HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC AG PKT 2003-07-28 #G AGENDA REPORT
DATE: July 28, 2003
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: John Bahorski, City Manager
SUBJECT: Certification of Recognized Bargaining Unit
Confidential, Supervisory, Professional & Technical Employees
Council to approve the certification of the Confidential, Supervisory, Professional and Technical
Employees into a recognized bargaining unit represented by CEA (City Employees Association).
The City has received a petition from the Confidential, Supervisory, Professional & Technical
employees (currently unrepresented employees) to form a recognized bargaining unit, called the
Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association. All requirements of Chapter 16A of the
Municipal Code have been met and CEA agrees to all provisions of Chapter 16A of the Code.
No objections to the certification have been received.
CEA has agreed to the removal of three positions from the unit on the basis of "common
interests and access to confidential information ". Those positions are the City Clerk, an elected
position, the Associate Planner position and the Secretary to the City Manager position.
No fiscal impact.
With the a • : • al of the onsent calendar, Council will approve the certification of the Seal
B- . . - sors . ' ' ofessionals Association as a recognized bargaining unit.
,...edir .
Jo ■ :. Bahorski, City Manager
/P. chment: Request for Certification, By -laws, Petition
Agenda Item G
CEA City Employees Associates
254 B Lindero Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90803
562- 433 -6983 (voice)
562- 433 -1264 (fax)
June 25, 2003
Ginger Bennington, Administrative Assistant
City of Seal Beach
211 8th Street
Seal Beach, C A 900740.
Dear Ms. Bennington,
The Confidential, Supervisory, Professional and Technical employees of the City of Seal
Beach have formed an employees association and are submitting the enclosed documents to
request the Association's exclusive recognition as representative for the
Confidential/Supervisory/ Professional/Technical employees bargaining unit.
Pursuant to Personnel Ordinance Section 16A -9, the enclosed information is provided. If you
have questions or foresee difficulties, would you please give me a call? Thank you for your
Robin Nahin, Association Staff
Seal Beach Professionals
and Supervisors Association
2118th Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
June 24, 2003
Ginger Bennington, Administrative Assistant
City of Seal Beach
211 8th Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740.
Dear Ginger,
As you may know, members of our ( "unrepresented ") bargaining unit have signed
petitions to certify the Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association as the
exclusive representative for the employees covered by our current Terms and Conditions
of Employment. Toward this end, we have retained the professional assistance of Robin
Nahin, Mike Gaskins, and Attorney Michael Koskie and Dave Twedell at City
Employees Associates.
CEA is a labor relations consulting service in Long Beach and they currently represent
several dozen city employees associations. We ask that you work with them as our legal
representatives. If all goes well, CEA will also be assisting us in the future with contract
negotiations, grievances, disciplinary appeals, "non- labor" legal advice, a newsletter, and
other educational materials.
We think you will find our new staff cooperative and productive to our mutual interests,
and we request that you consider them our authorized representatives. CEA's office is at
254 -B Lindero, Long Beach, CA 90803; their phone number is (562) 433 -6983; their fax
is (562) 433 -1264 and their email address is cea01 @charter.net.
Robin should be contacting you to say hello, to pick up any documents we may not have
been able to provide, and to discuss the steps involved in the certification process. We
look forward to a continued successful relationship with the City and want to thank you,
in advance, for your assistance in familiarizing our staff with our workplace.
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Pam Morris
SBPSA (interim) President
Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association
Request for Recognition
The Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association hereby petitions the City of Seal
Beach for recognition as the exclusive representative for the Confidential/
Supervisory/ Professional /Technical Employees Bargaining Unit. Pursuant to Seal Beach City
Code Section 16A -9, the enclosed information is provided:
1. The name of the organization is the Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals
Association. The address is 211 8th Street, Seal Beach CA 90740.
2. Names and title of the offiers are:
♦ Pamela Morris, President;
♦ Kathleen McGlynn, Vice - President;
♦ Carmen Alvarez, Secretary - Treasurer.
3. The organization has as its primary purpose representing employees of the City of Seal
Beach in their relations with the City. A copy of the attached bylaws was approved by the
members of the Association at a meeting on June 24, 2003. The Association is not an
affiliate of any other labor organization and has no constitution.
4. The organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color, creed, national
origin or sex.
5. A petition signed by the majority of members in the bargaining unit, verifying support for
Association recognition, is attached.
6. The Association agrees to all the provisions of the Seal Beach City Code.
7. Representatives of the Association for notice purposes are
♦ Robin Nahin, City Employees Associates, 254 -B Lindero Ave Long Beach, CA 90803
♦ Pamela Morris, Association President, 211 8th Street, Seal Beach CA 90740
(b) The attached petition is signed by more than 50% of the employees in the bargaining unit.
Based on the Seal Beach City Code's limitations regarding professional, confidential and
supervisory employees' participation in the same bargaining units as non - professional, non-
confidential, non - supervisory employees, the Association requests a waiver of the
requirement for the filing of a petition on behalf of 15% of all full -time City employees.
Robin Nahin, Association Staff Pamela Morris, Association P esid nt
Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association
Request for Recognition
The Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals Association hereby petitions the City of Seal
Beach for recognition as the exclusive representative for the Confidential/
Supervisory/ Professional/Technical Employees Bargaining Unit. Pursuant to Seal Beach City
Code Section 16A -9, the enclosed information is provided:
1. The name of the organization is the Seal Beach Supervisors and Professionals
Association. The address is 211 8th Street, Seal Beach CA 90740.
2. Names and title of the offiers are:
♦ Pamela Morris, President;
♦ Kathleen McGlynn, Vice - President;
• Carmen Alvarez, Secretary - Treasurer.
3. The organization has as its primary purpose representing employees of the City of Seal
Beach in their relations with the City. A copy of the attached bylaws was approved by the
members of the Association at a meeting on June 24, 2003. The Association is not an
affiliate of any other labor organization and has no constitution.
4. The organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color, creed, national
origin or sex.
5. A petition signed by the majority of members in the bargaining unit, verifying support for
Association recognition, is attached.
6. The Association agrees to all the provisions of the Seal Beach City Code.
7. Representatives of the Association for notice purposes are
• Robin Nahin, City Employees Associates, 254 -B Lindero Ave Long Beach, CA 90803
• Pamela Morris, Association President, 211 8th Street, Seal Beach CA 90740
(b) The attached petition is signed by more than 50% of the employees in the bargaining unit.
Based on the Seal Beach City Code's limitations regarding professional, confidential and
supervisory employees' participation in the same bargaining units as non - professional, non-
confidential, non - supervisory employees, the Association requests a waiver of the
requirement for the filing of a petition on behalf of 15% of all full -time City employees.
/ /'7-°.3 /
Robin Nahin, Association Staff Pamela Morris, Association President
The purpose of the Association shall be to represent member rights and interests in
their working relations with the City of Seal Beach as provided in the Meyers- Milias-
Brown Act.
A. ACTIVE MEMBER: Any employee in the bargaining unit who pays dues to the
B. VOTING RIGHTS: Each Active Member shall be entitled to one vote on each
matter submitted to a vote of the general membership.
C. DUES: Due Dues shall be established by majority vote of Active Members. The
Board of Directors shall establish methods of payment.
D. GAINING MEMBERSHIP: Membership may be effected by application to any
member of the Board of Directors.
E. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP: A member may resign by written notice to the
A. The officers shall be the President, Vice - President, Treasurer, Secretary, and one
Director. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and
by parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
B. The officers and directors, each of whom shall be a member of the Association,
shall be elected by secret ballot to serve for one year or until their successors are
elected and their term of office shall begin immediately after election.
C. No member shall hold more than one office simultaneously or for more than two
consecutive erms:
D. Nominations for officers and directors shall be made at a general membership
meeting in July of each year. The Secretary shall prepare materials for a secret
ballot vote to be conducted in August of each year, containing names of those
nominated for each office.
' E. The highest number of votes for their respective office shall elect the President,
Vice - President, Secretary and Treasurer. Directorships shall go to those obtaining
the highest vote totals in the election for Director.
F. The Vice - President shall perform the duties of the President in the latter's absence.
G. The Treasurer shall receive, manage and disburse Association funds as directed
by the full Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall produce and maintain
meaningful and current records of Association financial status, and shall make
them available upon request to members.
H. The Treasurer shall receive, manage and disburse Association funds as directed
by the full Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall produce and maintain
meaningful and current records of Association financial status, and shall make
them available upon request to members.
I. The Secretary shall maintain current membership records, distribute Association
communications, and effect and maintain current records of Association
communications, Board actions, and other pertinent materials.
J Directors shall participate with the other officers in reviewing and effecting policy
decisions of the Association on all matters, including the decision to call for
membership meetings and votes unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. The
Board of Directors shall annually develop an operating budget for the Association,
and control and direct paid staff.
K. Each officer and director shall have one vote. Decisions of the Board shall be by
majority vote. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be four members of
the Board of Directors.
L. A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board. A vacancy may be left unfilled.
M. A member of the Board may be removed for cause by majority vote of the general
membership, in secret ballot.
N. The Board of Directors may reschedule an election until such a time as there are
eligible candidates.
A. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: An annual general membership meeting
shall be held in July. The principal purpose of this meeting shall be to nominate
candidates for the Board of Directors.
by majority vote of The Board of Directors. No MOU between the Seal Beach
Supervisors and Professionals Association and the City of Seal Beach on wages,
hours or other terms and conditions of employment shall be valid unless ratified in
a special general membership meeting.
C. NOTICE: All general membership meetings shall be announced to members, in
writing, in a manner which assures their timely awareness of said meetings. The
principal subject(s) of said meetings shall be contained in the notice.
D. QUORUM: A quorum for the transaction of business at any general membership
meeting shall be 20% of all members enrolled at the time the meeting occurs.
E. ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business at all Association meetings shall
be determined and adhered to by the President. No business, other than the
business of which was set forth in the notice of the meeting, may be conducted at
all General or Special Association meetings.
F. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS: Meetings shall be called by the President
or a majority of members of the Board of Directors. All Association members are
entitled to attend these meetings.
The Board of Directors may designate committees of fixed purpose and duration.
Committees shall be subordinate to the Board and shall not have authority to bind City
Employees Associates but for Board or general membership approval. Committees
may include, but are not limited to, negotiations; grievance and appeal; medical
advisory; and political action. Committee size, composition, purpose, and duration shall
be determined and controlled by the Board of Directors.
A. EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS: Financial transactions shall be effected by
signature of the President or Vice - president, and the Treasurer. The signature of
the President or Vice - president shall validate other official communications of the
B. DISSOLUTION: In event of dissolution of the Association, the Board of Directors
shall assure even and equitable disbursal of final assets to current active
C. AFFILIATION OR SUBSUMATION: The Association shall not affiliate with or be
-- - - - --- -- - --- - -- - -- - subsumed_by another_ organization_ b ut_ f or _a_2 /_3_v_ote_of_ALL-member-s, voting =in- - - -:__ _
secret ballot, conducted by a recognized independent agent.
A. The General Membership Bylaws may be amended as necessary.
B. B. Association members may vote.
' C The General Membership Bylaws may be amended at a general membership
meeting by a majority vote of 50% plus one of the valid eligible votes cast. Such
amendments shall become effective immediately upon adoption, unless otherwise
specified, and the bylaws under which the Association has operated heretofore
shall be deemed repealed.
D. Notice of proposed amendments to these articles must be submitted in writing to
the Association membership by the Association board at least fifteen working days
prior to a general membership meeting.
E. In the event of any ambiguity in these Bylaws, they shall be interpreted to conform
to law
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