HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1972-02-24 . . . -, ( t: l-tINUTES CITY or SEAL BEACH ENVIRONHENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD FEBRUARY 24, 1972 REGULAR .IFETING 7:30 P.M. Chalrman Llndstrom calls the mcetlng to order and leads in the Pledge of Alleglance. ROLL C^LL Present: Absent: Also Present. Chaiman Llndstrom~ Board Members Abranson, CunningltaJl1. and Killough, Singe None 8111 Llttle, Sccretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~~tlon by Abramson, seco~d by Cunningham to approve the m1nutes of February 10, 1972. AYES' NOES: Abramson. Cunnlnghan, Llndstro~, Klllough~ Singer None rrotion carries. BOARD ITEMS Chalr J.ntroduces Ite~ V A, further consideratlon of Recycling Center Site in Northern portion of Clty. Flrechlef Adams presents facts to Board Whlch indlcate f1restation IS less deslreable than Boaro fIrst cons1dered. D1Scusslon follows. ~~tion by Lindstrom. second by K1llouglt to recind earlier motion of reco~endation to set up a center at the flrestation located adjacent to the Clty Rcservolr. ~IDtion is unanl~ously adopted. D1scussion follows regard1ng possible additlonal sites. SInger suggests a planned facility at the Proposed Heather Park site. t'ot10n by S1nger. second by Cunnlngham. to recoJllJl1end that Heather Park include a planned recycllng center facllity. .rotlon is unanl~ously adopted. Abramson asks that the minutes show that two recycling centers will soon be In operation in Leisure World. Chalr 1ntroduces Agenda Item V B, considerat10n of parklng study by Planning Department. DIScusslon follows. Board asks that 1t be kept informed of progress of report and recoMmended Solutlons to the problems it deflnes. Chair Introduces Item V C~ conslderation of Lnvlronmental Goals for Environmental Board for the purpose of establishing task orIented system of organlzation. The Board adopted a task oriented program of cnviornmental goals. where each Board~ meMber works on a subJect of hlS choice. These are as follo~s: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kris Lindstrom: Ben CunnlnghaJ'l: Ralph Abrar.lson: Frltz Slnger: Hadley KIllough. "Stop the Coast Freeway" "CoTI\Jlluni ty NOlse" "Hoblle Compaction Recycl1ng System" "Offshore Dr1lling" "Air Pollut10n Source Control" . e . ~ ( € SECRETARY'S REPORT The secretary reported the progress of staff level environmental programs. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Motion by Cunnlngham, seconded by Killough to recelve and file all written communications. .~tion is unanimously adopted. ORAL Cm1HUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. ADJOUlOO1ENT Wlth unanlmous consent of the Board, the meeting was adJourned. TlffiSE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of EQCB held on February 24. 1972. ~~ ATI'I:ST