HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1973-12-06 .... ( ( MINUTES . ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1973 REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING 7:30 p.m. The Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach met in regular adjourned session in the City Council Chambers. The meeting was opened with Chairman Cunningham leading in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Biscoe, Cunningham, HaI"I'ington, Killough, Smedley None Bill Little, Secretary MINUTES Mot~on by Smedley seconded by Biscoe to approve the minutes of the meetings of Septe~~r l~, and November 15, _1973. Moti~n ,is' un~imo~sly.?-d~p~e~~__ _ ,,_. ' ...~_ __ '~~~:~ ~:::._:~(j1i~fi"-~iARI~~~_r_~'_~:-~-::"-- - - ~ -:.-=:_-~~- _:::-j: - :':':::-:'--~~:~;;-:;::~~~~-~~~f-;:-~~'.~: .:"7_7~~~~~ _ "ChaiI"J!lan -Cu~~~I!gham.-opened: -;he public~ hea~i_ngs _to. C(~)ll!~der~ ~. draft _~v~rq!l!De~~al ) ~ ~~=t.~ - --" - - -Impact--..Report for.-'!Old Ranch Townhouses", a 60 uri~ t cc5ndorn~nl.um aevelopment ~nclud- - .:~ ing approximately one-half acre of public park site. ' - The secretary indicated that notloces had been posted as required by law, then - ~ndicated that-t~e Board.~ad the written staff report-including-comment.from various city departments and other public agencies. -.....c--....., --- e However, it was noted that two comments had been received after the secretary prepared the written staff report, and furthermore that the Citizen Park Committee had requested that their comments be read verbatim into the public record. The secretary then read the report in its entirety. Chairman Cunningham asked if there were any members of the audience who had comment or felt that their were any areas in the ~epo~t that we~e inadequately covered. MI". David Miller, Bixby Rancy Company's Project Director on the proposed condo- minium development indicated that preparation of the EIR was not required and that Bixby had chosen to prepare it as an aide to planning of the pI'oj ect . He went on to descI'ibe the _features and amenities to be included in the pI'oposed pI'oject. Commander William Aulward, Public InfoI"1llation Officer at the Air Station, then indicated the Navy's objections to the pI'oject, which were primarily based upon the impact o~noise generated at the Air-Station on the proposed project~site. ....... -... :.=-~~--= . : =-.,::r- .. .. - .. - ..... - .... - ..", ..... - .... ~ .- -... .... - . ,a; .. ...._ __....-_ Mr.. .Bert -Aukerrnan,. represent long the Californloa Alor Natloonal Guard rei t~rated- sollte _ _ -.,; .=-: -;;:..:~ of the CommandeI"s comments noting that a repor~ recently prepared by the U.S. ' ~ - Army EnvironJllental Hygene Agency subEi.tantiated their claims. (Included as part of ": - -;,- _::;.;. EIR and -'public record";-). - He fUI"~her. indicated' -that fiight..patterns - had been..' . ~ :r.....~'.. ~.;.:... aI"I'anged ~n such a manneI' as to "dump" most of the sound generated on the project .. -.:-....."'''-:.-. site and complaints of noise in the College Park East area substantiated this also. . Mr. Ralph Martin, a planner with Walt Richardson & Associates, architects on the project, indicates that he too is a high flyer and knows something about flight patterns and noise and doubts that noise can be "dumped" as a1ledged. . ',=- ( { Kris Kelley, 4155 Birchwood and F'l'ank Lazlow, 4480 Candleberry are opposed to the location of the park suggesting that it would be better located at the southeast corner of the parcel. Kelley is also concerned with additional vehicular traffic generated by the project especially at Lampson and Seal Beach Blvd. during hours of peak conjestion. Kelley also indicates concern with the project's lack of provision for the storage of recreational vehicles. Ralph Martin outlines the reasoning behind the location of the park site noting that if the site is to serve an active recreational function it is best located as proposed in that it would have the least adverse impact in this location. Kris Kelley comments (reiteration). David Miller comments (reminding the Board of its function). Robert Dienstag, 4209 CandlebeI'I'Y, indicates that noise is really a problem in this area suggesting in summary that the best report would be one wherein all Board ........ .... -:.. members__stood on the:project site and listened _ e- .- . _e- _._ . -. -'. -_ -: --,r:::':._ - .: --;.: _" -~:_ :::; ...--:=~~ _.___ _..: -:.___ _:=_..= -~_=... "'_.."_" ~.. -.. _.: __ _.._ _ -=_ _... :-:_ .....:t..,~_....~; ~_::~:-~:~"__"_:~:_?~:~!..~~ Aukerman comments on the safety factor noting the number of flights -and the ratio. of -~ -=r:--:.~ inst:roment-guided flights to uninstrument-guided flights; further -indicating that ... ~,_~..:..-~ after the first of the year flights will increase by 50%. e . Robert Dienstag comments (reiteration). l<ris Lindstrom, 214 14th Street, comments on the impact report. James J. Schmidt, President of the College Park Homeowners Association presents the Association's objections to the EIR (attached). Bert Aukerman then suggests that action by the Board on the EIR for the condominiums be delayed until after February when the results of additional studies will be available. Dienstag comments (reiteration). The Chair asks if there is any additional comment from the audience. There being none discussion by the Board is ~n order. Board members discussion is primarily concerned with noise, traffic, air quality and park location. There being no further comment, the Chair declares the public hearing to be closed. The Board deliberates. --- -- ---- -. -... ---- _""100 -- "_-Motion-by Harrington, second by Killough, considering the_report sufficient with -the';"'--':::~~ following exceptions which require further study to- the satisfaction of the- Board: --,;;. :-_=~~ "-.. ,.- _....-:: ..... - .. - -- .. - -.. - ';7~..:...;. ~ - -- -J;';. -:..":.Noise:=i!Ilpact -from recently altered fli:gh"t:, patterns at tlte Naval: AII' - S~ation,;-= It~?=~~ - was alleged by Air Station representatives that the new flight patterns "dump" . -.: _..- substantially more noise on the 7.85 acre site than was previously the case - - ----- prior to alteration of those patterns. Additionally, the Ail' Station representa- tives indicated that a recently completed report substantiates these claims. The report should be included and addressed in your additional studies. Wherever possible, mitigation measures should be included. 2. Impact of different locations of the one-half acre park site, both as it would . e . " ( f[ serve active and passive recreational functions; essentially an outline of advantages and disadvantages of different sites serving different functions. 3. Inclusion of additional information possibly available through the Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District relative to lead oxide, SO and SO contaminant levels experienced in the area. (Sources cited in r~port we~e from O.C.A.P.C.D. monitoring stations.) 4. Impact of the project on traffic congestion at Seal Beach Blvd. and Lampson Ave. Motion is unanimously adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORT Secretary reports on recent discussions with the city's refuse collection contractor, and the status of the city's attempts to get rid of the large wooden containers along Seal Beach Blvd. Chair directs staff to write a letter to the managers of the Oakwood Apt. complex __indi.cating tqe .Boap4~s _dissatisfaction ~ith Oakwood's refusal to remove its _~ .......:~~-:...~ b~l-!b.oarci- at -:.the ci tv' s"'weste~l y ~n~rance ,-on Pacific "'-Coast Highway: -=.0__-_ --...-. - _ - -- -0_ -----~:::..;:~ - - .. -.. - -:," --..;:.~"":._~ Additionally, the Secretary is requested to report on the status of development of the P.E. Right-of-Way at the next meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were none. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. ADJOURNMENT Mot10n to adjourn is presented at approximately 10.15 p.m. and is unanimously adopted. A TAPE RECORDING OF THE ABOVE PUBLIC HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. THESE ARE TENTATIVE MINUTES ONLY SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY A MAJORITY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. _=_....-= . ~ - ~-::": - ",.. .....-... -- - ~ --Z:=~).__IL, - ... .. =--.:P_T':= ~ t-LJi-~ --<: -- Bill Little, Secretary ~ Attesting to their adoption - #... -.. _.:..~ -= :~ .........:;.. ::.:-:.-.. ~:.=.:::::......-::-::.....:::!. -~ .- 5.::. - . . . ~ ... - =_ ._4:::S,::::::= : - - ='f:.. --.:- ~- ...- :~:--:"""'.._- ....... ,,-..... - _... ... .. .....~ ...