HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1979-03-01
'rHURSDAY l-l.ARCH 1, 1979
REGULAR t-1r.l!;rING
7:}0 P.H.
fhe re~ular monthly meeting of the Seal Reach Enviroment~l Quality Control Board
was called to order by Chairman Kolb at 7:35 p.m. on March 1, 1979 followed by the
Salute to the Fla~ led by Potter.
Present: Grayson, Kolb; Willson.(DeForest joined the meeting at 8:10 p.m.)
Pdnutes of ~he regular meeting of Februar~ 1 and the continuation meetin~ of .
February 15 were read and approved with a minor correction to the last paragraph
of the February 1 minutes. Grayson seconded the motion rather than Kolb to continue
the meetin~ on February 15.
Priority Project ,3: Grayson,in reporting on his assignment,informed that no definite
data appeared to be available but there were probably means of securing adequate
information. Grayson ~~ll follow and explore ways and means and what resources are
available. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Re~ular Meetin~ Dat~~: The Board discussed the most convenient time for re~~lar
monthly meetin~s. {'bved and seconded that the-regular monthly meeting be held the
first Thursday of each month at 7:?0 p.m. Carried unanimoasly.
Priority Project y~-Long Beach Airport Traffic Expansion: This project and priority
"J35 established., at the February 15 meeting after combining it with an already
existinf!: project Le.Priority ~9"Air Traffic Noise", in anticipation of a request
from the Seal .Beach City Council. The City ~nager's letter of February 20, 1979,
makin~ such a reauest,was read and discussed in de~th with information at hand. It
was apparent that additional data from a variety of sources would be required in
order to render ~ mf:'anin~ful reoly. To accomplish this, individual Board mem":Jers
accepted specific assignments to make contacts and secure the necessary info~mation.
This will be given attention at the next meeting.
Staff Assistance: Thp. Chairman reoorted further exploration of this subject after
receipt of the City !via!'!A.ger's letter of Febr1..lary 20. Uarious asoects of the Board's
needs were discussp.o -'lod it was agreed that attenti01 to t.his item ;...'i.11- ,be given
'~s-the'occassi9ns arise,~sing the foregoing g~idelines.
Legal: The City Cle~k has reminded the Board to make sure all legal iteMS relatin~
to all Mectin~s of ~he Board are met. For instance,in case of a continuation meetin~
of the regulal' msetin2'} ."!.t a la.ter d"!.~P.i not.ice of this must be posted 48 hours prior
to such meeti~g. It was agreed tha.~ the Board would be ~uided accordin~ly.
Re-Or~er of Priorit~ rhe priorities ~nd ~ro,;ect titles ~u~geste~ at th= rebruary
15 meetinp' wer.> >!iSC'\lSser:l. i'loved and seconded that they be established a.~, published.
Carried unanim0usly.
7:)0 P.M.
Liaison with E.P.A.: Potter presented a draft of a proposed letter to the Office
of Research and Development of the E.P.A. covering subjects the Board has currently
under study and the riesire to obtain documented data. Also the desire to be informed
on enviromental matters in the future. After discussion and minor modifications,
moved and seconded that the co~~nication be submitted to the E.P.A. over the
signature of the Chairman. ~arried unanimously.
Sohio '\mendment Re-Annlication: Potter brou!1;ht to the attention o,f the Board a
pamphlet that had come into his possession. This reported that the California
Coastal Co~~ission is holdin~ a meetinG startin~ March 7 and included in the agenda
as item 8 is the Sohio Amendment Re-Aoplication Request. Commission consideration
and possible action accepting or rejecting Port of Long Beach application for
amendment to Sohio Project NOA-185-77 for 2 oil storage tanks and related facilities
on Pier J in the port. This is not a public hearing but written comments' may be
submitted ~rior to the me~tin~. rhe Board disc~ssed the ite~ but took no action
because of the time interval~
Thel/meeting was adjourned at 9:42
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February 20, 1979
Lowell Kolb, Chairman, EQCB
Ci ty Manager
'Assi9nment (Long Beach Airport); Staff Assistance to Board
" . -
The City of Long Beach is currently discussing plans to increase:f1ight
activity at its municipal airport. Since this type of proposal could
have a tremendous impact on the City of Seal Beach, the City Council
has asked the' EQCB to review the matter and report back to the City
Council within sixty (60) days. ,- ';',
Long Beach Airport will not expand any physical facilities at Long Beach
-Ai,rport.,--The plan---is--to permit PSA to increase conmercial flights from
eight per ~ay,to 18 flights per day. This will increase the number of
commercial passengers by 100% in the year. This can only be done by
decreasing the number of 727's in service and using quieter aircraft.
To that end, ten new DC9-80's have been purchased by PSA for commercial
flights. ,These planes are much quieter than the 7271s and the 7271s
will be phased out by about 1980.
The air space over Long Beach Airport is now very crowded. This proposed
increase in commercial flights will require an overall decrease in total
flight activity at the airport and so private flights will decrease as ,
a result. The increase in commercial flights will represent approximately
2% of all annual flight operations. Flight patterns will remain the same.
The normal flight pattern is to turn over the Weapons Station, fly over
Leisure World, continue over Gal State University Long Beach in a direct
path to the runway. No other flight pattern is authorized. In the past,
some flights have passed over the Marina Hill area. This pattern is not
permitted and is due to pilots' failure to follow prescribed flight
approaches to the airport. Long Beach tower personnel continually inform
pilots when they use the wrong approach (over Marina Hill). Every attempt,
is made to keep the pilots on the proper approach. ~-
..' ,
Another question-which was raised by a wember of your board at a recent
City .Council meeting was the issue of staff assistance. As you know~ the
City Council eliminated the appropriation for professional staff assistance
to the board. However, clerical assistance is available to you as well as
a coordinator, to request and disseminate information for you. You should
contact Gary-Johnson, City Engineer to discuss this possibility. ,
Additionally, please contact Jody Weir, City Clerk'to make sure you, meet
all the legal items related to all meetings of the board.
~ ......:-
DenniS Courtemarche
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