HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1972-02-10 '".;. ( c MINUTES . CITY OF SEI\L BEACH ENVIRONHENT^L QU^LITY CONTROL BO^RD PEDRUARY 10, 1972 REGULAR I\fEI:TING 7:30 PH Cha1rman Llndstrom calls the rneetlng to order and leads in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Chairn.an Llndstrom, Board Hembers Abramson, Cunningham, and Killough Singer (Excused. DIScussion of absences follOWS.) Blll Little, Secretary APPROV^L OF I\IINUTES ~lot10n by Cunningham, sccond by Abramson to approve the r.Iinutes of January 27, 1972. AYES: NOES: Abra~son, Cunningham, Lindstrom) Killough None Motion carrics. BOARD ITE~tS Chalr Introduces IteM V A, further consideration of "Envirogenics" central refuse collectlon system. Mr. Douglas E. Thomas, of IEnvlrogen1cs". a Subsldlary of AcroJet General, briefly descrIbes the central refuse collection system and ltS application. lie then shows a movie and slides lllustrating its app11cation. D1scussion follows. e Board members question Tho~as regarding system's appllcation to older. higher density scctlon of Scal Beach. Board recommends that such a systcm 1170uld be more expediously planned during the upcoming ~Iaster Plan revlsion and refers Thomas to the Planning Comrnisslon. ChaIr introduces Item V B. further consideratlon of Pecycling Center Site In North- ern portlon of Clty. Sccretary reports that there are currently no sites available in thc Alpha Beta shopp~ng center adJacent to Lelsure ~orld. Board member Abramson indicates llttlc optimlsm about establishlng a center on Post Offlce property. D1Scusslon follows. MotIon by Cunnlngham, second by Klllough to recoMmend settJ.ng up a center at the flre station located adJac~nt to the Clty Reservoir. l\rotlon IS unanimously adopted. Chalr introduces Item V C, dlScussion of recycling proposal by Board wember Abramson. Discussion follows. SECRETARY'S REPORT Secretary offers brIef report regarclng Oakwood covered parklng question. . '~RITTEN COl-h\fU'JICATIONS Wrltten communlcatlons were received and flIed. ORAL COH11UNICATIONS There werc no oral cowmunlcations. .;:. ( € . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adJourned to the corner of Avalon and Crestv1ew at 10:30 a.m.. February 12. 1972 for a tour of the Gum Grove Park. THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY. ?Ass-/~' "IRI'I~ O~ " , ~~ ... et:JGb 14'~ , . A~t/aL1 - If, nJ,!.r . A ~,,~~ i'J/J ~.., ~ I'P,-z..