HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1979-05-03 j" ~.: l 1,~>', ~ ~" " ij , , I " ".---:-=-~ C.-, c If I NUT E. S ~NVI~OHEN ~AL 0U~LIrY Cmn-=-QL S0A:1D rHU~SD!\Y H...\.Y ), 1979, ~EGIJL..z\R rli~E.rniG ?:)OP.H.. i'he re~ular rrlonthly called to o-::-rl.e~ b~1' Gr~ysor.. meetin,r 0 E' t~e Seal ::leach Enviro:nen tal Ouali ty Cor.trol Eoard by Chai ""man 1<01'0 at 7: 5.5 p.m. The Pledge of' Alle~::ta!!ce was:, ',_~- 't-Ias led itf;?E1~t\:~, ,Q:-05 p~~i' ,..::-::y~:,' . :,.;.;..:.......' ~-' ,::~?e?~ ,'-: the' Boa.~'''~ . ~OLL CALL ?!"esent: Grayson .Kolb,Pottel",Hillson. (DeForest joinlSd t:,e meetin~ at t-'rrrm'l' ES On motion 'of Grayson, seconded Oy Potter, and carried, t.'1e minutes of meeting of A~ril 5. 1979 we~? apry~oved as, nrinted. ' --... DISCJSSION - OLJ BOSINESS Asbest,')s C-,'atiMS: G:ra:y5;n re-corted on his assignm~nt and presentE'd a draf't of a lett~r to the State Division ~f Occupation~l Safety' ~~d Healt~ e~stL~~ their aid in t~is p~oject. After'discussion and ~inor modifications, ~oved qy Dero~est and seconded. by Potter, thp..t the cO!n!llunication be submitted O'Ter the' signat-:a-e of the ,Chairman. Carried una!lirr..o"-lsly. --p .... Pro,iect- File Uod,ate,;_Active pro-ject files were revie;;'1ecl. The :::Oard decided. tn~ fo!':na,t' was -sa~isf'lctory and ..t~ey sh-o-:11d,-prove' helpf'~l for refe!"ence purposes.. Those su~."itted ~iere approyed.. NF:..t BUSINESS 'Liaison ....nth E.?A.: The Cha.ir:'1.'l.n reoo~ted that no reply had yet aeen receive~ from ou.~ lett.e!" of' l':'a'-!'ch, 5. t3x~-=pt re~eiva~ of E.?.!\.. ?-..rblicD,t.ion 3iDlio5!"::.~,:ry ....-hich -?ott~r ....."'ill' revie..;, It'-a:?pears to be an' excellent refere~ce docu!II'3nt. Lon~ Beach Air~or~ Expansion: DeForest P!'8sented a very co~nlett ~~itten ~e~~~t to.be used as a guide in makin~ the r.ep;rt to the City Coun~il. ~ter lengthy discussion,particularly about some phases,final revision l.J'as postponed. un'til, the next regular !1!eatin~. 'fhis ~-dll alloto1 ti~e to resol'le so~e-- of the points ~ol'hj,ch ' ~equ~r9 furt~e~ study by the Board. Only one section is involved. CO~1HUNICATIONS Po lyurethane: The Chairll'ia.n"'handed., each Board merr..oer a publication :fro:n the 10s Angeles Ti:nes entitledIfPolyuret.hane:hazardous to your health" It ~dll be given at.tention as time per:rd.ts. ' .;..' . ~t.;. _~:,,~<.:. Sta.te ~e-cartment of Trans"OOrta-l:io!l PM:iect ReE.~~t~Ap~il 1979): E.ac~ r.:e:uber was ,'. ~i'.Ten a copy. by the -Ghairrnan.. since it contains p!"Ojections of plar!5 for fo'!"' " ", ~:-.i_ghway modifiC?-!-_i~~s.! Q!1e er!tI"J._,r~gardi.n_g;__'~rallIO control and by pass lanes"a.ffects' Sii>.al ,Beacl:1 since it exten:!s frc::l Rte~605 to Rte.55(Gosta- :'1e;;2.)on !tte.. 40,5.. T"a9se' - ':" !)rojection r~'O.::)'!.ts are issued eve-ry other month and .....'1.11 be given attentio~., '~,': , .~~io ?ro;~ct: Potter-presented a br~ef-d~scussion ??rtic~larly o~ oo~er plant fall-out. :,{a.ter Reatin~": !')',:oo,;.;)ct: This ite:n T..T3.S ir.cluded in the ~Ot-trdts ~~o,j~cts '(.lith objectj.ve, of explorim: r.e~/l sO,urces of energy. Willson reported that Leisu~e ~-iorld, h9.s has now,in operation a trial installation_ to heat water for the s~~n~i~g pool showers. usin~_ solar panels. ' ADJOURNl-1.i:.N !.' fhe meetinp.; was p..d.io1lrnerl' at to:)5 p.m. /~.. , '" '7 .? " '''t ' ,,/ !' /.' ~ ./ ,,, -~ J~ __ _ /.. ~ ~~_,~r --' : ~ "'~~--- -