HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1972-03-09 . . . ~ ( (: MINUTES CITY OF SEAL BEACH rNVIRO~IE~rrAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD MARCH 9, 1972 REGULAR ~1EETING 7: 30 P. M. Cha1rman Lindstrow calls the meet1ng to order and leads in the Pledge of Allegl3nCe. ROLL CALL Present. Absent: Also Present: Chairman Lindstrom. Board t-'eTllbers Abramson, Cunningham, Killough. Sl.nger None Blll Llttle. Secretary APPROVAL OF l-H~UTES ~otlon by Cunnlngham. second by Abramson to approve the ~inutes of February 24, 1972. AYES. NOES: Abramson. Cunnlngham. Llndstrom, Klllough, Slnger None t-Iotion carr1.es. BOARD ITEt-fS Chair Introduces Item V A, further consideratlon of Recycling Center Site in Northern portlon of Clty. DiscussLon follows. frotlon by Lindstrom, second by Cunningham to rccommend setting up a center at the Rossmoor Shopplng Center. lfotJ.on is unaniJllously adopted. Chair 1ntroduces Item V B, progress of Indivldual Board .1embers on speciflc problems. Members report on the following topical areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. s. Kris Lindstrom: Ben Cunningham: Ralph Abramson: Frltz Slnger: Hadley Killough: "Stop the Coast Free,...ay" "Communlty NOlse" ".fobile Compaction Recycling SysteJTJ" "Offshore Drilhng" "Air Pollution Source control" Chalr introduces Item V C. d1Scusslon of Alr Pollution [missions emanating from nearby Power Generatlng Stations. DJ SCUSSlon follOl"'s regardlng an artJ.c1e wh1c'l1 appeared in bOt:l the Los Angeles Tlmes and the Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram regarding a study by a pro~essor from University of Callfornia, R1verslde, dlSCUSS1.on follows. It 1S the order of the Chatr to invlte reprcsentatJ.ves of hoth 0t"a1l~e and Los Angeles County APCD's Southern Cal1.fornL3. I:d1son Comr~ny, and Los Angeles Department of '~ater anti Power to attend the next regular meetlT'g and have them report on the progress of their rcspectlvc organiz~tl.on's progr~s to reduce alr pollution. Hr. Bill Compton, representlng Ed1son Co.. addresses thn Board regardlng the article in specif1c and Edison COJllpany generally. Co~pton IS quest10ned by Board ~'embers and later agrees to attend next meeting. Board t-fember Cunningh::J.Jll reIterates ~ethodology for bringtug about solution to probleJ:1. Slnger outlines dual fuel systeM h~ recently read about. \. , c (:' SECRETARY'S REPORT The secretary reported the progress of staff level environ~ental progra~s. . WRITTEN CO~,!1I1JNICATIONS ~~t~on by Cunningham. seconded by Klllough to receive and file all wrltten communica- tions. tfotion is unanlmously adopted. OAAL Cm~'tJNICATrONS There were no oral communications. Board tienber CunninghaM requests the followlng articles be 1ncluded in the ~inutes. Attached as Appendlx "A". ADJ OUR..'lt.II:NT Wlth unanl~OUS consent of the Board. the meeting was adJourned. THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY. PASSI:D. APPROVFD. AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of EQCB held on March 23, 1972. e ~~ ATTEST -- .