HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQCB Min 1974-10-30 . t ( NINUTES OF THE E.Q.C.B. MEETIHG OF OCTOBER 30, 1974 The Environnenta1 Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach Qat in a joint study ~PS<';{)Jl Oil t!r:dY}c.""";J;'~ rctober 30, 1974, in the Council Chamber of the Administration Building. Tre meeting \'las called to order by Vice Chainnan Smedley of the E.Q.C.B., Chairman Lanning of the Planning Commission, and Chairman Harding of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Ripperdan led the Pledge to the flag. Present: SPledley, Biscoe, King, Knuti, Lanning, Ripperdan, Cook, Knapp, SChMitt, Harding, Case, Parelee, Payne, Torem Absent: Harrington Mr. Neprud opened this session by explaining location, lot size and the main concept behind development of the L.A. Dept. of Water and Po\~r property. Mr. Neprud introduced Mr. Dawson and ~Jr. Ualker from Seal Beach Associates. Mr. Ualker explained the building plan and pointed out the follo\'ling issues for discussion. 1. There \"/ould be a 3 acre park in this development. The Main question is should the park be secluded or open to the view of the public. As the plan is nO\1 drawn, the park is not readily visible to the public. The general co~sensus was that the park__should be wider near the 1 st St. _ parking lot --so - It -wi 11 -be ea~i ly__seen_. ___::- __~-=-- - -The~par-k:.will ~e-deeded-to-the Citi.- -- - ----,-- -bu---';f::-::-=..... """,,~l-;_-_:-_-_:__-_:_'--- ~=::-:...~-=-::-.:::., ~.J _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - ~- - -- m - vLc....b vc-c.u ::: v.::::c:. s - _: _ _.- -= ~, _ __"""_ -:..': -::: ..-\.. - -... _. _ _ I ... .. to _ _ ... _ .... __........ __,..,._~~~ ___7=- -.,_:~~~.::.~~:-.:.t~~...:p:lan :;-i~_n~~ _qr~\'lE J~;!1~s~-f;e1t ~5:.~!"e n!>t- aes~h~~ic~1_1y;: ple~~4J!g_-,,-:::..~r> -- -so- they were done-a\'1aY-\'11th-by uS1ng cul-de-sacs and curb cuts on 1st St. 1st -St; 0< -- .....-;; will be widened to 82 ft. The curb cuts will reduce the available on-street . parking by 40~. The Con1l11ssioners felt curb cuts should not be allowed and ~he streets should be widened to standard size inside the developrtent to allow for parking. Mr. King asked about the tunnels on the property. Mr. Dawson explained extensive geological work must be done. Mr. Dawson further explained hO\'1 the property near the river is lower than the lots bordering 1st St. Each lot in the develop- ment is a different size to create a unique atMosphere. The lots near the water are larger and the plan allows for one-story houses to be built. In order for the houses borderipg 1st St. to be of proportional size and have a nice view they will be pennitted to be t\'lO stories. ~lr. Cook felt the t\'t'O story houses bordering 1st St. would infringe on the viel" of the residents across the street. f"r. Da\/son explained this development \'lOu1d not exclude their neighbor's view completely. Mr. Schmitt is in opposition to the residential development, he felt it should be cOw.Mercia1 in nature. - - e - - -- - - Mr. Case asked hm'l the bonding could be aCCOMplished. Nr. Dawson explained the Redevelopment Agency would float bords and Seal Beach Assoc. ~Jill purchase them. - ~ - - Mr. Neprud announced the notices sent out for this joint study session .,.,ere in accordance \/i th the 1 aw. The meeting was adjourned at ~30 p.m. by Chairman lanning, Smedley. and Harding. ;/ I' d'/ ;/';'/ / //)f ~ ,. t / <<V(~. 4 t,,,:, .fC'j ,-_'::--., "- norm Hl kinson, Secretary . . . ..-' NOTICE or ADJOURNED I1[ETJNG -- The [nvlronmental Quality Control Doard, at its regular ~eeting of October 24, 1974, did, by unanimous vote adJourn to ~Iednesday, October 30, at 7:30 P.t1. in tile City Coul')cil Chamber of the City of Seal Beach, 211 8th St., Seal Beach, Ca11fornla. Dated thls date, October ?5, ~~ "orman S. Wi1kinsop .