HomeMy WebLinkAboutAAC Min 1997-05-21
MAY 21,1997
Vice-Chairperson Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 5:35 P.M. in the City Council
Members Fitzpatrick, Goldberg, Unatin, Willey, Young, and Chairperson
Frietze (5:40 PM)
Member Benjamin
Lee Whittenberg, Development Services Director
Craig Steele, Assistant City Attorney
Mr. Whittenberg informed the Committee that he has not heard from Chairperson Frietze,
and that Member Benjamin had called and indicated she would not be able to attend.
MOTION by Goldberg; SECOND by Willey to approve the Agenda as presented.
Members Goldberg, Johnston, Unatin, Willey, Young and Vice-
Chairperson Fitzpatrick
Members Benjamin and Chairperson Frietze
C \My Documcnts\ARCHCOMM\05-21-97 MlIlutes doc\LW\05-28-97
ArchaeologIcal AdvIsory Comnllttee
COlltmued Meetmg Mmutes
May 21,1997
Vice-Chairperson Fitzpatrick asked for oral communications from the audience There wee
1. Preparation of Committee Comments
And Receipt of Public Comments
Cultural Resources Section of
HeUman Ranch Specific Plan Draft EIR
Staff Comments
Mr. Whittenberg indicated this is the Archaeological Advisory Committee's second meeting to
receive public comments on the DEIR. A week ago the Archaeological Advisory Committee
conducted a meeting and determined to continue it to allow Archaeological Advisory
Committee members to prepare written comments and to receive additional public testimony.
Staff noted they provided copies of the Cultural Resources and other sections of the DEIR for
persons attending this meeting.
Once the Archaeological Advisory Committee has received public testimony tonight that will
conclude the opportunity for this committee to receive public input prior to the closing date for
comments on May 27th Persons who do not want to make oral comments may make their
comments in writing to the City. They should be received by May 27th but if for some reason
this is not possible, the City would still accept them two days later and would still include them
in the Response to Comments.
Mr Whittenberg next explained what a Response to Comments is and its preparation process.
Once the FEIR and the Response to Comments have been prepared, the Cultural Resources
section, as revised, will return to the Archaeological Advisory Committee for review and for a
recommendation to the EQCB The recommendation to the EQCB will be whether or not the
Cultural Resources DEIR section is adequate. The Archaeological Advisory Committee will
be looking at a revised document, not the one they originally looked at Secondly, the
Archaeological Advisory Committee will make a recommendation to the Planning Commission
as to whether or not the mitigation measures for the Cultural Resources section adequately
address the issues that need to be addressed. Once the Archaeological Advisory Committee
makes these two recommendations, that will conclude their involvement with the EIR. The
committee will still be involved with the field investigation work on the property. The main
work will be done by KEA Environmental Meetings will be scheduled with KEA to discuss
their Research Design and approach They will seek the committee's input on points you
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ArchaeologIcal AdvIsory CommIttee
Contmued Meetlllg Mmutes
May 21, 1997
would like them to consider as part of that Research Design. The public will also be allowed to
Craig Steele, City Attorney's Office, said the Archaeological Advisory Committee does not
intend to make a decision on a document. Therefore, this meeting is not a situation where the
testimony is intended to influence the members of this committee. He wanted to make the
audience aware that comments presented either to the EQCB of the Archaeological Advisory
Committee at a previous meeting will be a part of the DEIR and will be responded to. It is not
necessary to repeat comments that have already been presented to one of the two boards at
another session. This is a cumulative process of gathering information and that is why it's not
necessary to repeat comments.
Vice-Chairman Fitzpatrick asked members of the Committee if they had comments regarding
the Draft EIR. Member Johnston indicated she has not completed her review.
Member Unatin said he would cheat, and was going to read things he thought should be a part
of our comments on this document. Most of these comments were stolen from Moira Hahn.
He indicated everyone had copies of her comments and asked if the individual comments
needed to be read? Mr. Whittenberg said if he was going to reference comments which have
already been made by somebody else regarding this project we really don't need to hear them
again, other than to say that you agree with the comments made by a particular speaker.
Member Unatin said he wanted to take part of the overall list of reasons that we're dissatisfied
with the archaeologist's work that has been done, and the comments that we're making on this
ErR. Mr. Whittenberg asked if this was a full memo that Member Unatin intended to read into
the Record --- or parts of it? Member Unatin said some of the items in the memo were already
in Members Goldberg and Fitzpatrick comments. So it might be simpler to cross-reference
certain items.
Vice-Chairman Fitzpatrick indicated for the record that he submitted a memo with six concerns
regarding portions of the document. The concerns relate to the fact that: (1) aerial
photographs which were taken are not mentioned in the plan itsel~ (2) infra-red images which
were taken of the area are not mentioned in the DEIR; (3) additional methodologies regarding
the use of ground-probing radar could/should be employed to confirm the possible burial and
living areas reported on the site; (4) discussion regarding Redwine/Stickel investigations both
indicating possible religious significance to the area, this should be further investigated or
clarified; (5) clarification is requested regarding whether or not Redwine used contour maps or
sketches; (6) clarification of disagreement about artifacts at Ora-851. SRS states there were no
surface artifacts found at that site and this needs to be clarified.
Member Goldberg gave her comments on the April 1997 DEIR Cultural Resource section.
She said this property has been studied so many times and yet this report did not include a great
deal of information that is known and already recorded by other professional people The
following points need to be answered:
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ArchaeologIcal AdvIsory Comnllttee
COlltll/lled Meetll/g Mil/lites
May 21,1997
History ofEIR. DEIR does not estimate the potential archaeological resources
on the property that are mentioned in other studies.
This draft does not expand adequately on the information related to the site. It
falls short of the existing archaeological evidence.
It is important that cultural, religious significance be brought before the public
and all information be presented with clarity, honesty and truthfulness.
The DEIR Cultural Resource section has left out material that could hamper
the site done by KEA.
It would be in the best interest of all if this report not be accepted and it is done
over by SRS with all information that is available in order for an adequate
evaluation of the property to take place Since this firm has not shown good
faith at other times, I strongly recommend that another firm be hired to do the
Cultural Resources section of the DEIR which will meet the approval of the
City as well as the Native American community.
Member Willey said her comments are only partially complete. She asked Mr Bartlett
ifhe could give a rough estimate on the number of feet for the site's boundary from
Pacific Coast Highway to Seal Beach Boulevard? Mr. Bartlett said the only way he
could give her an answer was from his own recollection. When the residential homes
were sited, as was part of the current plan for the saltwater marshes --- that distance
was over 2500'. Member Willey and Mr. Bartlett referenced a map and discussed her
question. Mr. Bartlett stated the total distance was probably over 3,000 feet
Member Willey said she asked this because as a professional archaeologist she has had
the advantage oflooking at and studying the maps that various archaeologists provide.
Looking at the mapping process, there is a serious discrepancy in a couple of the maps
that the archaeologists have done Specifically, the maps appear in the DEIR, prepared
by SRS, indicate that that length --- from Seal Beach Boulevard to Pacific Coast
Highway, based on their scales is around 4,900 feet. When you look at Stickel's map
which has the same configuration, based on their scales, his distance is 3,230 feet
There is a significant discrepancy in the data. Somebody is incorrect and they are off
by over 1500 feet. This is a critical number that needs to be solved.
Member Willey criticized the lack of use of data in the Cultural Resources section She
said she did a rough estimate of the bluff area where the homes will go. According to
Dr. Stickel, roughly about 81 % of that area is archaeological site. She was guessing
because she didn't have time to do rough figuring. As an estimate, 40% is what SRS
estimates that the site boundaries encompass of that area. Again, this relates to a later
point. When you look at the tables in the DEIR, Table 1.2, CR-3, one of the
comments which is made in that section is "confirmation whether each archaeological
site on the Hellman Ranch Specific Plan is important under CEQA", I don't believe
that can be detennined by the literature search alone, especially as things stand now
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ArchaeologIcal AdVIsory Comn/lttee
Contmued Meetmg Mmlltes
May 21, 1997
Regarding CR-5B, there is a mention of use of a mechanical program for digging,
preferably auguring. She would see that to be limited only to auguring as the only type
of mechanical excavation to be used on the site. Most of these sites are extremely
shallow. To use mechanical equipment would very likely damage features and perhaps
remove them completely. She wanted to see this change made. Another statement in
CR-5B in terms of details of determining the scope and the extent of testing, they
suggest one two-meter by two-meter square for testing purposes. She said this is
inadequate and should be made by the City's archaeologist. To propose a mitigation of
this limited scale, with the lack of knowledge we have, makes her very uncomfortable
Regarding CR-9 and CR-12, there is a statement "To be monitored by a qualified
archaeologist". She was not certain what that statement means. Do they mean a
qualified archaeologist in addition to KEA's archaeologist or, are they talking about the
principal investigative archaeologist of KEA as that qualified archaeologist? This
statement needs clarification.
Section 5.8, page 5-141, makes a statement about the most recent maps being used
But when you look at the maps provided by SRS it is blatantly obvious that they did
not use Dr. Stickel's latest maps. This needs to be remedied.
Page 5-142, significance of the site is based on the number and diversity of the artifacts.
SRS is attempting to make that determination from the literature search alone This is
not possible. It certainly cannot be done at this point because there is too much data
missing All of the 700 bags of artifacts from LSA is a significant set of data which just
isn't there There is just not enough data to make that kind of determination at this
time. It needs to be left to KEA.
Page 5-144. The statement is made that only one archaeological site in the Redwine
complex is qualified as a late pre-historic site. That's based on artifactual materials
among which are things like a steatite bowl, mortars and pestles which are listed in the
artifactual material. There are at least two sites that have those same components To
say there is only one site is a distortion of the archaeological record as it stands now
It's too early to make those kinds of statements.
Table 5-15 needs to be clarified. There are a number of places where ERA's data is
listed. When they talk about site size and depth the comment is made <eN/ N' (not
applicable). Again, because the latest site maps that Dr. Stickel provided were not
used, there is an indication that that site no longer exists. There are small to relatively
large remnants in Gum Grove Park which we expect to remain in an "as is" condition
She found it misleading to say that those sites and/or remnants of the sites don't exist--
- this is the implication.
She didn't get any further than this and before May 27th the remainder of her comments
will be submitted in written form
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ArchaeologICal AdvIsory Comnllttee
Camllll/ed Meetlllg Mlllutes
May 21, 1997
Member Unatin said he didn't like to see the religious significance of the area blurred in
the document. This aspect should be expanded upon. It may be a portion ofPuwnga
and this should have been noted but was left out. He also said it underestimates the
potential significance of the archaeological resources and it completely ignores the
cultural and religious sacred use of the site by California Native Americans Again
there is little, ifany, interpretation of the cultural significance.
There were no additional comments from members of the Committee, and Mr
Whittenberg suggested it would now be appropriate to receive comments from the
public, unless members of the Committee had additional comments.
Member Goldberg said although their individual comments will be addressed in the
Response to Comments, she was hoping the Committee could write, tonight, their
opinion on a few of the issues they talked about --- so they have representation from
the committee's point of view.
Member Unatin asked staff if one of the things the Archaeological Advisory Committee
was to do was to endorse the opinion that staff had written up or, not to endorse it?
Mr. Whittenberg said the staff report indicated that the Archaeological Advisory
Committee does not need to make a recommendation at this point regarding the
adequacy of the DEIR. When the FEIR is prepared, the Archaeological Advisory
Committee will be asked for that. Now, comments are needed on what needs to be
improved upon, expanded upon, clarified etc.
Public Comments
Vice-Chainnan Fitzpatrick requested public comments regarding the Draft EIR
Dr. John Jeffiedo]
Dr. JefUedo said he saw many problems. In 1997, the State of California Repatriation
Board recognized that the islands and a narrow strip of land along the coast as a
separate culture, Maritime Shoshone culture. This should not be treated the same as
the mainland. He feels all of the writings and various investigations lumped it together
with the mainland Gabrielino. It's a different culture entirely and they don't go
together And any conclusions that you make are going to be in error He is a lineal
descendent of that culture, and he has investigated it for the last four years.
Moira Hahn
Ms Hahn asked Mr. Steele about the Brown Act. Ms. Hahn said Member Goldberg
was nice enough to have given her a copy of her letter and she said she would like to
have copies of the written comments for her own records. Also, she submitted written
comments to the Committee. Does the Brown Act say the public can have those
comments? Because she would like them to be aware of her thoughts and research on
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ArchaeologIcal AdvIsory Committee
Contl1llled Meetl1lg Ml1lutes
May 21,1997
this issue. Mr. Steele replied that all the documents that contain written comments will
be part of the FEIR. Those will all be available to persons who have the document.
The Brown Act says that documents, presented to a board like this one, are covered by
the Brown Act and are to be available to the public as is practical When they're
submitted by persons in the audience to the board, it's often not possible to make
copies for a crowd like this, at that time. In response to a question from Ms Hahn,
Mr. Steele said copies would be available to those people who wanted them from the
EQCB's minutes. It's not a situation where we're trying to anticipate what documents
would be available for different bodies. Ms. Hahn asked since the Committee has made
copies of their comments for other Committee members, could copies also be made for
the audience? Mr. Steele said the Brown Act permits us to do just about anything as
far as making meetings more open and making documents available to the public It's
not something the Brown Act requires. All of the records that are submitted to the
City on this issue, with the exception of some professional archaeological records that
are exempt from public records requirements, all of those documents are available to
persons who are interested as a part of the public record. That's a separate issue from
the Brown Act. The documents that are presented to you, in the midst of a meeting,
the public is entitled to look at those documents. And if you ask tonight whether you
could have a copy of one particular document you are certainly welcome to do that as
soon as we can make a copy, which will be tomorrow, since we are now past normal
business hours of the City
Ms. Hahn asked if the public would have to wait until tomorrow to receive copies of
the written Committee comments? Mr. Steele said that was the practical impact.
because we're here meeting past normal business hours. And staff will be happy to
make those for you.
Ms. Hahn said she was asking because she would like her written comments to be
available to the public She also stated she had talked to the State Office of Historic
Preservation today. The analyst that will be reviewing the Hellman work is Dwight
Duchtky. He checked though his office and could not find the DEIR. He did not say it
wasn't sent, but he couldn't find it. He asked her to ask the City to send it again so
they have time to comment.
Ms. Hahn said Dr Stickel's data that was left out ofSRS's review has another impact,
one which she had not considered previously; she is not through with her comments
Dr. Stickel's site 260 was estimated to be much larger than SRS's It looks to her as
though it extends into Gum Grove Park. When they put the fire road in and other
improvements, that may very well impact Site 260 in Gum Grove Park. She wanted
the Committee to take a careful look at that issue. There are quite a number of
artifacts that were noted in previous surveys, such as the steatite bead, which is pretty
unusual for this area. She did not find this in the SRS inventory.
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ArchaeologIcal AdvIsory CommIttee
COlltll/ued Meetll/g Mil/utes
May 21,1997
She also questioned why SRS was preparing this section for the City because the City
worked so hard to include Native Americans. A democratic process was involved and
everyone selected KEA. Her feeling is that KEA should have written this part of the
She further indicated the site estimates were really grossly underestimated from the
maps provided by Dr. Stickel. There were artifacts that weren't mentioned. There are
a lot of steatite artifacts that weren't mentioned, and they indicate probably maritime
trading patterns with Catalina and the Channel Islands. One particular artifact that SRS
did not mention was a steatite sucking tube that was showed to Redwine on Site 264.
That's the designation which is at the State Office of Historic Preservation, and SRS
may have given it a different site number. This is a very important artifact that shows
religious views. Additionally, there is a lot of burial data coming to the City which was
not covered by Dr. DeSautels group, SRS. She wanted to bring this to the
Committee's attention This information is in the document that was submitted to the
EQCB last night. For members of the public who would like a copy, the cut-off date is
May 27th.
Ms. Hahn did not see any information about Landing Hill sites directly across from the
site on the Naval Weapons Station According to the State's Office of Historic
Preservation, there are sites across the street from the project site, at least one of which
was contiguous before the construction of Seal Beach Boulevard, that is eligible for the
National Register She thinks that indicates a potential for increased value of this site.
In addition, Leonard Cutuli faxed a map of a Native American cemetery on the
Hellman project site. She wants the consultant who prepares the DEIR to take that
into consideration and research it. Mr Whittenberg verified this infonnation was
included in the written documentation provided by Ms Hahn at the EQCB meeting of
May 20th.
Ms. Hahn continued, indicating the ethnographic component needs to be worked on.
The City need to include the opinions of living Native Americans and people that have
a history of growing up on that property, from the pre-historic to the historic period
Member Unatin said he had forgotten one concern that should be on our list I don't
feel that Dr. DeSautels recommendation in the EIR that the City excavates only one
two meter square unit per archaeological site on the site where the last professional
consultant employed by the City, recorded that the State Archives, is covering 42,980
square meters. This would not constitute an adequate scientific sample. I thought that
was very important.
Adrea Stoker
Ms. Stoker said she was from Long Beach, CA. She felt the committee was very
knowledgeable and ethical. She asked who would maintain the wetlands after the first
five years. She added that project monitors have conveniently overlooked human
05-21-97 Minutes doc
ArchaeologICal AdvIsory Committee
Contmued Meetmg Mmutes
May 21,1997
remains and artifacts. Could a committee of perhaps 30 Native American volunteers be
formed to drop by, one or two at a time, to monitor the monitor? The final report on
the mitigation-monitoring program for each project developed under the Hellman
Ranch Specific Plan will be kept in the relevant project files at the City of Seal Beach,
attention Mr. Lee Whittenberg. She said she gave Lee Whittenberg a report on Nancy
DeSautel's slap suit a number of weeks ago and it's conveniently lost. A few Native
Americans have applied to positions on this advisory board and those have been lost ---
both of those were lost by Mr. Whittenberg But he seems to be in charge.
Vice-Chairman Fitzpatrick determined that no one else wished to speak.
Mr. Whittenberg said that if that concludes the public comments on the Cultural
Resources section of the document, that will conclude this agenda item, unless the
committee members have concluding comments. He asked for written documents to
be submitted by May 27th.
MOTION by Goldberg; SECOND by Young to close the public comment period on
the Cultural Resource Section of the DEIR.
Members Goldberg, Johnston, Unatin, Willey, Young,
and Vice-Chairman Fitzpatrick
Members Benjamin and Chairperson Frietze
Member Goldberg asked if their regular meeting was June 4th they won't be prepared for
anything on the DEIR. She asked ifthere was anything else on that Agenda?
In response to the concern of Member Goldberg, Mr. Whittenberg said he had only received a
couple of items for the June 4th meeting. KEA Environmental, under their contract terms, is
scheduled to have at least two meetings with the Archaeological Advisory Committee and one
meeting with the City Council to discuss the Research Design process They could come June
4th to meet with this committee. This committee would then be in the position to let KEA
present their qualifications, background and approach. It would be a good time for the
committee as a whole to come forward with ideas for KEA to consider as they're preparing a
research design The public would also have a comment period. KEA would have their
archaeological and ethnological people present too.
05-21-97 Mmutes doc
Archaeologtcal Advtsory Comnltttee
COlltmued Meetmg Mmutes
May 21,1997
This meeting time has not been verified with all ofKEA's staff, but it appears very
positive at this time. Member Goldberg asked ifKEA could bring some information
regarding the island and mainland tribal groups for the information of the Committee? Mr
Whittenberg indicated he would discuss that with KEA.
MOTION by Johnston; SECOND by Willey to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m. There being
no objections, it was so ordered by Vice-Chairman Fitzpatrick.
Archaeological Advisory Committee
~e Whittenberg, Secretary
Archaeological Advisory Committee
Note: These Minutes are tentative until approved by the Archaeological Advisory
The Archaeological Advisory Committee Minutes of May 21, 1997 were approved on
/!tf-/(;;-VcS r ~ .1997.
05-21-97 Mmutes doc