HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Min 1971-10-04
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Sea 1 ,Beach, Cali forni a
October 4, 1971
The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach met in regular
session in Council Chambers at 7:40 p.m. with Chairman Covin~ton
calling the meetin~ to order with the S~lut~ .0 the Flag. .
A1 so ~resent:
Chairman Covington
Agency f'lembers Jackson, L indstl'om
r'1rs. Scheiblauer (arrived' at 8:25 p.m.)
Executi ve Director/Secretary ~lyers and r,lrs. !-Ieir
Linds~rom moved, second by Covington, 'to appl'ove the minutes of
September 20, 1971 as presented.
, ,
Lindstrom, Covington
Discussion followed regarding whether the minutp.~ could be
approved tlith less than three affirmative votes. t'll'. r.wers stated
that he \'!ou~d check into.it and bring them back if necessary.
REPORT - Executive Directol'
fir. r'Wers reported .that the Southern PiJcific Land Company had
advised that the appraisal for the r. E. Rig,ht of Hay \~ould be
, available no earlier than October 22, 1971.
Mr. Hyers reported that the City Council had passed first reading
, on Ordinance l-!umbl':r 860 and presented' copies of same to the Agency
membcrs. Ordinance rlumber 8GO names the Citv Council as the
Redeve 1 opmcnt flgency of Seal Beach. .
Chairman Covington requested information relating to the
requirements of the Redevelopment Law as it pertains to Ordinance
Number BGC1. t.lr. Hyers exp 1 a i ned the normal procedures for the
adoption of Ordinances. Chairman Covington reviewed this
Hr. L ir.dstrom stated "Therc al'e a lot of thinqs that are normal
in the City of Seal Beach," and requested that this comment be
entered into the minutes, and repe~ted "that are normal procedures
for City Councils or public officials in the Clty."
The fullowing is a word by ~/ord transcript of the' Redevelopment
Agency meeting as requested by thc Agcncy men,hers.
I think also, for the record of our meeting, it
would be appropriatc, while we're talking about
this ordinance to ask t,ir. r'lyers to enter into
thc mfnutes thc fact tha t \~hether 01' not the ...
this proposed ordinance taking back the
Redevelopment Agency to the City Council \'faS or
tms not on the: Agenda as sllch for the mecting of
the City Council last Friday.
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Page Two - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - October 4, 1971
Myers: There was no item on the agenda. "
Lindstrom: Then how did it take place? I
r4yers: , There ~/as an introduction of ;0" ordinance at
. " , . ' the Council meeting and, it passed
Lindstrom: Then legally how can then constitute the last
Council meeting as a first reading...they would
, have to have the first reading on the 11th, I
. . .No, upon the introduction of'an ordinance,that is
~1yers :
-, the first reading, and they....had the first
Covington: Is it not required that the ordinance be on the
I agenda as such without advance public notice...
" that the ordinance is to be given its first
. ,
\ I ' rea~J ngJ,__ . -- ----" -
Lindstrom: I believe Jay has a point there,...if you read the
I intent of the City Charter, an ordinance can be
introduced at a Council meeting but it cannot be
. passed upon and have its first reading.....at
vested City Council meetings? And I think its a
" moot point, but I know we shouldn't pursue it I~
' , any further, but I think it should be a part of
, this' record....a part of the City's records...for
future reference.
. r~ers: I'wou1d just like to clarify on this, I agree,
that if it is a 1egal.9!!cstion, it should be
asked of the attorney....My own understanding of
the Charter is that the introduction and first reading
. are the same. That's something that's a legal
question, that certainly, the attorney would be the
one most qua1ifJed to ans\~er that.
Covington: As Sven said, its a moot point, but I th~nk it helps,
to clarify for future reference, the appropriate ,
legality' or methods 'by which th~ ordinance ~/as
14yers: ' 'It would be my opinion that it's 1ega1...or the
City Attorney would not have let it happen.
Lindstrom: Well its done now. As far as r can see any City
Attorney can say anything until it's questioned
legally. ..,then he has to have the answer or it
can be taken up to a higher test in court. But I
the only thing a City Council does is voice an
opinion as to what's happened in Court, -- unless
there is a specific paragraph in the la~, that he
can quote that says that an ordinance can be
introduced at a first meeting and be accepted
in the first reading in this f'h'st mceting and Iv
, , don't thi~k that language exists in the City Charter.
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Page Three - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4 i 1971
MYers: , I think that there is probably a
I Lindstrom: Again, I would assume that it is only his
opinion as to what is legal and what is not
. legal.
CO~i~gt~n :
.... ,.
I think certainly this is one of those times
that I have been asked a question by the
Chairman in a discussion this afternoon -
I have an obligation to both the City Council
and Redevelopment Agency, so the sum of what
is on your mind is, that as the Director of
"tlle Redevelopment Agency, I ~id not inform you
that thi s ordi nance ~/as to be cons i dered by ,
the City Council because it is the
Council's decision to make, and I was not ,
instructed at any time to put it on the agenda,
therefore I had no knowledge of it being
No one is certainly going to blame you for
not giving ever giving members of the
appropriate public concerned agencies advance
notice. Its just-a question as to the legality
or at least to - the ethic principles involved,
in having 'an issue of suustance, involving an
ordinance, not appear on the agenda of a
council meeting - and then be read and acted
upon' and considered the first reading when
there is no opportunity for the public at large
and agency members as individuals, and also
representing,the agency to be present and
knowledgable of the 'intent of the Council
because it did nol.-so appear on the .Agenda
that's my concern. '
I guess I can only - r can I t ans\'/er what
obviously is political ramifications, I can
only answer from a point of view of what
literally can be done and the Council, as a
matter of fact, can introduce an ordinance,
whet~er it be a vested specific,agenda item or
not and pass it as first reading when its
,introduced. They have done it in previous
councils throughout history in the City. I'm
sure that the City Attorney recognizes this, for
it would be his responsibility to say that it
could be done - that he \10u1d only be interested
in the legal question....
Also, under the Charter,provisions - and this
being our practically next to the last meeting,
I would hope that our minutes of the next
meeting are a complete in detail as our
conversation - otherwise I will' not accept
them. '
That's, the advantage of the mike.
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Page Four - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4,,1971
Clerk::, ",
.\ I
...and the tape recording,-
Well, its just '...
And I would assume that thi~ tape is going to
'be kept and not erased. ' ' ",
This tape is kept for my records only as a
dictation type method, but I would be happy to
put them in verbatim if that is the wish of
the Agency, Mr. Chairman.
,I think they should be put in,
..'" ..
I agree with Sven, I don't think that perhaps
as much tonight but certainly our next meeting,
when we may have our great opportunity to
prepare for it and to 'react to what has transpired
in the next two weeks. I think it'wou1d be
appropriate for everyone's sake - the members
of the Agency, the n~mbers of the Council and
the City, if we c~u1d have a word by word ...
Yes, closing statement if that's what it
turns out to be - I think each of us may have
material that we would, however valid or not,
like to have preserved as a final record of our
fec1ings as members of the Agency.
I wou1 d 1 i ke to ask 'you,-Bob" about thi s 1 etter
from the Southern Pacific Land Company - is it
your understanding that immediately after the
completion of the appraisa~ - the Land Company
will then be prepared to sit down with the City?
They didn't indicate:that they were going to
require additional time to digest the appraisal
figures" did they?, Did they give you the
impression that there was collateral discussion
and research going on ~,ithin their company -
waiting only for the finalized appraised figures,
to make them then eligible to i~mediately begin
discussion ~/ith the City?
. ,
Yes, as indicated here, l'/hen the appraisal is
,received and ~lill contact you so that I~e might
sit down and discuss City's possible acquisition
of this property. They "haven't given me any
timing on it. But I think it's - They've
had, I might-.say, somc 'change, - only in the
sense that they have had - only to the extent
that they have had a changc in pcrsonnel - Mr.
Steiner is'the gentleman whom I was in discussion
with. Mr. Steiner has retired, somebody else is
taking ,his pOSition.
Who is Steincr ?
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Page Five - Redevelopment Minutes - Octobe~ 4, 1971
Myers: '
Myers: .
. .
He was the Chief of their real estate division.
That explains why he failed to call us.
. '
Well, I called him, as a matter of fact, and
tried to have a discussion and apparently
they were in some throes of change at that point.
So, I haven't been able to talk with who is "
supposedly his replacement. All I know is that
we have an understanding, not only with Mr.
Steiner, but l'/ith a ~lr. Stacey l'lho has been ~/ith
~hem, and communications are that they are
following up ....
'\ I
, ,
They,a1so indicate, Bob, that it will be no
later than - but possibly prior to October 22nd
and I wonder what other members of the Agency
would consider appropriate to instruct you to
contact' them again, prior to October 22nd, say,
within'the next week or so - trying to establish
a meeting day as soon after October 22nd or what-
ever date prior that they reccive the appraisal
if possible. So that negotiations could begin
actively and perhaps with the greatest amount of,
speed that- 1'/ou1d be appropriate. As normally
constituted, the Agency must still have two
meetings, the last one of this month and first
one for November, and of course, if necessary I
': ...,;:,'imagine we could also hold or-schedule a special
, ~eting or b/o if negotiations had pI'ogressed
satisfactorily enough so that any type of
arrangement or contra~~c~uld be arranged.
I would go one step further. I would ask the
. City Manager with the approval of the Agency
that he inform us immediately upon'the receipt
of the assessment, so that we could schedule a
special meeting at the earliest possible date,
even if it is prior to the 22nd. ,
I would like to leave a scheduled pr special
'meeting open in this agenda - ,in the minutes
of this meeting. '
I realize, Sven, that the letter really isn't
clear, but I think that they're,referring to the
figures available to them, not available to us.
Well, to us, with our meeting with them, but we
don't receive it earlicr than they do - they
'receive it, then would be prepared to notify us
thereafter. What we are intcrested in doing is
having you take the initiative and not wait
until they contact you, which might be a week
after they receive it.' But instead made them
awarc of your interest in meeting with them as
soon as possible 'immediately upon thcir
receipt of the figures.
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~age Six - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4, 1971
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. ......
Bob, let me ask you a question - the timing of"
the letter advisin9 of the appraisal, say now
October' 22nd and the fact that now the Agency is
now going to be take~ ~ack to '- assume there is
,no trouble next week - for t~,t resolution to
be effective - is there anything we can do.at
this point to commit the Agency, therefore the
City, in buying this, land - or is this already
. pretty well
Right at this point, it is my underatanding that
the pQ1icy that the Redevelopment Agency
~ubmitted to the Council and was pas~ed by. the
Council would be a natural follow-up by either
the Councilor this Agency - unless there is,
of course, a direct change in that course. I've
had no discussion with City Council referring to
any change.
It is the prjme responsibility, the Agency is
committed to it, its plan was accepted and
therefore passed and approved by the City Council
and upon availability of the figure and willing-
ness of Southern Pacific under negotiations the
Agency can continue as they originally intended
and have been given approval to do so.
At this point, of course, the Agency, if the
ordinance change doesn't do anything for the
Agency's policy, at this point. If there is a
c~ange in the policy it is because of the new
,;-members'beiilg the Agency Board, that is some-
thing that I can't anst~r, 'Now I know what
happened in the past - that the control change
is going to continue to be the same policy and
naturally we are going to proceed on that basis
until there is a policy change.
With one exception, as an Agency member I'm not
naive~ enough to believe that the City CQunci1
cannot change the policy that has been e~tab1ished
'in the past at another meeting just like they
adopted an ordinance at the same meeting without
,pub 1 i c noti fi cati on in the agenda" So therefore,
I would assume at the earliest possible moment the
City Council is going to adopt another emergency
ordinance changing the policy of the Agency to
suit their fancy - ~/hether it be directed and
subverted by Modular Technology, Inc. or some
other developer that wants to get his hands on
the P. E. Right of Way or any other Development
Agency property.
It has ,already been proven and it is a matter of
record - public record - that one of the Vice
Presidents of j-lodular Technology backed 11r. Dunn
and Mr. Dunn suddenly wound up on the Planning
Commission and I don't sit here as one member
naive enough to believe, that they are not already
working tOI~ard this end.
I '
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Page Seven - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4, 1971
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~1yers :
, ~
I am only answering from the viewpoint of
the Administrat,ion 11ith the policy that ~/e
have that you have the political function of
policy - I think that professional integrity
,is required when policy is est~hlish&d
whether we agree or disagree - but I follow
that at this point - the policy is estab-
lished and then followed and I will continue to
do so unless it is changed and that is something
that you as individuals or Board members or
whatever would take up with the - whoever....
~s a member. of the Agency I am satisfied with the
, policy that we have adopted as you point out -
'what is approved by the Council and under which
tle presently act, and lets just hope that there
is an adequate amount of time between - prior to
October 22 and November 10 - but I don't think
that we have to go through any type of formal
action her~ for you to realize, Bob, that - hmi
, we feel as the Board.
You l'/ant to be informed - as to 11hen lie get this
appraisal - and then you will tell me what you
want me to do - ,
Well, even more than that' - I think that ~Ie are
anxious to have you perhaps assume some
responsibility for the initiative on thi's - in
other words - try to be aware.through contacts
periodically with Southern Pacific prior to
oCtober 22, as to ~/hen they have received that
figure and to make them,J~\'/are of our interests
in beginning negotiations aS'soon as possible
after they have received that appraisal figure.
Rather than say, maybe, if for example, we
receive it by the 20th which liould only pe t~/O
days earlier than your maximum deadline and that
wuld give us three solid l'/eeks ,if l'/e had the
opportunity to start immediately tO~lard
,negotiations and towards a deal for the property
prior to our demise. and that one I think would
be working towards ~ that all of us would feel
that we had - to the best of our ability -
satisfied the responsibility that we jointly
assume by ourselves and the City Council.
I "ill keep you informed - I think you appreciate,
hmiever, that the Pacific Land Company is going
to know what the situation is and will be between
the City' Council and their position on the
Redevelopment Agency - it might be very 1il:e1y
that they say - ~lyers lie' re not goi ng to talk
to you at all because lie knOl'1 that there is a
change an~ its going to be the City Council -
and ~/e kno~1 ~/e're going to be deal l'/ith the
City Council, and we're not going to be willing
to talk befnre that change is made.
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Page Eight - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4; 1971
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Lindstrom: I have a comment to make - from ~/hat r1r. r'lyers
has said I don't doubt his ,integrity - the City
Nanager one bit -- hOl1ever, I do fi nd him in a
position. I accused the former City Council of
being in , that you cannot operate in support,of
the City Council nor can he operate supporting
the Redevelopment Agency because they are two
different entities and again we get into the
conflict of legal ethics -- We get into being a
,two headed monster - neither onc of them can
take the same path and there is always bound
..', to be a split.- '
If there is any doubt at all created by this
I would be happy to write the letter for ~lr.
Covington"s signature - that "/ay he ~/ould
know that the mail \'/aS going out and would knOl'1
what thc ans~lers ~/ould be.
. -."
Let's get it'in writin9.
My point in ~hat is - obviously you know my
position, I'm being above-board about it with
'both you and the Council and ~...i Redeve10pIRent
Agency -- so that you will know that I am not
administratively pursuing a policy that is
different than what exists right now - I will
do that diligently, just as the directions in
the past, every two weeks or a month. I called
these people, saying. when is this appraisal
90in9 ~o be?,
Well, I think that is what we are specifically
asking you now, so that the record is established
that ~/e have asked you to do this and in your
capacity as our Director-Secretary you can then
proceed to do it on the basis that you and I
will interpret that action as the result of the
, specific request from the Agency. '
'. '
That would also mean that any response received,
even should it prove negative, hopefully positive
from Southern Pacific would similarly be a matter
of record preferrably one of letter, so that
again the Agency members individually or the Agency
as a whole as presently constituted would have a
spec1fic record to document every effor~ they had
made in behalf of trying to c~rry out the policy
whi1~ they were still in existence in their
present form. Do you agree with that now ?
Yes, I do.
---.----: .
I think that would be a very good idea at this
point in time.
That might protect our Executive Director.
Don't think pf protection for me, because my
integrity - I have no doubts about -- if there's
some doubts about it, I suggest that ---
I don't doubt -- 11hat I am saying has happened
in the past -- I sat out in many Council meetings
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. page Nine - Redevelopment l'linutes - October 4, ,197.1
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Myers :.
and accused Mr. Gummere and the rest of the
City Council which constituted at that time -
Stan Anderson and the rest of them -- of
being two headed monsters -- how could they
sit as the Redeve10pmcnt Agenr" ,and the City
Council and pull everything in before a
regular Council meeting and Redevelopment
Agency Meeting and the public wasn't informed -
minutes were never posted -- agendas were
never posted -- but yet R & B Development went
in -- Suburbia development went in -- and then
tax monies were divcrted. Yet they sat at a
tity Counci~ meeting and did a lot of other
things -- but thcy were devoting a heck of a
lot of time behind the scenes to the Redevel-
opment Agency -- and a lot of the thin gs they
did. I think were kind of shaky legally but at
the time they had a City Attorney who was
voicing opinions again -- and no one ever took
them to court.
~lc11, is it the Boards desire then to have the
Chairman sign it, so that --- it's perfect?
I would so move.
I'll second it.
Covington, Jackson,
140tion carri ed.
. Well, if that finishes your report, Bob, the
next item will be Unfinished Business.
Part of the unfinished business was the South~rn
Pacific letter...
If there' is nothing on unfinished business, then
we come to new business and I have something
that I would like to bring up under new business --
I wOnder \~lat the othcr members of the agency
~rould feel as to the appropriateness, in light
of the Ordinance that has becn passed by the
Council, if some type of communication from the
Agcncy to the Counci 1 shou1 d be \~ri tten, the
working of which would -- in refined form -- ask
the Council that, upon v,oting, should they so
vote, take back the I\gency, there ~/ou1d be a
restatement by the indi.vidua1 members of the '
Council as to the policy that they \'/ou1d follow
as also Agency members so that the public at
large and the Agency as' presently constituted
would have an opportunity again to make public
record as to what policy the Agency would be
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. Page Ten - Redevelopment Minutes - October 4, 1971
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~1yers :
Covi ngton:
~1yers :
, Lindstrom:
. .....
I would second that --- with the comment that'
this be a CouncJ1 agenda item and we request
th~t it be a Council agenda item -- and not
just a communication for the next meeting of
October 11 and that the Executive Director
"and Secretary compose this anu hand it in to
the Council for the Council agenda before
noon on Wednesday
If we were to send such a request, Bob, would
it not automatically become part of the
Agenda for discussion rather than one of the
~tems for collective action? Simu1taneous1y--
"'. .... - -. ...
It wouldn't be Consent Calendar - it would
be a,communication from the Redevelopment
Agency for discussion. '
A reiteration of the policy for the Agency
since it now will be comprised of the City
Councilmen -- whose decisions are not
individually known to the same degree that
the decisions of the present agency members
are and who will no longer have their ---
limited credition -- though they are
responsible for involving Agency business...
As an Agenda item, undouhtedly under written
communications from the Redevelopment Agency
to the Council for next meeti~g for discussion
a~4 your letter would be included in the agenda.
I don't really think_its probably necessary to
have a special meeting-ro'see,it -- if you
were able to get it draf:ted 01' put together
. in the next day or two'-- whi1 everyone was
still vocal on the plan --'they would have
an opportunity to look it over and made
individual modifications until it met the
consensus of the Agency~
~1y understanding is that you ar~ making a
request for the CouncJl to reiterate or
explain any changes in,existing policy.
Individually..... '
To reaffirm individually, their concurrence
with the existing policy of the Agency as they
then take it back or 'the differences from that
policy, as they feel at the time the agency, as
presently constituted, reels it has a respon-
sibility for the benefit of the puh1ic for
which we serve --- that the policy as presently
constituted should be reaffirmed individually
or \there there are differences -- it is so
stated. '
Would i't be acceptable for me to ,.,rite that, you
look at it as the Chairman -- for your signature?
When does tha~' have to, be in? Wednesday?
Yes, it has to be Wednesday noon, but of course,
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. ,Page Eleven - ~edeve1opment r~inutes - 'October 4, 1971'
:" ;:,:, :JUU'have satisfied that with your request
right now.
'. ,
Let 'me say a few words here -- 'I think that
.you are asking the Council to .~iterate --
fndividually and collectively ~- their
approval of a policy previously accepted by
the City Council.
r blow the fact that there are,-- that the
Council is now going to sit a~ the Agency
'ftse~f -- and also in light of the fact that
ther.e have been personnel changes in the
comp~exion of the Council as constituted
since the last time -~ since the meeting in
~. ,-- June I ,guess it was -- June when they
approved the Agency policy as presented to
Be sure and use the word public interest because
I am 'sure they will ask the reason we are
malt::i'ng this request. ~Je no longer have the
oPPD'rtuni ty to represent the pub 1 i c i nteres t
pe~aps our final act of responsibility would
be ~o see that the public is infonned as to
what the Agency will be directed in the future.
You might also, have, Jay, this posted in the
liGJr.a:ry along with the City Council agenda CIS
the full text of our request. .
T.~ .on~y thing is --- I think that I s a good
idea. Sven, but I thinK-as, a matter of
nonma1 courtest - all communications to the
Council are not publicized until the Council hCls
. bad the opportunity to act upon them, is this
not ~rue ? .
lhe Agenda goes to the library and is posted,
but the individual letters and so forth"
first are transmitted to the Council.
1 wli1d hope that if it ~/e're in the interest.
the public in this particular item. its
presence on the agenda would suffice. I
certainly feel that ~/e should respect
procedura1'privi1p.ges. I think it is a great
idea. Sven, but I don't think it is possible.
Other letters to the Council seem to get
posted -- but only those. that the Council wants
posted. '
We certainly \'/ilnt to be'above suspicion of any
of ~hat for sure.
And [ hope that everyone of my comments is
recorded and noted in the minutes.
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Page T~/e1ve - Redevelopment Minutes.,;" October ~, ,1971, "
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, Lindstrom:
, .,
Is the tape still wor~ing ?
Yes sir, it seems to be.
Any other items under new b4siness ?
.~. :",
I have one -- I think that we should have one -
in regards to Ordinance Number 860, another
special meeting -- to sit down and give the City
Council reasons why ~re don't think the City
Council should be constituted as.the
Redevelopment Agency -- that it should be a
.Board of resident electors whether it is
ourselves or not. For the simple reason th~t-
we're still saying, regardless of what the
current City Attorney might say --- that there
is a conflict of legal ethics, because even
our ~.~ Agency attorney, Mr. Jacobs, has said
in the past that the door is still there, its
wide open for it because even though he doesn't
think it might happen, the possibility is still
there -- I think the City wants to remain healthy
and without any legal conf1ict,long council
meetings, lona Planning Commission meetings,
extra expense"of setting up school microphones
and everything else -- it might behoove us to
give the new City Council' reasons why the old
City Council suddenly decided to turn over the
Agency to city electors. State law very
prudently states that any city over 250,000
people have to have a Redevelopment Agency of
'electors. But in the case of a beach town, the
dollar value difference between an inland city of
250,000 and a beach toWn"with say 35,000, might
really legally constitute the reason why citizen
. electors should be the Redevelopment Agency.
Because we have problems that bring people in
from outer cities that don't normally happen'
in other cities. And again its a moot point,
but I think that we, as agency members, cou~ d'
come up with some very good reasons to refute
the City, Co~nci1 action. .
Well, I think that while your points are well
'taken, Sven, I think the key phrase to me is
the one as individual agency members --- I
don't know how I would feel about the Agency as
as tlho1e sending a communication to the Council
spelling out ~-- all the valid reasons that we
,should remain as we are and they should not
do I~hat tliey have indicated they plan to do with
this Redevelopment AgenCy, however, I think that
each of us lndividually vli11 still be members of
the Agency. lIext Nonday night at the council.
meeting should hopefully very effectively get up
and as individuals present any cogent arguments --
as to why the Agency should remain constituted a
it does now. But on a basis as individuals,
perhap!r not as the Agency. I wonder if that isn't
just knowing that this doesn't appear to be too
self-serving in terms of trying to maintain the
Agency by use of the Agency powers---of course,
in a w~y---it's a hard thing to reconcile.
, "
Page Thirteen - Rtel!Ieve10pment t~inutes - October: 4, 1971.
~1yers :
, Scheib1auer:
t<1yers :
The Agency is presently constituted as made up
of 1,ay citizens who serve the public -- it is
appai'nted -- ~/e'\1ere appointed by the City
Coumci1. All final governmental powers in the
,City rest with the City Council,
Theme are many reasons why I personally feel
the ,~gency as presently constituted should
cOllUnue to exist in this \1ay. I can
certainly see the logic for some of the
arguments presented in favor of it being taken
ba~ by the City Council. ~1y personal feeling
1's; t:hat those are not as strong as the ones in
favor of letting it remain as it is. But I ,
waRder whether we do the Agency and the public
~ucb :good if we try to present these arguments
as Endorsed by the Agency as a whole rather
th~ on the basis of individual members of the
, Wen" there are.certain facits of the
Redewelopment Law that the intent -- the intent
of ~be law as we interpret it -- The intent of
tlie ~a~1 would, I think, show that the City Council
cooHI very easily jeopardize their 0\''" position
as i8 1egis~ative body and the Redevelopment
r ~dnk you're right, I think there are ~ery
s.trong arguments that could be presented by
a", :i,ndividua1 citizen, not just as a member
o~ ~he Agency, but I really question whether
our 'objectivity wouldLnot be suspect, no matter
hmw sincerely the Agencll"as a ,whole felt -- If
riEl' \Would present these arguments as endorsed by
the ,~gency, our objectivity \10uld just have to
~e questioned. I may be wrong.
~lr,_ ,Chairman, if I might, in as much as t,'rs.
Schedb1auer just arrived, and I don't think you're
used to this system yet -- you can either unhook
,tha~ and put it around your neck or you can clip
iit 'W your lapel -- there is a little clip on the
s,ite there -- whi chever is more conveni ent.
Can ,you hear me ?
I v6'B1 turn it on and you can give it a test.
CaD ,you hear me now ?
BOD. it is almost impossible to recapitulate
a'll'I the things that have already !lone on -- ~Ihat
~/e ar.e talking about nO~/, I believe, is the
r.e:l,a.tive merits of any position being taken by
tbi! J\genc'y as a ~lho1e that could be relayed to
the ,City 'Council as to why the Agency should
coo:tinue to-sit as constituted rather than be
--i"evert back and administered by the City
COI17ncil. I think Sven, Hr. Lindstrom, is in
10-4-71 "'l'j'
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~age Fourteen Redevelopment r'linutes '- October. 4, 1971: -
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, Covington:
. ,....
favor of perhaps the Agency as a whole; am I
right ?? '
Hell, endorsing certain facts of the Redeve10p-
,ment Law that pertain to the ~~",y, tile fact of
Seal ~each being a beach to\~n catering'to .
outside cities, the law is very prudently stated
t~at any city of 25Q,OOO or more should be
constituted by elected citizens. Now an inland
city of 250,000, the Redevelopment portion of that
city could be very small in dollar value whereas
a city of 35,000 along'the coast could have three
'times that dollar value and really when you get .. ",
, down to cases, I don't really think that
population really has that much to do with what
is --- should be done for the City. I think it
'all boils down to dollar value and taxes and we
are working with diverted tax funds. These
diverted tax funds -- Now who can benefit from
these tax funds. The general pub1i,c or private
developers - \'Ihatever sounds best. And these are
the two major points that I think that the
Agency as a whole are collectively in agreement
on from the very beginning. I wonder if perhaps
well, -- perhaps we ought tO,hear from Dr.
Jackson --.to share in. this point.
Well, I'fee1 that the Agency getting together to
di scUss ~/hy the Agency shou1 dn' t be taken back to
the Council -- however redundant, but we as
il1dividuals certainly can do that at the meeting.
, I think it might be well ~lOrth~/hi1e to have a
meeting to discuss in-d~tai1 what we have learned
during the last year and \~hat our feelings are
as to how the Agency can best serve the people
of Seal Beach. ~!hen ~/e did that back in June,
I suspect we could at this 'point in time, add a
little bit to that. We have been here quite a
long time - in time and effort - yet trying t9
assess what the Agency can do for the people here.
-- what is profitable -- perhaps what should be
or shouldn't be. I feel that i~ might be well
worthwhile to, devote an entire meeting, perhaps,
,a s~ecial meeting. to that subject.
You mean a meeting other than the one that would
normally occur two weeks from tonight?
Mr. Chairman, if I might, there may be some
assumptions that you are making that may not
prove to be what the resp1ts are, and that is.
maybe the City Council policy is very similar
to what the, or ~/ill continue to be very similar
to the' one .....
Bob, no, I am not making an assumption -- I am
a little bit afraid that our year of learning
and effor~ in this has not been as well
documented as it could be.
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Page Fifteen Redevelopment Minutes October 4, 1971
I would say that I was probably unclear .- I
was probably not re1ating.~1.Y own mistake,..of the
year --- I was thinking more in terms of if, '
yo~r meeting, or if you're concerned for your
own po1icy,maybe say, after the Council has met,
and they have answered the question that you
are compounding to them, as far as what the'
policy is going to be, it would give you perhaps
a better opportunity to, as individual members,
or the Board, to express th~n,what your views
are and I certainly agree, since I have been
here anyway, that you have learned a great deal
and you have responded to ~1hat seems to be the
policy. Because the Council, when fO~/arded to
them, didn't oppose that policy, you have done
a great deal of work and your value is as you
carried it out, has really been a lot of effort.
, .
As.you point out Bob, then at our noxt meeting
we would have the advantage of the feed-back---
the response by the Council to our request that
they're in keeping --- we could then, at our
next meeting prepare our final legacy -- of what
had happened since our last policy statement and
had modified it or enhanced it or increased it's
, 'Scheiblauer: Is the next Council meeting a week from tonight?
Covington: Yes, that is second reading of 860 --- I wonder,
Bob, if with the other members of the A~ency here
, thfnk of a request to you - both for the benefit
of the City Council n~xt Monday in consideration
with our letter, and also 'for the benefit of
the individual members of the Agency I.rho may be
present next Monday night at the ~ounci1 meeting
if there is any source available that without too
much difficulty for the staff, would permit
preparation of a document that would give us
amongst other things, the individual 'Redeve1opment
''__Agency's, that presently are const~tuted in this
State, the size of the cities that are involved
with these Agencies, how long these individual
Agencies have existed, the value of the assessments,
property within the area of the Agency and ~/hat
their annual tax diversions are, I think that
this type of information ~lOuld be in keeping 11ith
Mr. Lindstrom's concern. It would also be
appropriate information for the Council members
to consider before they'make their final vote.
And it would be valuable for individual members
of the Agency to present cogent arguments as to
11hy 11e mi ght feel and the Counci 1 mi ght, \'lith
this information, then agree with us that the
Agency should remain constituted as a lay board,
rather than going back to,the Council. Perhaps
the Council has already asked for such a study.
, I
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Page Sixteen - Redevelopment ~Iinutes - October 4, 1'971
No, I can I t say that they have -- the only'
thing that I want to:say is, I don't really
know how difficult it would be, from what I
know, and that is, that you are somel~hat of
a unique agency.
Host ongoing agencies use federal funds and
their redevelopment in the sense that they are
trying to clear housing and things like this
and you are not that same kiod of an agency.
I could, well, for instance, I have got a plan
that was adopted by Corona. originally, if you
wou1 d 1 i ke to kno~1 more about agenci es. I',have
never found an Agency that \~as similar, Nation,al
City, Fresno, Seaside, Ventura -- I have had a
very difficult time in th~ past ev~n,finding
one that was s imi 1 ar. '
Did you ever find one ?
I never did, as a matter of fact.
I am glad to hear that, because Seal Beach has
always been unique in so many ways.
And for the simple reason that the Agency is
originally constituted --what is giving the
advantage to private developers and then when
it was reconstituted and given over to the
citizens that entire philosophy and the
redevelopment plan was reversed -- that's why
we are unique.
- Hyers: Hell, I meant in terms of tax increment and the
composition of the project areas.
Lindstrom: But ~/e \'/ou1d have been in the same position of
composition of project areas if the original
redevelopment agency had been allowed to ..
cOllti nue.
Scheib1auer: Most of them are in slum areas~ aren't they?
~ers: Yes.
Lindstrom: ~Jell, old town ~/ou1d have been declared a slum
clearance jf the old agency had been allowed to
~n~n~. .
Well, I guess that you could make the statement
that your own plan has in it a specific
,statement that'says'-- that the purpose of this
agency is not to condemn property and purchase
residential property -- that is one of the
express statements -- that's some\/hat different
than most, in fact very' differen~.
Bob, it my fault, I probably did not make myself
very clear. I am certainly not trying to
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. Page Seventeen - Redevelopment Minutes.. October 4, 1971
11yers :
, . .
determine or permit or ask for a comparison
of ~his agency ~ersus others that are similar
tD ~his agency because, as you point out, we
~.,unique and many agencies are unique unto
themselves in every area becau~~ they will
hmw~ ,unique area local problems, but I was
thi~\ing of the basic perimeters that all
rede~e10pment agencies would have to exist
under or that they, from the very fact that they
would be related to and that would be the fact
that the assessed' value of the property within
the3~ jurisdiction - the size of the city which
the~ serve ~ how long they have been in
existence and what the annual tax diversion is
that they expend, and that those four criteria
~ld be common to all agencies regardless of
tf1eNr poli cy and ~/oul d a 11 O~I a more effective
comparison of the -- how the Redevelopment
Agency here in Seal Beach compares to other
d~ age~1es.,
the:r.e is one other thing I didn't include for
~ ~ecords, is the most obvious, 'and that'is
whether or not each agency'is constituted with
',lIay citizen mcmbers of the city council as the
appropriate city exists a~ a member of the agency.
I ~11 do everything I can to do this, not
tnDwtng what response I am going to get -- I
have ,down here, size of city, ~opu1ation,
assessed valuation of the project area, dollars
,of'tax diversion, and the Agency Board or
1;W people ----- _____'
~ long is this going to take? Do the agencies
rave to registered with the State? That might
be the source for our purpdse because certain
statements have occurred --
~ li'st of all agencics
be ,chartered ?
don't they hav~ to
)["1'l do ~/hat I can.
Wela~ if it is at all possible to come up with
an ,of this, or as much of this ,as time permits,
pert.aps that report could then be made avail-
eDOe to the individual members of the agency
pM{)r to 110nday ni ght' s Council mceti ng, pcrhaps
e~n'be made available to us with a copy of the
agenda. I believe that a couple of meetings
back it was established ~hat all members of the
agency did recei~e a Co~ncil agcnda.
Bln;'we are making this request for this infor-
mat~on to be passed on to the City Council so
. ,
Page Eighteen - Redevelopment Mi~utes - October 4, 1971,
. .
we ar.e not in any way violating the normal
courtesies that would be involved in the use of
privileged information. ' \
Yes, let me get back to yqu in'a couple of
days, if J am,ab1e to get it, or not get it
so that you ~ti 11 know that, ~/hether it can .
be forthcoming within that length of time.
Even if not complete, I would certainly like
to see something or the most that can be
done --- That would help all of us.
Now the other thing that I would lik~ t9 ~sk,
I don't know if it comes under new business,
but I would think perhaps, it would probably
be of value to the agency as a whole, or
whoever then may take on our responsibilities
is., that our next meeting, at our next regular
meeting, we could have, from the staff through
you, a status report ~/hi ch ~/ou1 d be a current
position or status, of conditions or status
for everyone of the projects and priorities that
have been listed by the Redevelopment Agency as
coming under our jurisdication. This would
inc1ude.the status of the current obligations,
~'ould be included in that, for the Seal Beach
Elementary Schools, the District, Sanitation
District, the Southern Pacific negotiations,
the participation in request for federal funds
for acquisition of some of the property within'
the area of the Redevelopment Agency and any
other such topics that l'/e might come up with -
so that \'/e vlou1d have-a--colllplete last time
opportunity to review to date l'/hat the current
status I"/as for each of these responsibilities,
again towards the legacy.
And I'm finished with new business.
Any other items? The best part of the agenda
nffi"/ comes up -- Oral Communications.
Kris Lindstrom,'209 Ocean Avenue.
I'm happy to have somebody ,come close, but
realize that at our meetings you can still
stand at you're seat.
This kind of reminds me of our meetings, such
a small audience, but your meetings kind of
reminds me of the timc that the oil ordinances
were repealed and we werc sitting to an empty
audience and --- the Director from Standard
Oil I"/as there -- as the ,only audience, interests
had dropped off. J did have a number of
q~estions regarding the progress ,that the 'Agency
, \
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~age Nineteen - [eaeve10pment Minutes ~ October 4, 1971
.\ I
. , ~1yers :
Myers: '
, - .
fs ~aking pn the Sewage Treatment Plant,
trne School, the,P. E. Right of Way and other
tbmmgs but you seem to have brought these
~ - ~ guess. The next meeting will be the
't:mme ,to discuss these I guess, 'out I would
Tfl~e to congratulate all of the Agency
members for at least being recognized by the
Cl!nmrci1.... the Board I'm Chairman of rarely
gets ~ecognition. Our things fall on deaf
eax!s or are received and filed - so - at least
yaw ~re receiving some recognition for your
ef.'iliGlrt, one \'Iay or another. ,
. .
Yom ,may be luckY that you're not receiving
sud1 'recognition.
l' Jlll1IObably will !>e the next vict.im of political
lIiltla,cation. I knol'l that I've tried my best
to. cilo things for environmental improvement and
II1UtiY 'of the things the Environmental Board
cGaiA'd be doing" you ~re doing in constituting
t~JAgency because I think that the P. E. Right
of ~~y is the most environmental importance in
to~.. I was looking l'lith great hopes tO~lard
tfIle iAgency carrying through and undertaking the
pl!'1ll,gress on it. I'm hopir:lg that perhaps this
tltLl'iRtd come true.
T~k you very much, I'm certain that w~atever
~ ~ounci1 does they will always give us the
o~rtunity to participate in the affairs of
the ~ity - no matter where we sit,- if we
comtinue with that appr-oach,. I'm sure that
t!fIrijrn,gs \'/i 11 work out right. As long as peopl e
sti]l attend meetings and still have an interest.
. 'hl1illlik 'you for comi ng toni gl)t. '
I IW:Onder if I could answer one of the questions -
t~.$ certainly one that is a great deal of
iiA,~est to hear - and that is the Sewer,
pr.~~ct - the preliminary engineering plan was
p'r~'ented to the City Engineer for his evaluation
on ~e technical aspects of the plan -- it has
-yet: ,.to go back for correction to the consultant
t~n ,t would be fon~arded to the State to see
tv ~t complies with their regulations before
EQ~ing back for approval of plans 'and specifications.
May J ask, did the grant for federal funding get
l'D: (On ,time or did it exp.it'e ?
om mo, that was on the agenda some time ago, Kris,
thlt was approved and certified so that we kno~1
,tJDRt'we had approval of our application - nO~1
tfle ,appropriation, when \'/e get the funding -
l'Ias Inot been definitely established, its supposed
tolbe 1.97,1 - 72. One other qUf::stion, if I might -
was - what is our position for federal funding
reJVll,r.ds the 1 egacy of parks -- thi s has been a
- ,- ,-'- _r. -l:---
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Page Twenty - Redevelopment Minutes - Dctober 4, 1971
r'lyers !
'\ I
Myers: "
\ '
. ~ ...
real merry-go-round. Those people assured
me - and I wrote them a letter requesting that
I get the form,'the application by July 1, and
they said they'd have, them shortly thereafter.
,I've called them several times and they're not
'available. It's just nothing. That was on
more than just the Redevelopment Agency, that
included other parks of the City, for
development and acquisition.
What is this ~hat is not available - the form?
~es, the application, they said they still
didn't have the guidelines. . .. ,
Do you normally have to go through
..- " ~._,.
Yes, the Department of ~Iousing and Urban Devel-
opment. '
Local ?
Yes, through the L. A. office.
When this occurs and they cannot satisfy you,
where is the next lever of interrogation, in
Washington ? '
Well, this is the office - if they don't have
them, nobody does. So, since .we began, I'll
follow up on it and hopefully, I'll get it.
It'Os pretty sad. '
, Is this more than a phiiile-' call , Bob, is this
correspondence ?
Yes, phone calls, but the original was
documentation,_a direct request by letter.
And they said that they wouldn't comply with
it, and then there have been more phone calls~
It's very difficult. '
Do you think it might be approprlate at least
as far as the Agency is concerned, to make
the next request by letter so that they must
reply -- sometimes government agencies are
less willing to give a negative response on
paper than they are on the phone. Because it
kind of leaves a more permanent ..........
It just a simple application you're asking for,
right? '
Yes, but we are doing what we can - maybe I seem
a little too critical, because I haven't called
for a couple of 11eeks n0\1, but I ~rill call
next week again.
10-4~7i. - -1 ~7'
Page T\qenty-one - Redevelopment r,1inutes - Oc:1!:G'tler 4, 1971
J.1aybe I can jus t reverse the ques ti on, is
there any list available to indicate "
Iqhether any ethcr communities have had
requests gl'unted ?
No, but I just menti,oned, \qe're doing what \qe
can -- it's just one of those bureaucracy
probl ems.
^long with our request for a status report,
perhaps we could help you by asklng you to
~Iri te them a 1 ctter in the next fel days,
requcsting again, in \'rriting', this form so,that
if we get no responsc it wil1,havc to be by
letter as well, then we'll have t~at to
include in our documentation i~ the status
.report for next ~/eek.
Yes, that would be on your status report.
Do ~/e have a bureaucratic problSil in Seal
Beach ?
~iyers :
^11 City governments can be justifiably
accused of-some bureaucracy. }~ office can
be, I myself can be -- just simply because
there are times, unthinkingly, we say we
have a procedure established so ne have to
follow it".- without thinking that there are
exceptions to that. I think that there is a
minimum of it here in City government -
local government. Undoubtedly I'le get entrenched
in our administrative process -~ but we keep it
, to a minimum in local government,. and I think
that's one of the values of local government.
And the reasons is that you can talk to, us '
directly, you know it's only a short trip to!
the City Hall -- whereas in federa1 government
it is very difficult to talk to people -- we,
get direct pressure in city government. But
its a minimum here, and I think'~Ie're improving -
I really do. On the other hand, lore have
ordinances and procedures that we a'so have,
to fo110~/.
The meeting was adjourned by the Chairman at 8:55 p.m.
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~.MJA~ 1" ~~-
,~an "
Executive Director-Secretary