted an opinion survey of residents in the vicinity of Ocean Avenue where the farmers' market would be held, and with the exception of two, one having no opinion, another not at home during the hours of the market, all persons were absolutely opposed to the farmers' market. She noted that there has been no discussion of parking or the impact to Main Street, questioned if Ocean Avenue would be closed to traffic, would exit from Main Street be via the alleys, etc. Having attended two meetings of the Business Association, Mayor Brown said the Association felt this would be a good idea, and suggested that this item be carried over to another meeting to allow the Business Association an opportunity to express their views to the Council. Councilmember Forsythe indicated concurrence to hold this item over, offered that the business persons she has spoken with felt this might bring people into the town, the availability of fresh produce is inviting, questioned the element of competition with local businesses, however she would urge that the beach lots be opened for parking on an hourly basis, the impact is lessened because of the day and hours of the week in that many people would be at work, it is unlikely that attendance would be to the deqree projected, rather there would be concern if the market were to take on the appearance of a swap meet. In response to Council, the Manager explained that the vehicles, pick-ups or flatbeds, would park face to the curb, the produce would be sold from the rear of the vehicles, Ocean Avenue between Main and lOth would be closed, Ocean Avenue westerly of Main Street would be posted yet open to traffic, use of the beach parking lots at a reduced rate on an hourly basis is a consideration during the hours of sales, the activity would be evaluated after the three time trial period and if it were to continue staff would urge that it be considered under the conditional use permit process where local conditions can be applied. Councilman Laszlo suggested consideration of other locations such as the Rum Runners site, the State Lands property, or at the Rossmoor Center. Councilmember Hastings stated that the farmers' markets in other communities are not held in a residential district as is proposed in Seal Beach, it is unfair to impact the residential areas of this community. As to impacts on residential neighborhoods, an invitation was extended to Councilmember Hastings to visit Riviera Drive on any weeknight or weekend, impacts being part of living in a beach community, the impact of a farmers' market not of a magnitude of Kids Baseball or Calvary Chapel. No objection was expressed to holding this item over to the next meeting to allow comments from the Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Hastings requested that a more detailed staff report be provided. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Brown declared Oral Communications open. Dr. David Rosenman, Seal Beach, inquired as to who would be responsible for cleanup after the farmers' market, noted that Long Beach provides free parking, and questioned if it would be revenue neutral. Ms. Sue Corbin, Seal Beach, said rather than staff preparing staff reports it should be the Council who directs that such reports be prepared, stated her opinion that all areas of the community should be treated equal, and that there had been support by some I~ouncil persons that Calvary Chapel remain I I I I I I 3-27-95 at McGaugh. She stated her understanding of lowering the speed limit for the school however it was extended down Bolsa as far as the carwash therefore a survey needs to be done to support that action as lowering the limit by ten miles per hour constitutes a speed trap. There being no further comments Mayor Brown declared Oral Communications closed. ' COUNCIL REPORTS To a question of Councilmember Forsythe the City Manager confirmed having received a communication from a Hill resident some two months ago with an inventory of non-functioning street lights, a second list received later, reported the lists were forwarded to the Edison Company, the resident was advised that Edison maintains the street lights, and the locations are being monitored as to when and if the lights have been repaired. Councilman Laszlo requested that a meeting of the Ad Hoc Seal Beach Base Preservation Committee be scheduled for Wednesday, April 5th at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember Hastings reported that she and the Director of Development Services attended a recent meeting at the Naval Weapons station relating to the issue of sand replacement, and inquired of the Director if contact has been made with the California Department of Boating and Waterways, that Department basically the only agency that may be able to assist with resources to restore the sand on the beaches. The Director advised that the City Manager has had contact with the Department representative. The Manager confirmed that contact was made, the Department did pose additional questions and Moffat and Nichol are assisting with a response back to them, the Department then able to categorize and look for funding sources. Councilmember Hastings noted that Moffat and Nichol suggested that Long Beach be contacted once again regarding their dredging project, it was understood as well that a Moffat and Nichol employee was going to dive and retrieve sand samples for testing from the Alamitos Bay entrance. It is understood also that Surfs ide will be getting sand in 1995/96, federal, as well as County, funding anticipated for that project. She inquired about the Santa Ana River/Coyote Creek sources, and expressed belief that the fifteen thousand cubic yards of sand that had been placed on the east beach was instrumental in stopping wave action and pooling during the winter storms. The Manager stated that Moffat and Nichol did off-shore surveys prior to and after the recent storms, their opinion being that the additional sand was a tremendous asset in that much more severe problems could have been realized without it, contact has been made with the sand supplier, no date has been given by the Army Corps as to when they will be allowed back into the River, a meeting has been held with FEMA in an attempt to gain some cost sharing of the preventative expense that has been incurred and is now lost, also through their hazard mitigation program a grant application will be submitted for additional assistance, for an upgrade of the drains on Electric from 13th to Seal Beach Boulevard as well as the two drains in the Coves. Councilmember Hastings stated she would be out of the city for t~e next Council meeting, as did Councilmember Forsythe, and mention was made of canceling the April 10th regular meeting. The Manager advised that a decision will be necessary on an Orange County bankruptcy matter prior to April 17th, to which the council indicated willingness to meet the following Monday, April 3rd. As to the farmers'market issue, the Manager offered to meet with the Business Association relative to their presentation, certain conditions could be looked at based upon comments of the Council, the time frame revised, etc. In jest, Mayor Brown noted a special category of the Academy Awards being presented this evening and announced Seal Beach as the 'Most Friendly City' award. ) 3-27-95 I 4-3-95 ADJOURNMENT . It was the order of the Chair, with consent of the Counc1l, to adjourn the meeting until Monday, April 3rd at 6:30 p.m. By unanimous ennsent, the ...~a. adjoarnad at ."8 P~.' C1ty/Clerk and ex-of of the ctty of Seal Beach I Attest: Approved: Seal Beach, California April 3, 1995 The City Council of the City of Seal Beach met in regular adjourned session at 6:33 p.m. with Mayor Brown calling the meeting to order with the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: I Mayor Brown Councilmembers Doane, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo Absent: None Also present: Mr. Bankston, City Manager Mr. Barrow, City Attorney Mrs. Yeo, city Clerk APPROVAL OF AGENDA Brown moved, second by Hastings, to approve the agenda as presented. AYES: NOES: Brown, Doane, Forsythe, Hastings, Laszlo None Motion carried CLOSED SESSION The City Attorney announced that the Council would meet in Closed Session to discuss the two items listed on the agenda, one potential case of initiation of litigation pursuant to I Government Code section 54956.9(c), and existing litigation, the Sierra Club/City of Seal Beach versus Bolsa Chica Land Trust, pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(a). By unanimous consent, the Council adjourned to Closed Session at 6:34 p.m. and reconvened at 6:56 p.m. with Mayor Brown calling the meeting to order. The City Attorney reported the Council had discussed the items previously announced, that no action was taken other than giving direction with respect to the item of litigation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no Oral Communications.